<niklas> Hi all, I'm setting up a new YunoHost which will have about 50 users. Is there a comfortable way to create many accounts at once and distribute their credentials?
<niklas> ok, just found the CSV import which is great
<niklas> But is there a way to send the new users their login credentials?
<tituspijean> niklas: Maybe there's a mass mailing app that takes CSV inputs to generate the emails?
<craigvb> muc.domain.name <-- This doesn't seem to work for certificate renewals on the default domain. Unfortunately we actually need muc.domain.name as we use conversations for sending images. Is this a known issue at all? I've not been able to find anything. If I set another domain as the default I can get a new certificate for domain.name but of course, it doesn't contain muc.domain.name so no image sending in messages :(
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> naively you can try adding ` muc.yourdomain.tld` to /etc/hosts, see if that fixes the issue
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> otherwise we'll need the full log of what's happening during cert renewal
<craigvb> I'll check that hosts file... will I need to restart after editing that or does it read it on the fly
<craigvb> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> naively you can try adding ` muc.yourdomain.tld` to /etc/hosts, see if that fixes the issue
Worked a treat thanks..will add it to my book of words for next time
<Chatpitaine Caverne> Hello, I managed to install Drupal on another server.
The shipped version is said "not supported". Does it mean we got to update ourself or do we wait a shipped version from the ynh package ? Thank you.
<orhtej2> > <@chatpitaine:cirkau.art> Hello, I managed to install Drupal on another server.
> The shipped version is said "not supported". Does it mean we got to update ourself or do we wait a shipped version from the ynh package ? Thank you.
Package could use a refresh as it fails on bookworm anyway
<tonton> Hi, I had a nohost ddns name that I don't need anymore. So I used the webadmin to remove the domain (after migrating apps away from it). All seemed fine until I realised I am getting mails every ten minutes telling me I have no ddns domains...
The emails title "Cron <root@skogsnisse> : YunoHost DynDNS update; sleep $((RANDOM%60)); ! ping -q -W5 -c1 ip.yunohost.org >/dev/null 2>&1 || test -e /var/run/moulinette_yunohost.lock || yunohost dyndns update >> /dev/null"
And The emails content: "No domain registered with DynDNS"
I found the cron file for the job in `/etc/cron.d/yunohost-dyndns` but I'm wondering, should I use some of the config reset functionality of the yunohost command rather than just moving/deleting the file from `/etc/cron.d`?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i guess you can delete it manually, but naively yunohost should already have done it ... or maybe let's look at `yunohost tool regen-conf yunohost`
<tonton> Aleks (he/him/il/lui): Thanks! that fixed it, `Success! Configuration updated for 'yunohost'
status: removed`