<selfhoster1312> M1k3, tailscale/headscale c'est pas différent de wireguard, c'est juste une surcouche pour gérer les users/config
<selfhoster1312> en vrai j'ai jamais trouvé d'usage pour ces trucs là, y'a beaucoup de FUD du type "si tu mets pas ton serveur derrière cloudflare en y accédant que par tailscale tu vas te faire pirater hahahaha" mais en vrai c'est jamais arrivé à personne que je connais qui fait de l'auto-hébergement...
<selfhoster1312> donc essaye si tu trouves ça rigolo, mais si tu comprends pas l'usage c'est probablement parce que t'en as pas besoin et c'est cool :)
<niklas> Today I don't need support, I just want to sing some praise! I wondered if there was a way to install a custom app I'm developing in Yunohost, found the "My Webapp" app and had it up and running in minutes. So cool!
<thatoo> How can I know dn=dc=yunohost,dc=org ldap password?
<selfhoster1312> thatoo, i think there is 0 password :)
<selfhoster1312> at least auth by UDS is allowed without password
<selfhoster1312> see for example https://kl.netlib.re/gitea/selfhoster1312/ssowat-rs/src/branch/main/yunohost-api/src/ldap.rs
<thatoo> I created a user and I use this user for now. I'll take care of that later, for now, I'll work like that. I first need to understand where dokos store ldap config.
<thatoo> Thank you
<jorgeluis> Someone here running Zulip on ynh?
<jorgeluis> The package seems to be inactive https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/zulip_ynh
<Tag> jorgeluis: no one I guess, the package is not released yet https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/zulip_ynh/pull/1
<julien> Bonjour j'ai un souci avec une maj de roundcube
Erreur: "500"
Action: "PUT" /yunohost/api/apps/roundcube/upgrade
<julien> Résolu , faut réinstaller l'appli
<pinq> > Also, BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING copy over `/home/yunohost.app/trilium` somewhere safe (if it exists)
I tried today to upload old versio that I found on my computer, but still same problem "502 Bad Gateway"
<pinq> "ERROR: Current DB version 228 is newer than app db version 213 which means..." aah, right. backup doesn't restore database...
<orhtej2> Well yes, at this point the only path is forward. Upgrade to 0.60.x, then to latest