<smoothoperatorgr[m]> hello all!
anyone selfhosts pleroma? how do I get to see more servers in the known network?
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> also I get this:
> Sorry, this app must be installed on a domain of its own, but other apps are already installed on the domain 'smoothdream.me'. You could use a subdomain dedicated to this app instead.
but the gui doesnt give an option to install in subdomain...
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> maybe I should add the subdomain in the domains? and if I do that do I need to add any DNS entries?
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> > maybe I should add the subdomain in the domains? and if I do that do I need to add any DNS entries?
Hello and welcome!
Yes that's what you need to do. Create a subdomain first, set its DNS records and install the app.
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> ok cool! thanks!
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> tituspijean: oh and in the DNS do I need all of the entries doublicated with subdomain. in front? or just A * subdomain.domain.tld
A @ subdomain.domain.tld?
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> I don't quite remember, check the documentation.
Depending on your registrar you can even setup automated DNS recording.
If you do it manually, it's up to you. Personally I diverged from the doc and used a wildcard * to direct any subdomain to the main domain with A and AAAA records.
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> ok cool! thanks
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> one more question I got for the room:
I tried adding an ssh key in yunohost and it failed any way I tried
I tried with
`sudo yunohost user ssh add-key admin ~/yh.pub`
`sudo yunohost user ssh add-key admin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx`
and both fail
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> it seems there is a bug, it complains about homedirectory or something
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> > it seems there is a bug, it complains about homedirectory or something
Please precise what's the error.
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> My guess is you need to put the absolute path. `~` is a relative path and will point to `/root` when YunoHost commands run.
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> ```
sudo yunohost user ssh add-key admin /root/yh.pub
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/yunohost", line 71, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/__init__.py", line 25, in cli
ret = moulinette.cli(
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/__init__.py", line 111, in cli
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/interfaces/cli.py", line 505, in run
ret = self.actionsmap.process(args, timeout=timeout)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/actionsmap.py", line 586, in process
return func(**arguments)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/user.py", line 1315, in user_ssh_add_key
return yunohost.ssh.user_ssh_add_key(username, key, comment)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/ssh.py", line 56, in user_ssh_add_key
user["homeDirectory"][0], ".ssh", "authorized_keys"
KeyError: 'homeDirectory'
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> Ah yeah OK. It's a bit confusing sorry.
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> That command is for YunoHost users. `admin` is a bit special and not listed as a user.
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> https://yunohost.org/en/security#ssh-authentication-via-key
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> You need to use the `ssh-copy-id` command, or directly add your one-liner key in `/home/admin/.ssh/authorized_keys`
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> cool thanks a lot!
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> Im thinking we should handle that though, while Alekswag[m] works on the `admins` group.
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> there is no directory .ssh? is that the correct place?
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> and if I make the dir and file then how to make it work or it sources it automaticly?
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> You may create it, as well as the authorized_keys too
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> ok
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> The command executed from your local computer may be easier though ;)
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> (The `ssh-copy-id` command I mean)
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> wierd, it asks for password?
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> where to edit that it should not ask for password?
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> What asks for a password?
<hutchinson2[m]> Hello, Are you interested in making $1,500 plus additional $500 for diligence and hardwork in two weeks (legit) by sparing just 15/30 minutes of your time every 48hrs without no start up fee ? If yes get back to me for more details
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> ssh into with key provided asks for admin password
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> Smooth Operator GR (xyz): hum... restart the ssh service, maybe?
<@titus=5bm=5d:libera.chat> Are you sure your key is on one line only? It should start with `ssh-rsa`, a space and then the public key
<ivanyunohost> Hi all, after my migration 4->11 failed, I flash a new .img and run it. But it doesn't load fully. First thing I see when connected to a montitor - request to select a keybord, and then request "Which user would you like to rename". What's that?! I use RaspberryPi 3b and 64x image from the website for RPi, version 11.0.9. Please, help.
<ivanyunohost> Partially it helped to "rename" user admin to admin. Then reboot and possible to login admin/yunohost. It seems working and start post-installation script. The only error seems to be rspamd service not starting. Fine... But then I start to update all packages - and it breaks completely then.
<@jorgeluis=5bm=5d:libera.chat> hello everyone, I finally managed to enable federation on synapse by creating a well-know file at https://<server_name>/.well-known/matrix/server
<@jorgeluis=5bm=5d:libera.chat> However, I still have the issue that element requires the security keys everytime I log in again. It forgets the device. How can I solve that? If anyone knows
<ivanyunohost> :(
<am[m]> Hi everyone,
I am having some issues migrating my YunoHost 4 to 11 on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian 10 :
I'm OK to let YunoHost migrating my Raspberry on Raspbian 11, but it doesn't work... Is there a compatibility problem ?
It's a Model 4B Raspberry Pi with 4 GB RAM (28% free) and 256 GB SD-Card (69% free).
Someone can help me ? Thanks a lot :)
<@jorgeluis=5bm=5d:libera.chat> > <@jorgeluis:halogen.city> However, I still have the issue that element requires the security keys everytime I log in again. It forgets the device. How can I solve that? If anyone knows
I ha tried Hydrogen and same issues. It does not remember the security keys.
<@jorgeluis=5bm=5d:libera.chat> > <@jorgeluis:halogen.city> However, I still have the issue that element requires the security keys everytime I log in again. It forgets the device. How can I solve that? If anyone knows
* I have tried Hydrogen and same issues. It does not remember the security keys.
<Kevin1487> Hello, I have "Internal Server Error" on nextcloud app after ugrading system. I have error message https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/lageqefomo - I looked on forum but did not find solution, any help ?
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> Are you sure your key is on one line only? It should start with `ssh-rsa`, a space and then the public key
oh rsa! I was using ed355etc
<smoothoperatorgr[m]> hello all!
Just installed Epicyon on my yunohost server and no matter what register and login I give it it just stays in the login/registration page? any ideas whats wrong? what should I check?
<Kevin1487> Hello, after few hours investigation and tests to solve my issue, i solved it by "yunohost app upgrade --force nextcloud" - However, I found out "Buster->Bullseye migration" did not complete https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/quqitufode . I do not know what is the impact and how to fix it ? (full log upgrade packages
<Kevin1487> https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/lageqefomo ). Thanks for advices
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> Kevin1487: hmokay so let's try to `apt install python3-crypto --dry-run` to hopefully get more clues about why apt doesn't want to install it ?
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> hmyeah i think that package doesn't exist anymore in bullseye
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> Kevin1487: you should maybe force-upgrade yunomonitor
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> that will remove the dependency relation to that package
<@lapineige=5bm=5d:libera.chat> Hello,
Do you know if we can deploy a docker image of a given software in a custom webapp ?
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> redirect_ynh is more suited for this
<Kelev> hi
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> assuming you just install / start the docker yourself, and then just want to "expose" the app through nginx/ssowat
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> but if you want an app that also takes care of setting up docker etc for you, then you need something else
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> somebody worked a long time ago on a system to autocreate yunohost apps from docker image a long time ago : https://github.com/aymhce/generator-dockerapp-yunohost but it's like 4 years old now and even back then it was a bit "eh"
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> but there's definitely use case for this
<Kevin1487> Aleks thanks for reply. for dry run "Package 'python3-crypto' has no installation candidate"
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> Yeah
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> If you agree to be an absolute barbarian, this could fix the issue : sed -i 's/python3-crypto,//g' /var/lib/dpkg/status
<Kevin1487> Aleks I forced upgraded yunomonitor whitout error and relaunch migrations with same error https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/apemofesum
<Kevin1487> Warning: Migration 0021_migrate_to_bullseye has to be run manually. Please go to
<Kevin1487> Launching migrations...
<Kevin1487> Aleks i ran ed -i 's/python3-crypto,//g' /var/lib/dpkg/status whithout error but still failling migration "21. Upgrade the system to Debian Bullseye and YunoHost 11.x" - I ran full-ugrade but got error message on terminal : "Warning: slapcat: error writing output.
<Kevin1487> Tools → Migrations on the webadmin page, or run `yunohost tools migrations run`" Logs saying it went succeful : https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/celudidise
<Kevin1487> .
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> Yes there was two issues the python3-crypto is now fixed, i'm not in front of my computer right now so hard to dig the story about the other issue
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> But as said in the message it helps if you can find the log of the original not-100%-done migration ...
<@centralscrutinizer=5bm=5d:libera.chat> Hi i couldn't restore a synapse backup, due to an error `chmod: cannot access '/opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/Coturn_config_rotate.sh' No such file or directory `
here is the full log: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/oxihadipaj
<@lapineige=5bm=5d:libera.chat> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> assuming you just install / start the docker yourself, and then just want to "expose" the app through nginx/ssowat
That would be the use case I think
<@jorgeluis=5bm=5d:libera.chat> Hi all, I am running ynh on a raspberry pi and do not get any ynh updates since a while. I am still on v4.4 and migration is not available. Is it because this version is not yet available for ARM? Am I missing something?
<@lapineige=5bm=5d:libera.chat> It does supports ARM and raspberry pi
<@lapineige=5bm=5d:libera.chat> Do you have network access on your server ?
Do you receive any other package update ?
<@jorgeluis=5bm=5d:libera.chat> Yes, I have network access.
I just tried:
sudo yunohost tools migrations run
Info: No migrations to run
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> what version 4.4 are you running exactly
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> actually 4.4 ships the Buster->Bullseye migration, like, this is the only major thing added between 4.3 and 4.4
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> let's look at `sudo yunohost tools migration list`
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> sounds like you clicked the skip button idk
<@jorgeluis=5bm=5d:libera.chat> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> what version 4.4 are you running exactly
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> so you did get upgrade recently ... is like 4 days old
<@jorgeluis=5bm=5d:libera.chat> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> let's look at `sudo yunohost tools migration list`
This results in the help list
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> meh there's an s to migration
<@jorgeluis=5bm=5d:libera.chat> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> so you did get upgrade recently ... is like 4 days old
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> `sudo yunohost tools migrations list`
<@jorgeluis=5bm=5d:libera.chat> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> `sudo yunohost tools migrations list`
You are right, I skipped it
<@jorgeluis=5bm=5d:libera.chat> I don't recall it, though
<@jorgeluis=5bm=5d:libera.chat> How can I force it?
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> `sudo yunohost tools migrations run 0021_migrate_to_bullseye --force-rerun`
<@jorgeluis=5bm=5d:libera.chat> thanks, I will try. How would you recommend to backup in this case? It's a rpi at home with not much space left 😅
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> weeeell
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> it's a tradeoff between risk and effort, like, if you don't have super important stuff, a regular yunohost backup is okay (and in my very personal case, I would just yolo and not even do a backup, because i'm not a responsible adult and eat cereals for dinner, and also im biased because i know my way around the CLI etc)
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> if you have somewhat very important stuff and cant really afford for services to be down more than a couple hours in the eventuality that everything explode (though I have rarely seen stuff exploding past the point of recoverability), then go for a full snapshot of the SD card
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> but that requires to power down the server, grab the SD card, and clone it using some tool on another computer
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> cf https://yunohost.org/en/backup/clone_filesystem#create-a-cold-image-of-the-file-system
<@jorgeluis=5bm=5d:libera.chat> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> if you have somewhat very important stuff and cant really afford for services to be down more than a couple hours in the eventuality that everything explode (though I have rarely seen stuff exploding past the point of recoverability), then go for a full snapshot of the SD card
thanks - I think I will go for the regulate ynh backup :D
<@jorgeluis=5bm=5d:libera.chat> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> `sudo yunohost tools migrations run 0021_migrate_to_bullseye --force-rerun`
Migration 0015_migrate_to_buster was also skipped. Should I do that one first or the order does not matter?
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> ugh no, it was probably skipped because you installed on buster some time ago
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> like everytime you install a fresh yunohost, the migration code from the old version is still there for some reason but not relevant because that's a fresh install so the postinstall skips it
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> "some reason", i mean, for good technical reason, it's not just a random fact ;P
<@jorgeluis=5bm=5d:libera.chat> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> ugh no, it was probably skipped because you installed on buster some time ago
Many thanks for giving me a hand. Now running upgrade
<@centralscrutinizer=5bm=5d:libera.chat> no one on the synapse backup error?
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> eeh nope :/ though i saw that error reported by one more person on the forum, if i recall correctly, trying to install some mautrix_bridge
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> sounds like the file disappears or there's an inconstency somewhere in the script ...
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> the script is there tho
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/synapse_ynh/blob/master/sources/Coturn_config_rotate.sh
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> so maybe you can just copypasta
<@centralscrutinizer=5bm=5d:libera.chat> i tried manually creating the file, but then the restore script, failed because the folder already existed 🤔
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> :|
<ynhuser|81345> kk
<ynhuser|81345> kk
<ynhuser|81345> k
<ynhuser|81345> k
<ynhuser|81345> k
<ynhuser|81345> k
<ynhuser|81345> k
<ynhuser|81345> k
<ynhuser|81345> k
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> okay bro
<chwonl> hello, can anyone please tell me where i get info about packaging? need some distrtaction (problems t work) ;D . please help
<ynhuser> Hi all - I've got a brand new install of yunohost, and am trying to install pixelfed, but the install fails. Any ideas? Here is the log: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/juraqelede
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> chwonl: https://yunohost.org/en/packaging_apps_start but it's pretty old
<chwonl> are you maybe out of memory?
<chwonl> Thank you Aleks. What could I pak?
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> if you're pretty comfortable with learning by looking at examples, https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/hextris_ynh is a somewhat easy app (though our current packaging format is a pile of historical boring stuff, hopefully Yunohost 11.1 will introduce a new v2 format which will be simpler, though still a transitional format until v3 ;P)
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> chwonl: i guess pick something inside https://yunohost.org/en/apps_wishlist
<chwonl> means v3 will be definitiv:')
<@centralscrutinizer=5bm=5d:libera.chat> > <@chwonl:libera.chat> Thank you Aleks. What could I pak?
i vote up for azuracast
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> not really, it just means that it's difficult to imagine beyond v3 because so many things will change and we'll learn quite a lot of things along the way
<@centralscrutinizer=5bm=5d:libera.chat> it's been a while i thought about creating a web radio
<@centralscrutinizer=5bm=5d:libera.chat> * it's been a while since i thought about creating a web radio
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> ah yes i definitely heard multiple time people wishing they could have a radio app
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> aaaaand the only self-hosting instructions are using docker /o\
<@Alekswag=5bm=5d:libera.chat> dammit.wav
<chwonl> docker is not the choice, it seems. LinkAce maybe?
<@centralscrutinizer=5bm=5d:libera.chat> wasn't there someone who started to package appsa using a tool to extract the code from docker or something?
<ynhuser> chwonl yes I was out of memory. Thank you! How could you discern that from the log?
<ynhuser> Or is that just always a good place to start?
<chwonl> ynhuser: COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 . 9t line from below
<ynhuser> chwonl thank you again - I really appreciate your help!
<chwonl> ynhuser: the log contains the necessary info. you need to read it from below. you're most welcome
<@centralscrutinizer=5bm=5d:libera.chat> > wasn't there someone who started to package appsa using a tool to extract the code from docker or something?
yes photoprism: https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/photoprism_ynh/issues/6#issuecomment-1164346755
<chwonl> Maybe building from source is better, because of build flags?
<@centralscrutinizer=5bm=5d:libera.chat> i remember reading in the thread that they used it because the app was taking way too long to build from sources. I don't know if that's the case for azuracast
<@centralscrutinizer=5bm=5d:libera.chat> But in know that I managed to install photoprism so somehow he made it 😄
<chwonl> But maybe building from source is bad because then you have build tools on the system. these can be used by hackers.;D
<Cyril5> Bonjour à tous. Je suis un peu en galère en ce moment. J'ai posté mon problème sur le forum et quelqu'un tente de m'aider, mais je pense que je ne le comprends pas ou que je n'ai pas bien expliqué mon problème... Bref, je n'arrive pas à l'en sortir.
<Cyril5> Voici mon problème : mon serveur a crashé. J'ai tout réinstallé, sauf une application qui me résiste, à savoir WordPress. Sur ma précédente installation j'avais déplacé le dossier /var/www/wordpress sur un disque dur externe, puis j'avais un lien symbolique. Quand je restaure l'application, ça plante :
<Cyril5> https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/boputadici
<Cyril5> Visiblement il voulait que je recréé le lien symbolique, ce que j'ai fait. Et la restauration plante à nouveau :
<Cyril5> https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/piyecobule
<Cyril5> Si quelqu'un à une idée, je suis preneur ^^
<@lapineige=5bm=5d:libera.chat> > <@chwonl:libera.chat> ynhuser: COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 . 9t line from below
What does this parameter do ?
<spiritwalker> Hello
<spiritwalker> so i really need to re-install to much inventions... my question is what do i need to backup, to not loose the noho.st or to not ask to remove just to add again....
<spiritwalker> thanks...
<spiritwalker> is yunohost backup system enough and restore before post install, or do we need to do something eles
<spiritwalker> else?