<Séβαστιεν> Oui, wetty, tout comme ssh, me dit «mauvais mot de passe».
<Séβαστιεν> Le pire, c’est qu’avec le même mot de passe, l’interface web fonctionne (mais mises à jour impossible).
<Paprika> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/tiesiog.lt/KtddXgKwVLoRMPEPuGqTYkSX
<Paprika> Is there someplace I can look to trace this back?
<Paprika> A reboot fixed it, but I would like to investigate.
<Paprika> Recently YNH hung up. No idea for the reason, couldn’t even execute top, while free -m showed all RAM being used, but buffered was only like 100MB. This was already suspicious because my RAM usage never exceeds 30% typically.
<Paprika> Recently YNH hung up. No idea for the reason, couldn’t even execute `top`, while `free -m` showed all RAM being used, but buffered was only like 100MB. This was already suspicious because my RAM usage never exceeds 30% typically.
<theragehero> Hello, I have to upgrade ToolJet, but I receive this error:
2024-04-27 00:13:00,538: DEBUG - npm ERR! notsup Required: {"node":"18.18.2","npm":"9.8.1"}
2024-04-27 00:13:00,538: DEBUG - npm ERR! notsup Actual: {"npm":"9.8.1","node":"v18.3.0"}
I tried to change the version using nvm, but I keep receiving the error.
What could it try?
<Vincent> > <@botagiuks:tiesiog.lt> Recently YNH hung up. No idea for the reason, couldn’t even execute `top`, while `free -m` showed all RAM being used, but buffered was only like 100MB. This was already suspicious because my RAM usage never exceeds 30% typically.
If before the reboot you could enter 'dmesg -T', with 'journalctl -u theserviceinvolved' you can find many things.
journalctl is very powerfull.
For a very convenient and "low tech" monitoring on your machine, take a look at