<ChriChri[m]> > On that note, this isn't strictly Yunohost stuff, but the domain I bought got slapped with a serverHold status from the registry and I haven't gotten any response from them despite messaging them almost a week ago. I chose the .icu TLD; was that a bad choice? Are there any reccommended registries I can use that won't shut me down? My best guess as to why I was given the status is either it's a glitch in the system or they somehow didn't like that I had some NSFW stuff on Nextcloud.
Uh, Internet gone broken? I do not see any reason your registry for your domain should interfere with your doings. The service they sell should be: request for your domain name? Answer. Everything else seems quite fishy to me.
I registered a .de, set it up with the crypto stuff (domain keys, whatever is needed to make my actual dns trustworthy) and used desec.io as the nameserver to configure and their service for dyndns.
I guess you need a registrar who allows you to set the record for your domain to do that.
<12b> Hi, we have an issue with our yunohost. We tried to update forgejo this morning. The update failed and yunohost restored the backup it made just before the failed update :
<12b> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/KBWjifOtofkLlrFlbZcKeLcj
<12b> but now we cannot login anymore into forgejo
<12b> We get errors like this :
Failed authentication attempt for user1 from xxx.yyy.zzz.aaa:0: user does not exist [uid: 0, name: user1, keyid: 0]
<12b> the failed update log is there : https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/olequvacok
<12b> I think it broke something on ldap side. any idea how to fix this?
<12b> ok, we found out what was going on and fixed it
<12b> The error during the upgrade was caused by the yunohost\_api user that was missing in forgejo DB. The story is that we just migrated from gitea to forgejo. And the migration process probably removed the yunohost\_api user, because it did not exists on gitea side. To fix the issue we manually re-created the user and its auth token, then ran the upgrade again wich fixed the login issue for the other users.
<12b> The error during the upgrade was caused by the yunohost\_api user that was missing in forgejo DB. The story is that we just migrated from gitea to forgejo. And the migration process probably removed the yunohost\_api user, because it did not exist on gitea side. To fix the issue we manually re-created the user and its auth token, then ran the upgrade again wich fixed the login issue for the other users.
<orhtej2> > The error during the upgrade was caused by the yunohost\_api user that was missing in forgejo DB. The story is that we just migrated from gitea to forgejo. And the migration process probably removed the yunohost\_api user, because it did not exist on gitea side. To fix the issue we manually re-created the user and its auth token, then ran the upgrade again wich fixed the login issue for the other users.
a valid finding to report in Github project so that it may be fixed in the future release
<12b> you mean the YunoHost-Apps/forgejo_ynh github?
This was caused by the way we manually migrated our data from gitea to forgejo. Do you think this has to be fixed in that github?
<orhtej2> > you mean the YunoHost-Apps/forgejo_ynh github?
> This was caused by the way we manually migrated our data from gitea to forgejo. Do you think this has to be fixed in that github?
Oh, there's no automatic migration? Then perhaps include migration steps in the readme/erite tutorial in the forums? Useful stuff 👍
<12b> > Oh, there's no automatic migration? Then perhaps include migration steps in the readme/erite tutorial in the forums? Useful stuff 👍
We need to finalize the documentation of the migration process that was performed on our ynh server. But yeah wee will share that with the community when it is done.
<Florent> Hello, I would like to use my yunohost server to store backups of some personal data from my personal laptop and phone using borg. It is not clear to me which application I should install on the server. There are 3: Borg Backup, Borg Server, and BorgWarehouse. The thing is, they all seem dedicated to backing up the content of yunohost servers. For instance, installing Borg Server (borgserver_yunh) expects a key from Borg Backup (borg_yunh). I am not interested in backing up the content of my yunohost server, I would like to use it to store borg backups from clients which are not other yunohost servers. I think I misunderstood something. How would you do it?
<Florent> Thank you. Can I use an existing yunh user for the SSH user?
<orhtej2> > <@florent:tedomum.net> Hello, I would like to use my yunohost server to store backups of some personal data from my personal laptop and phone using borg. It is not clear to me which application I should install on the server. There are 3: Borg Backup, Borg Server, and BorgWarehouse. The thing is, they all seem dedicated to backing up the content of yunohost servers. For instance, installing Borg Server (borgserver_yunh) expects a key from Borg Backup (borg_yunh). I am not interested in backing up the content of my yunohost server, I would like to use it to store borg backups from clients which are not other yunohost servers. I think I misunderstood something. How would you do it?
Borg Server, provide the key generated on source system here
<Florent> Oh ok I see. I thought I would be able to backup with borg which would SSH as my regular user and store the backups in that user's home
<orhtej2> > <@florent:tedomum.net> Thank you. Can I use an existing yunh user for the SSH user?
https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/borgserver_ynh/blob/7d0102c470e26a33a8e0c33557cee941c2cc79ba/manifest.toml#L30 I don't think so https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/borgserver_ynh/blob/7d0102c470e26a33a8e0c33557cee941c2cc79ba/scripts/install#L21
<Florent> Would it be an issue if I installed the borg backup package manually instead, not as a yunohost app, and use it through my regular user to store repositories in its home?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> would it be an issue to use the borg backup app and just create another user ...
<Florent> I don't understand why another user is required nor how it plays out with multiple users (do they all share the same borg user for their backups? should they all have a different borg user? why does it need to be another user?).
The users on my server, including me, already have an ssh access. I thought it would be natural that they manage their own borg repositories in their own home, and for that, the only thing required is the borg executable. It is not like a complex web app involving user management, databases, and so on. Hence my question which was sincere and not meant as an attack or sarcasm.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ... i don't understand why it's a big deal to have another user on the server, the cost is zero, and it's separation of concern ...
<Florent> I don't understand how it works with several users. That's my main interrogation. Also, many other apps and services provided on yunh rely on the existing users on the server. That's just curiosity.