<peuplier> Hey there , can i have my_webapp run python script or do i have to write everything.in.PHP ? Thanks
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it's not designed for python
<matt> Hi everyone!
<matt> Have you guys talked about ente photo, its packaging and the possibility to add it on the catalog of server apps?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> "ente photo" ?
<matt> https://github.com/ente-io/ente
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> anyway you can check the wishlist at https://apps.yunohost.org/wishlist and click "Suggest an app"
<matt> ok, great, but immich is available, so I think I will go for it
<stan> it appears that ente is already suggesed but only has 6 votes
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<eric_G> and I can't see any doc on how to install...
<eric_G> 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 ... 6 votes is not that bad
<eric_G> expect it to be package in 2030 (Microsoft zero carbon year 😬)
<virak85> bonjour, j'ai une question : est ce que je peux installer younohost comme exécuter un script sans flasher ma card sd ?car j'ai déjà un OS dessus et pour info c'est sur RaspberryPi ? merci de vos retours
<Pierre (plabuse)> virak85: tu as quoi comme version de debian sur ton rpi, `cat /etc/debian_version` ?
<virak85> > <@plabuse:sans-nuage.fr> virak85: tu as quoi comme version de debian sur ton rpi, `cat /etc/debian_version` ?
<Pierre (plabuse)> De mémoire il faut être en debian 11 (mais cela a peut-être changé). Pour moi il faudrait mieux partir avec une nouvelle carte SD ou une clef USB si tu as un rpi récent.
<virak85> okok, au fait younohost est une distrib debian ?
<Pierre (plabuse)> Oui basé sur debian.Tu peux l'installer via un script https://yunohost.org/fr/install/hardware:vps_debian ou depuis une image dans le cas du rpi. Il faut regader la doc.
<virak85> yes merci beaucoup, je regarderai ça
<tonton> Hi, I just added an issue about swap creation on btrfs on flarum. But I see I have a swap_libreerp suffering from the same issue (copy-on-write on btrfs). I have libreerp installed, and it seems to be working.
Should I somehow link the issue from flarum to libreerp or is the swap creation helper scripts part of a specific repo somewhere?
Here is the issue I just created: https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/flarum_ynh/issues/227
<Salamandar> grbml tbh we shouldn't have apps freely create swapfiles
<Salamandar> but well
<Salamandar> maybe that calls for a swap file helper…
<selfhoster1312> what's taking so much RAM? oO
<selfhoster1312> it looks like it's just a composer install? that should be lightweight
<tonton> I don't know, I thought I had plenty of RAM available also, but idk.