<@ctskarl=5bm=5d:libera.chat> i have a portal question. If a user is loggen in in the portal (main domain management.domain.tld), then e.g. visits element (element.domain.tld) and klicks on the yunohost logo to come back to the portal, the portal appears under element.domain.tld. this works basicaly fine, except passwort change. if the user trys to change the password he receives "you must be logged into the portal" and change is not executed. I assume because it needs to be done under management.domain.tld. Is there any good way to redirect them correct?
<ynhuser> hello, pls help me, where i can find the admin password for wordpress site??
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> ynhuser: it's the selected user's YunoHost password
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> you may check their permissions in YunoHost's Permissions panel, the permission name is "Wordpress (admin)"
<unixfruit[m]> Why hello therew
<unixfruit[m]> there
<ynhuser> still need username and passwd
<ynhuser> oh this is the same with the account @@
<ynhuser> how to increase upload limit?
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> 🪄
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> ynhuser: you will need to edit the file `/etc/php/7.3/fpm/pool.d/wordpress.conf` if I remember correctly. I'm sure there is some threads on the forum about it.
<Ludo16> hello?
<Guest6341> hello
<Guest6341> ?
<@tio=5bm=5d:libera.chat> hey guys how do I enable public registrations for wallabag?
<@tio=5bm=5d:libera.chat> `/var/www/wallabag2/app/config/parameters.yml`
# fosuser stuff
fosuser_registration: true
<@tio=5bm=5d:libera.chat> I set up
<@tio=5bm=5d:libera.chat> still does not work
<@tio=5bm=5d:libera.chat> need to resatrt any service?
<@tio=5bm=5d:libera.chat> * need to restart any service?
<@tio=5bm=5d:libera.chat> had to remove the cache with `php bin/console cache:clear -e prod`
<romulofranco> Hi guys
<romulofranco> I am getting from google deceptive site, I did many things here to fix that, but it remains
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> romulofranco: hello, and welcome! We have an extension discussion thread about it on the forum. No complete resolution so far, alas.
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> extensive*
<romulofranco> oh ok... thanks
<romulofranco> I can wait for...
<@alexio=5bm=5d:libera.chat> > <@romulofranco:libera.chat> I am getting from google deceptive site, I did many things here to fix that, but it remains
for me it worked to use the free subdomain from YunoHost as default domain (*.nohost.me or *.noho.st or *.ynh.fr) for my server, instead of my top-level registered domain.
<Kukelekuuu> Hi folks, I just installed my first Yunohost server on my own VPS.
<Kukelekuuu> After installing everything I now notice I can no longer reach the server via ssh: it does not take my key anymore and I don't know of any username/password. Can someone help me with this?
<Kukelekuuu> Also I would like to close port 22 for all IP addresses except my own for obvious reasons. But I cannot do this with the Yunohost firewall. Is there any other supported way?
<@navan=5bm=5d:libera.chat> Hiya! When you first install YunoHost
<@navan=5bm=5d:libera.chat> It disables ssh for all users except the admin user
<@navan=5bm=5d:libera.chat> So you can access the server by running `ssh admin@yourvps`
<@navan=5bm=5d:libera.chat> the admin password is the password you set
<Kukelekuuu> Ah, guess I have to wait for fail2ban to let me in know :P
<Kukelekuuu> Is there any way to speed that up?
<@navan=5bm=5d:libera.chat> to let any other user be able to ssh with their username and password, you need to give them ssh permission from the webmin
<@navan=5bm=5d:libera.chat> I’m not aware :(
<@navan=5bm=5d:libera.chat> It bans you for 10 minutes after 10 failed attempts
<@navan=5bm=5d:libera.chat> https://yunohost.org/en/security
<@navan=5bm=5d:libera.chat> Read this page to know more about securing SSH on YunoHost
<Kukelekuuu> I actually do not want anyone to be able to login with a username/password. Only with a key. I do not see an option for that in the webmin panel? Or should I not be logged in as an admin?
<Kukelekuuu> If I can figure out how my previous user was disabled that would be the easiest to re-enable it I think? And then set "sudo yunohost settings set security.ssh.password_authentication -v no"?
<ynhuser|24780> hi