<marclaporte> A conference for Open Source founders: https://05f5.com/
I will be there in Paris in case anyone wants to meet up!
<eloi Boutillier> plop
<eloi Boutillier> svp quelqu'un peut me confirmer le bon fonctionnement des api OVH pour la Configuration automatique des enregistrements DNS ?
<Salamandar> Salut, dans mon cas ça a fonctionné à une époque
<Salamandar> j'ai pas retenté
<Salamandar> (i'll translate: Eloi wants to know if anyone can confirm that the APIs for automatic DNS configuration are worknig fine with OVH :) )
<orhtej2> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> (i'll translate: Eloi wants to know if anyone can confirm that the APIs for automatic DNS configuration are worknig fine with OVH :) )
they did last time I've tried
<eloi Boutillier> merci
<eloi Boutillier> je regarde pour debug mais ma derniere install de yunohost remonte a 10 ans et vraiment félicitation pour le boulot !! meme ma grand mere peut heberger ses propres service !
<eloi Boutillier> avant de faire n'importe quoi , suis un channel de support multilangue ou que dans la langue de chuck norris ?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> whichever you are most comfortable with
<eloi Boutillier> je maitrise la langue deJean-Claude Van Damme !
<eloi Boutillier> a priori les clefs API sont ok => la clé d'application, AK , 'application secrète AS et « consumer key » secrète CK, d'ailleurs je vous conseille de mettre pour les noobs comme moi les abréviation car j'ai un poil hésiter a la conf !
<eloi Boutillier> ``` {
allowedIPs: null
applicationId: 260429
creation: "2024-05-02T12:35:59+02:00"
credentialId: 588132504
expiration: null
lastUse: "2024-05-02T15:08:35+02:00"
ovhSupport: false
-rules: [
method: "GET"
path: "/domain/zone/*"
method: "POST"
path: " /domain/zone/*"
method: "PUT"
path: "/domain/zone/*"
method: "DELETE"
path: "/domain/zone/*"
status: "validated"
} ```
<eloi Boutillier> par contre yunohost a pas l"air du meme avis :
<eloi Boutillier> ```Échec de l'enregistrement create A/*.brinbrin.tld : 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://eu.api.ovh```
<eloi Boutillier> on je peux trouver des logs plus verbeux svp
<Salamandar> éventuellement dans /var/log/yunohost/ oui
<orhtej2> -> https://yunohost.org/fr/administer/providers/registrar/ovh/autodns ?
<eloi Boutillier> > -> https://yunohost.org/fr/administer/providers/registrar/ovh/autodns ?
j'ai suivi le tuto et l'installateur me renvoi du 403
<eloi Boutillier> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> éventuellement dans /var/log/yunohost/ oui
bizarre car dans les logs ya un fichier => ```yunohost-api.log``` !
<eloi Boutillier> et dedans
<eloi Boutillier> en plus de retrouver mon mdp admin en clair y a des logs sur les connctions avec ovh pour mon ndd
<eloi Boutillier> https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ujisowileb
<eloi Boutillier> les GET sont OK 200 mais les POST sont KO 403 !
<eloi Boutillier> je viens de supprimer et recrrer coté ovh les tokens API et TADAM cela marche bien mieux
<eloi Boutillier> merci encore de m'avoir répondu
<geoma> Hi! the yunohost Web UI is not letting me in... it says wrong user/password... but I still have SSH access... is there a way to reset the password through SSH?
<geoma> hi. I lost access through web but still have access through SSH. my IP was banned but managed to unban and whitelist it. Changed password with yunohost tools rootpw but still won't work
<geoma> I get "wrong password or username"
<tituspijean> (do you login on ssh with user/password or user/key?)
<tituspijean> Admin access is allowed for users belonging in the admins group. Can you check that it is the case? `yunohost user group info admins` (section "members")
<geoma> root@eticadigital:/# yunohost user group info admins
- root@eticadigital.eu
- webmaster@eticadigital.eu
- abuse@eticadigital.eu
- admin@eticadigital.eu
- admins@eticadigital.eu
- postmaster@eticadigital.eu
members: yunohost
<geoma> i login through SSH with user/pwd
<orhtej2> which user? all of these look autogenerated
<orhtej2> you allow `root` login via `ssh`?
<geoma> I think originally I always logged wo webUI with yunohost user
<geoma> but now it isnt working
<geoma> and yes, I think I allowed root login via ssh
<orhtej2> the `rootpw` command changes password for `root` only, for other users use `sudo passwd whateverthesyntaxis`
<geoma> with a very complex password and a changed port
<orhtej2> (I'd create a dedicated user and let YNH do the security, meaning no `root` access via `ssh`)
<geoma> I am trying to change the password for user yunohost but it asks me for LDAP administrator password and my passwords wont work
<geoma> LDAP administrator password:
passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
passwd: password unchanged
<geoma> what's the LDAP admin pwd?
<orhtej2> I'd say it's linux way of telling you not to do that
<orhtej2> can you create new user, a member of `admins` group and try with that before bricking your system?
<geoma> OS knows better than me😅
<geoma> with adduser?
<orhtej2> `sudo yunohost user create <some_name>`
<orhtej2> then `sudo yunohost user group add admins <your_new_user>`
<geoma> it workeeeeed!!
<geoma> thanks orhtej2 !!
<orhtej2> always welcome
<orhtej2> only in bricking the system does the duty end
<geoma> 😄🤗🤝🏼
<geoma> thanks a lot
<geoma> haha
<geoma> thanks
<geoma> have a wonderful great day/night/whatever
<orhtej2> > <@geoma:matrix.org> have a wonderful great day/night/whatever
I'll go with whatever, time is a social construct
<orhtej2> :P
<orhtej2> (it is not and this does not even make any sense)