<mecallie> > <@tierce:libera.chat> you are amazing folks… domain registration, vm set up, yunohost 11 installation, webmail, nextcloud up and running in less then 4h of work time. Bravo \o/
Why did it take you so long? 😜👍️
<tituspijean> > <@tierce:libera.chat> you are amazing folks… domain registration, vm set up, yunohost 11 installation, webmail, nextcloud up and running in less then 4h of work time. Bravo \o/
<James> what do you think about "needrestart" the debian package for restarting services when needed after un update?
<tituspijean> What packages were troublesome for you, and after what kind of upgrade?
<miro5001[m]> Is it normal to have chromium installed on the server?
<James> no
<James> I had no troubles, needrestart works fine has been like that until now
<James> like after some upgrades it suggests to restart services, like fail2ban nginx on that popup message in terminal that would otherwise be restarted only after a reboot, that I perform usually only after a kernel upgrade
<tykaynchu[m]> bonjour monde
<tykaynchu[m]> what should i copy on my yunohost server to migrate my whole installation ?
<tykaynchu[m]> on an other server, i mean. i migrate from plain yunohost on debian to a proxmox setup with a debian CT
<tykaynchu[m]> i saw there are stuff in /var/www/ what else?
<tituspijean> miro5001: maybe it's needed by one of the apps?
<tituspijean> > <James> like after some upgrades it suggests to restart services, like fail2ban nginx on that popup message in terminal that would otherwise be restarted only after a reboot, that I perform usually only after a kernel upgrade
IIRC I already saw this kind of prompt during previous upgrades. And the regen_conf scripts restart our core services including nginx, so it shall be alright
<James> thanks for the info
<miro5001> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> miro5001: maybe it's needed by one of the apps?
I don't remember seeing it before and all I did lately was migration to 11
<tituspijean> > <@tykaynchu[m]:libera.chat> what should i copy on my yunohost server to migrate my whole installation ?
the full backups should be sufficient. cf our documentation.
<tykayn> ok thanks
<tituspijean> tykayn: do check that everything is running alright and all app data are there before scrapping the old server 😅
<tituspijean> miro5001: maybe try `apt-cache --installed rdepends chromium-common`
<tituspijean> to see which other packages depend on chromium
<miro5001> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> to see which other packages depend on chromium
OK. I'm am am at work right now and I disabled ssh access outside lan. I'll check it when I get back home
<tykayn> yup i dont have many things on my yunohost installation
<tituspijean> miro5001: or maybe `aptitude why chromium-common`. Should be better.
<tykayn> now i just have to manually change all the ip corresponding to the domains i registered on OVH
<tituspijean> > <@tykaynchu:matrix.org> now i just have to manually change all the ip corresponding to the domains i registered on OVH
if it's registered in OVH, consider exploring the auto-DNS feature too :)
<tykayn> 700 Mo of backup for a few empty apps
<tituspijean> you'd need an API key and then you YunoHost server would handle all your DNS records
<tykayn> oh looks nice
<tituspijean> (it is ***so*** nice)
<titus[m]> (am I crazy or #yunohost:libera.chat on Matrix gets its title and topic reverted back after I alter them?)
<tykayn> this is the doc corresponding ? https://yunohost.org/fr/providers/registrar/ovh/autodns
<tykayn> looks so
<miro5001> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> miro5001: or maybe `aptitude why chromium-common`. Should be better.
admin@home ~> sudo aptitude why chromium-common i fish Dépend lynx | www-browser i A chromium Fournit www-browser i A chromium Dépend chromium-common (= 105.0.519 5.52-1~deb11u1)
I forgot about it. I installed lynx a while ago and forgot why. Anyway I understand now why I have chromium on my server. Thank you tituspijean:
<Alekswag[m]> > <@titus[m]:libera.chat> (it is ***so*** nice)
wait, people are actually using that feature ? 👀
<tituspijean> I sure hope so! I'm one of them. :)
<thatoo[m]> ah ben depuis une autre connexion internet, ça fonctionne
<orl> Salut !
<orl> J'ai installé yunohost tout fraîchement sur un RPI B, après quelques bidouilles pour que ça tourne (pb de compil sur les RPI 1, si j'ai bien compris), j'ai réussi à faire la post-installation
<tripop> Hi, so i fix some issues by restore, for the moment. so my nextcloud is back, vaultwarden too. So everything good.. only for dendrite
<tripop> seem matrix server are quite fragile.. all my chat rooms are freeze
<tripop> restore, update. nothing seem to unlock the situation, and it's not like the app don't work
<orl> Mais maintenant, je suis bloqué sur le login admin, que je tape le bon ou le mauvais mot de passe, j'ai un message "Missing credentials parameter"
<orl> les logs indiquent "Can only upgrade connection if using GET method"
<Adjen> mais t'arrives à te connecter en SSH ?
<tripop> well i just saw my vaultwarden stay on loading loop on login page so i have to figure that too i guess.
<tripop25> it's weird because my domain where dendrite is installed said it's installed..
<tripop> will get you logs
<orl> Adjen : oui, avec le nouveau mot de passe root
<orl> Diagnosis a l'air de pas trouvé que c'est super, il voit des warning et des erreurs (notamment sur Base). Je regarde plus en détail
<orl> s/trouvé/trouver
<orl> OK, semblerait que j'ai un système "inconsistent", même si les versions matchent. J'upgrade, et je reviens
<tripop> So, my duniter logs : https://paste.yunohost.org/ovagoberuw
<tripop> it seem to don't connect to the domain ?
<tripop> And vaultwarden seem to work on apps and all, but loop loading on the login page. Logs here : https://paste.yunohost.org/acaronuser
<tripop> .. Mais ? L'historique part quoi qu'on fasse sur libera.chat ?
<tripop> Pas pratique pour un service d'aide..
<tripop> Ok my vaultwarden seem good it's just firefox.
<orl> ok, la mise à jour semble avoir fait du taf, mais pas simple, il a fallu refaire la manip pour RPI 1 en milieu d'upgrade
<tripop20> So yeah. Just dendrite that freeze, element said it's disconnected from server. Even after restore pre upgrade or/and update after. And everything seem
<tripop20> ...God damn why libera chat so.. like this ?
<tripop20> Get disconnected, nickname change, can have history like damn !
<tripop58> Well, screw this.
<tripop58> can we have a simple discord that.. just.. work and have history and mp and account like everyone else ?
<Alekswag[m]> Sure, a self-hosting project promoting internet decentralization hosting its support chat on ... proprietary centralized servers
<Adjen> (⌒_⌒;)
<Adjen> tripop58 t'utilises quoi comme client IRC ?