Tuesday, May 07, 2024
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[06:48:30] <jack_harper> Hello there.
[08:19:52] <Mateusz Szymański> General Kenobi
[08:27:36] <jack_harper> If someone could help me it would be greatly appreciated. I recently re-installed yunohost on a intel-NUC (bare-metal) and I use it mostly for Nextcloud and paperless NGX. My domain names are at OVH and are automaticaly set from yunohost. Everything works fine both internally and externally from a web browser but the mobile apps (nextcloud and paper mobile) are not able to connect (bot internally and externally). What could it be? thanks in advance.
[08:32:23] <Mateusz Szymański> > <@jack_harper:matrix.org> If someone could help me it would be greatly appreciated. I recently re-installed yunohost on a intel-NUC (bare-metal) and I use it mostly for Nextcloud and paperless NGX. My domain names are at OVH and are automaticaly set from yunohost. Everything works fine both internally and externally from a web browser but the mobile apps (nextcloud and paper mobile) are not able to connect (bot internally and externally). What could it be? thanks in advance.

Nextcloud actually needs different URL than the one provided when you go to WebDAV config, it's just the URL for nextcloud without anything
as for paperless IDK
[08:40:33] <jack_harper> > <@orhtej2:matrix.org> Nextcloud actually needs different URL than the one provided when you go to WebDAV config, it's just the URL for nextcloud without anything
> as for paperless IDK

I am not sure what you mean about different URL (my url is https://mydomain.ovh/nextcloud). In the nexcloud app. I write the url, then next and I have a "wrong server setup" error message.
[08:41:12] <Mateusz Szymański> ah, so you're already using what I suggested
no clue then 🤷
[08:43:28] <jack_harper> > <@orhtej2:matrix.org> ah, so you're already using what I suggested
> no clue then 🤷

Ok, at least now I know that it is not related to the URL.
With paper mobile it's almost the same. I can input the URL, then user name and pswd and then it loads forever.
[08:44:02] <niklas> I never used it on a sub-directory. Are we sure that's supported?
[08:49:15] <niklas> Yeah it definitely is, just checked
[08:49:32] <niklas> Have you tried adding a trailing slash?
[08:55:17] <tituspijean> jack_harper: Can you make sure the Visitors have permission to access the app? Remote clients are considered as visitors.
[09:02:05] <jack_harper> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> jack_harper: Can you make sure the Visitors have permission to access the app? Remote clients are considered as visitors.

That solved Nextcloud issue. thanks a lot !!! And paperless too!
[09:04:44] <jack_harper> I still have a another small issue recently. If I access from a chrome browser i get a sacry safety warning about this page. but I have SSL certificate for all of my page. what could it be?
[09:05:14] <tituspijean> For Nextcloud, it is mentioned during the install questions, but not anymore after that. It would be nice to add this information to the `doc/ADMIN.md`.
For Paperless, it has a bit of a technical install question regarding API that defaults to visitors. Same thing, an addition to `doc/ADMIN.md` would be great.
[09:05:41] <tituspijean> > <@jack_harper:matrix.org> I still have a another small issue recently. If I access from a chrome browser i get a sacry safety warning about this page. but I have SSL certificate for all of my page. what could it be?

did you happen to open the page while a self-signed certificate was installed?
[09:05:56] <tituspijean> what's the precise SSL error?
[09:06:12] <jack_harper> maybe. empty the cache?
[09:09:49] <jack_harper> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/SUxbzqpQtGptAupDubBsEtjT
[09:09:54] <jack_harper> It did not helped
[09:44:24] <tituspijean> That's a now unfortunate standard Google false positive. There is a thread about it on the forum check the "phishing" keyword.
[10:35:27] <jack_harper> Ok, thanks.
[13:11:20] <Elzen> Hi there! I tried to ssh -X my server and it says that « X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0 » (ssh working correctly apart from that). Is there something specific to do to enable this?
[13:12:50] <tituspijean> Hello! No you cannot do anything about this, because there is no graphical user interface installed with YunoHost ;)
[13:14:14] <Elzen> Well, IIRC that's not required (uses the client's X server), and I did install xserver-xorg-core on the server, I'm just wondering if there's something else blocking.
[13:16:56] <Granite T. Rock> > <@jack_harper:matrix.org> I still have a another small issue recently. If I access from a chrome browser i get a sacry safety warning about this page. but I have SSL certificate for all of my page. what could it be?

There is a way to report the site as safe. I had to do that a few times on my new install. Once Google realizes you aren't spamming the page and phishing for passwords it goes away.
[13:28:34] <Elzen> Okay, just had to add « X11Forwarding yes » in the sshd config file (it wasn't there, event to no).
[13:30:47] <jack_harper> > There is a way to report the site as safe. I had to do that a few times on my new install. Once Google realizes you aren't spamming the page and phishing for passwords it goes away.

thanks, I will have a look.
[13:59:58] <lapineige> > Does someone knows which postgresql and PHP version are available on Debian 11 and with Yunohost ?
> I would need PHP 8.3 (which is fine as far as I can tell) and PostgreSQL 16 + pdo_pgsql extension.
> That's fine, right ?

Oh wait, the custom web app doesn't provide PHP 8.3 (only up to 8.2) :(
[14:07:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (YunoHost includes the Sury repo so any version of PHP supported by sury should be installable - i.e. probably any "stable" php version)
[14:07:28] <tituspijean> Feel free to make a MR for it 😇
[14:08:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> https://www.php.net/supported-versions.php
[14:08:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (thank god there's no 8.4 or 9.x yet)
[14:16:12] <lapineige> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> Feel free to make a MR for it 😇

I'll take a look :)
[14:20:55] <lapineige> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> Feel free to make a MR for it 😇

Done :)
[14:21:06] <lapineige> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> (YunoHost includes the Sury repo so any version of PHP supported by sury should be installable - i.e. probably any "stable" php version)

Hopefully it will work out of the box
[14:21:31] <lapineige> Do you know how I can give an other account access to root ?
[14:21:55] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you mean sudo rights ?
[14:22:34] <lapineige> Yes
[14:22:52] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> by adding them to the admins group in the webadmin > User > Group and permissions
[14:24:30] <lapineige> And then I need to reload something ?
[14:25:11] <lapineige> I did it while that account was logged in CLI, and if says no :D (not allowed to run sudo)
[14:25:24] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes you need to logout/login from the current shell
[14:38:24] <Salamandar> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> yes you need to logout/login from the current shell

(Or you can run newgrp thegroup 😁)
[14:38:32] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ah yes
[15:21:51] <lapineige> yunohost is so sweet when you need to setup a new server 🚀🎉
[17:48:57] <Solrac> Hello~ I noticed I can't seem to log into my ynh sso
[18:39:51] <Solrac> > <@lsolrac:matrix.org> Hello~ I noticed I can't seem to log into my ynh sso

sas in, no incorrect password or wrong user notice, its just redirecting to the login
[18:59:38] <lapineige> Can you try in private browsing ?
[20:30:12] <Marcus Lee> Hey everyone, I'm using Cloudflared on my server and I'm getting a lot of warnings about DNS records. I have already clicked on ignore for all of them but is there any way to disable the checks completely? I have a lot of subdomains and Yunohost tries to check them anyways and fails 4 times on all of them, which gets quite annoying
[20:30:25] <Marcus Lee> Hey everyone, I'm using Cloudflared on my server and I'm getting a lot of warnings about DNS records. I have already clicked on ignore for all of them but is there any way to disable the checks completely?

I have a lot of subdomains and Yunohost tries to check them anyways and fails 4 times on all of them, which gets quite annoying