<jcast> Hi! Just lost access to filebrowser
Both my user and admin account return "Wrong credentials"
<jcast> Wondering how I should investigate what happened here.
<lapineige> Does someone knows which postgresql and PHP version are available on Debian 11 and with Yunohost ?
I would need PHP 8.3 (which is fine as far as I can tell) and PostgreSQL 16 + pdo_pgsql extension.
That's fine, right ?
<eric_G> Debian Bullseye is only providing postgresql 13
<niklas> 16 isn't even available in bookworm
<lapineige> Wow :(
<lapineige> And that's possible to install it ?
<lapineige> On PostgreSQL site I see an APT repository for PSQL 16 on Debian 11. Would that be a viable solution ? And compatible with Yunohost ? (Out-of-the-box ?)
<tituspijean> cf. immich (https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/immich_ynh/blob/2ca3ea5f8e3521f4038f247a394b211e5c6c0459/manifest.toml#L95)
even though the whole app is a bit hacky, and the status quo is "one psql version handled by the core"
<lapineige> To clarify : for a dev project of an acquaintance, that person would need PGSQL 16. I'd like to use YNH for the server so I can touch it and adapt it to my needs easily (it's a lot harder to do it without ynh).
I'd like to know if that's doable, and if it would cohabit nicely with other apps installed via YNH
<lapineige> Ok thanks :)
How... risky (and tricky ?) would it be to install a my_webapp in YHN and install PGSQL 16 for that specific app ?
How would it interact with other parts (apps) of Yunohost ?
<tituspijean> Even though we would not condone it, if you use the same custom helpers (in immich's `scripts/_common.sh`) and create a custom my_webapp_ynh for it, I do not see why it would clash
<lapineige> Ok that's great :)
<lapineige> Should I submit such app to the official catalog (to share it), or is it best not to do it ?
<tituspijean> we'll add the matter in the next contributors meeting :)
<jcast> How do I call filebrowser CLI tools in the terminal?
<jcast> From /var/www/filebrowser/ ./filebrowser smthing something?
<orhtej2> > <@jcast:matrix.org> How do I call filebrowser CLI tools in the terminal?
given app is packaged in v2 format you should be able to `sudo yunohost app shell filebrowser` to enter interactive shell where `./filebrowser` is a recognized command
<lapineige> 😁
I'm not sure I'll need it, but if I do it my only question is : is it worth sharing it (in the official catalog) or will it more likely be annoying if it creates a bad packaging example?
<tituspijean> I'll add these questions literally to the discussion 🙃
*tituspijean does not want to decide
*jellium[m] neither.
<tndp> hi