<Paprika> When testing out Firefly III, I noticed an issue with personal access tokens / oauth clients throwing errors when trying to use an app with them.
When connecting Abacus to Firefly with a OAuth Client token, this is the error:
Key path "file:///var/www/firefly-iii/storage/oauth-private.key" does not exist or is not readable
This is a permission error, because oauth-private.key and oauth-public.key are owned (for some reason) by the root user/group. After using `chown firefly-iii:www-data` for both of the files, the following error persists in Abacus:
Something went wrong
Failed to get accessToken. Error: Network request failed
Any ideas?
I would suspect it may be related to callback, but I am no expert on that.
<Paprika> When testing out Firefly III, I noticed an issue with personal access tokens / oauth clients throwing errors when trying to use an app with them.
When connecting Abacus to Firefly with a OAuth Client token, this is the error:
Key path "file:///var/www/firefly-iii/storage/oauth-private.key" does not exist or is not readable
This is a permission error, because oauth-private.key and oauth-public.key are owned (for some reason) by the root user/group. After using `chown firefly-iii:www-data` for both of the files, the following error persists in Abacus:
Something went wrong
Failed to get accessToken. Error: Network request failed
Any ideas?
I would suspect it may be related to callbacks, but I am no expert on that.
<Paprika> When testing out Firefly III, I noticed an issue with personal access tokens / oauth clients throwing errors when trying to use an app with them.
When connecting Abacus to Firefly with a OAuth Client token, this is the error:
Key path "file:///var/www/firefly-iii/storage/oauth-private.key" does not exist or is not readable
This is a permission error, because oauth-private.key and oauth-public.key are owned (for some reason) by the root user/group. After using `chown firefly-iii:www-data` for both of the files, Firefly gives you the option to authorize the app, but the following error persists in Abacus after authorization:
Something went wrong
Failed to get accessToken. Error: Network request failed
Any ideas?
I would suspect it may be related to callbacks, but I am no expert on that.
<julien> Test
<julien> Bonjour
<fch> > Test
<julien> Bonsoir.
Au secours les gens. J'ai un souci de classe 1 .
Je n'ai plus accès au portail sso ou plutôt j'y ai accès mais au login mot de.passe pas d'indication je reviens sur le portail sso. Le reste du serveur est op nickel pourtant
<julien> Bon plus dz peur que de mal , ça vienydu navigateur apparemment...mais chelou quand même ces venu comme ça sans mise a jour du navigateur...
<julien> Dommage j'aime bien mozilla
<tituspijean> essaie de supprimer le cache, voir d'`oublier le site` depuis l'historique
<Flamy, a Dragon 🐉> Hey, small question. Will I break anything if I change the hostname to something random?
<julien> > essaie de supprimer le cache, voir d'`oublier le site` depuis l'historique
Ouep résolu désinstallation de Firefox puis réinstallation
<Salamandar> > <julien> > essaie de supprimer le cache, voir d'`oublier le site` depuis l'historique
> Ouep résolu désinstallation de Firefox puis réinstallation
étonnant ! Ça sent le problème de cache DNS ou d'ipv6