<hub.mada> Bonjour
<tituspijean> @_bifrost_hub.mada=2fsupport=40conference.yunohost.org:aria-net.org bienvenue! et n'oublie pas, https://nohello.net/fr/
<anubis> miro5001, you can create several teams in Mattermost, users can see only users/channel of the same team. Or you can use the XMPP functionality to set 1 group chat per "team".
<miro5001> > <anubis> miro5001, you can create several teams in Mattermost, users can see only users/channel of the same team. Or you can use the XMPP functionality to set 1 group chat per "team".
I tried that but I could see other team members. I looked in the console and found an option to restrict it, I don't remember what it was
<miro5001> How Attackers Can Decloak Routing-Based VPNs For a Total VPN Leak