<olivier> hey there everyone ; I'm having recurrent issues when updating apps on YNH recently ; at the very least, every app update fails because fail2ban isn't running ; and for some reason, fail2ban keeps stopping without (obvious) notice
this wouldn't be THAT bad, when all it takes is restarting fail2ban manually before updates, but it's still weird
what's more concerning, is that I can't update synapse at all, even with fail2ban running ; I've missed a couple of updates because of this, and was wondering if anyone had similar troubles?
<olivier> here's the log, if that helps : https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/uvejapixet
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ```
2024-05-13 12:12:33,197: DEBUG - + mv -t /home/yunohost.app/synapse /home/yunohost.app/matrix-synapse/media /home/yunohost.app/matrix-synapse/media_storage 2024-05-13 12:12:33,239: WARNING - mv: cannot move '/home/yunohost.app/matrix-synapse/media' to '/home/yunohost.app/synapse/media': File exists
That seems unrelated to fail2ban but i'm also super confused
<olivier> it's just a warning, though
<olivier> and I can't see any error
<olivier> beside the final "an error occured in the script" (what error? what script?)
<selfhoster1312> olivier, i think the error *is* the warning in this case?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (yes)
<olivier> weirdly enough, I do have a /home/yunohost.app/synapse dir, but it's almost as big as /home/yunohost.app/matrix-synapse and has rather close modification dates...
<CyBerNetX> hello how verifi if my dns with api.gandi.net dont work i think https://yunohost.org/fr/providers/registrar/gandi/autodns this url is not actualy
<Salamandar> ha indeed
<Salamandar> click on "authentication options"
<Salamandar> then in "developer access" you'll have the "generate the api key" option
<CyBerNetX> thanks , i change and wait and see
<Pierre (plabuse)> CyBerNetX: Bonjour, si cela fonctionne, tiens moi au courant, car j'avais fait un test il y a quelques mois sans succès, j'avais fait la configuration du dns/gandi à la main.
<centralscrutinizer> Buongiorno/Bonjour I'm back 🫰
<centralscrutinizer> I am looking for help to install and set up the famous/infamous bifrost matrix bridge
<centralscrutinizer> I am still trying to understand the differences between bifrost and the other mautrix-go bridges (tg,wa, and signal)
<centralscrutinizer> Is it possible to login to different accounts for different users and have a double puppett to manage chats and groups, or it works differently?
<rathantara> galene after upgrade: Couldn't fetch groups: Error: 500
<rathantara> humhub redirection loop after install ok, too many redirections error
<rathantara> digitranscode cant be installed, chsum error on download
<rathantara> roundcube: An internal error has occurred. Your request cannot be processed at this time.
<selfhoster1312> centralscrutinizer, i think bifrost does puppeting, i'm from XMPP in this room so if you see me as a user and not a bot (i do see you as a user and not a bot) puppeting is working
<centralscrutinizer> selfhoster1312: yes I thought so, by looking at others events above (like someone banned for weird spam) :)
<selfhoster1312> ha i didn't see the ban on this side :)
<centralscrutinizer> I was trying to get some help to install and configure the bridge on my personal server
<selfhoster1312> tbh bifrost is really lame but if you're really into matrix it's the best we have at the moment :(
<selfhoster1312> i've never done that (i don't have a matrix server) but if you get stuck and want outside perspective i'm here
<selfhoster1312> feel free to add me as contact, my nick @ kl . netlib . re
<centralscrutinizer> > <selfhoster1312> feel free to add me as contact, my nick @ kl . netlib . re
is this your matrix or xmpp account?
<selfhoster1312> xmpp :)
<centralscrutinizer> i am never complaining when someone does a job for the community
<eric_G> rathantara: your point being?