<Chatpitaine Caverne> > Package could use a refresh as it fails on bookworm anyway
So what would be the preferable method for update :
- Manually
- Via composer ?
Well I see that Composer method is recommanded and that this is the one used by the install process, so my way would be that one, but I'd like to know from someone who is used to it.
**NB :** I still can break it (as long as I don't break the whole server.
<Mateusz Szymański> > <@chatpitaine:cirkau.art> So what would be the preferable method for update :
> - Manually
> or
> - Via composer ?
> Well I see that Composer method is recommanded and that this is the one used by the install process, so my way would be that one, but I'd like to know from someone who is used to it.
> **NB :** I still can break it (as long as I don't break the whole server.
preferable would be updating the package ;)
as for manual action I tried to understand what's happening there and I have no clue, sorry :/
<Chatpitaine Caverne> Mateusz Szymański: I'll try a `sudo yunohost app upgrade drupal --force` and see what's going on.
<Chatpitaine Caverne> Still 9.5.11 nothing better.
<Mateusz Szymański> > <@chatpitaine:cirkau.art> Mateusz Szymański: I'll try a `sudo yunohost app upgrade drupal --force` and see what's going on.
I mean the code on github needs refresh, it was not updated in a while and I believe it ships obsolete version
<Chatpitaine Caverne> So wait and see for installing Drupal.
<auser1231412> hello
<auser1231412> i can't use my domain
<auser1231412> i registered the domain with namecheap
<auser1231412> but i cant use the api
<lapineige> what is the error message ?
<auser1231412> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/DYPxXhYAlMLFanTMMMLOcqaB
<orhtej2> > <@auser1231412:matrix.org> sent an image.
and what's not clear about this message? it's even documented in YNH's registrar docs: https://yunohost.org/en/administer/providers/registrar
<orhtej2> you can still register the domain in YNH's web admin and manually create appropriate entries in namecheap afterwards
<auser1231412> > you can still register the domain in YNH's web admin and manually create appropriate entries in namecheap afterwards
idk what do i need to do
<orhtej2> > <@auser1231412:matrix.org> idk what do i need to do
-> https://yunohost.org/en/dns_config
<auser1231412> well
<auser1231412> fuck
<auser1231412> now ovhcloud doesnt works
<lapineige> can you explain what doesn't work as expected (and what's expected)
<auser1231412> > can you explain what doesn't work as expected (and what's expected)
idk bro
<auser1231412> i forgot my password
<auser1231412> trying to reset it but it doesnt work
<lapineige> So you don't receive emails ?
<lapineige> That's likely yo be linked to an incorrect domaine configuration (email config being wrong)