Tuesday, May 28, 2024
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[03:42:57] <zewm_> Hello :)
[03:44:34] <zewm_> I'm having trouble. Apps are saying I need a newer version of Yunohost but when I try to update Yunohost it says it's already updated.
[03:44:54] <zewm_> I'm currently using Powered by YunoHost (stable)
[03:45:02] <zewm_> but app is asking for 11.2.12
[03:45:20] <zewm_> Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
[08:43:19] <Salamandar> oupsie
[08:43:32] <Salamandar> didn't we release 11.2.12 already ?
[08:44:07] <Salamandar> I can confirm 11.2.12 is already out
[08:44:24] <Salamandar> Have you access to your server via ssh ?
[08:55:32] <CyBerNetX> Pierre (plabuse): bon apparement j ai changer de api key et cela na rien changer , avant j utilisait vpnclient mais il s est mis a se deco/reco et du coups n arrivait pas a avoir le dns bref je galere mon ynh est derriere un pfsense pour info j ai fait du nat mais ca a pas l aire de fonctionner !!!....
[09:53:50] <rathantara> > <@ericg:matrix.org> rathantara: your point being?

need help
[09:54:07] <eric_G> need logs
[09:56:21] <eric_G> making "un inventaire à la Prévert" doesn't help. opening an issue and providing logs may help
[09:58:07] <eric_G> for Galène there is a breaking change on the config file: https://forum.yunohost.org/t/galene-videoconferencing-server/14730/25
[09:59:31] <rathantara> > 2024-05-23 21:44:02,711: INFO - Installing digitranscode…
> 2024-05-23 21:44:02,717: INFO - Provisioning sources...
> 2024-05-23 21:44:02,718: DEBUG - Prefetching asset main: https://codeberg.org/ladigitale/digitranscode/archive/0.2.0.tar.gz ...
> 2024-05-23 21:44:03,816: WARNING - Failed to provision sources : YunoHost was able to download the asset 'main' (https://codeberg.org/ladigitale/digitranscode/archive/0.2.0.tar.gz) for digitranscode, but the asset doesn't match the expected checksum. This could mean that some temporary network failure happened on your server, OR the asset was somehow changed by the upstream maintainer (or a malicious actor?) and YunoHost packagers need to investigate and perhaps update the app manifest to take this change into account.
> Expected sha256 checksum: d9cae0a3c9bf121f831527bc93c9f3689901e47d563ef6927f1b0f418f6a1957
> Downloaded sha256 checksum: 55003ae5ff6ff9759aed2725931e28bd2a2f4cddd245b066dd84b15fb8254236
> Downloaded file size: 1,1M
> 2024-05-23 21:44:03,818: INFO - Deprovisioning sources...
> 2024-05-23 21:44:03,818: ERROR - Provisioning, deprovisioning, or updating resources for digitranscode failed: YunoHost was able to download the asset 'main' (https://codeberg.org/ladigitale/digitranscode/archive/0.2.0.tar.gz) for digitranscode, but the asset doesn't match the expected checksum. This could mean that some temporary network failure happened on your server, OR the asset was somehow changed by the upstream maintainer (or a malicious actor?) and YunoHost packagers need to investigate and perhaps update the app manifest to take this change into account.
> Expected sha256 checksum: d9cae0a3c9bf121f831527bc93c9f3689901e47d563ef6927f1b0f418f6a1957
> Downloaded sha256 checksum: 55003ae5ff6ff9759aed2725931e28bd2a2f4cddd245b066dd84b15fb8254236
> Downloaded file size: 1,1M

[10:00:20] <rathantara> https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/hulizatuqe
[10:00:51] <eric_G> for digitranscode a fix is on testing https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/digitranscode_ynh/pull/8
[10:02:18] <rathantara> jellyfin client is complaining about outdated server version
[10:06:42] <eric_G> for Jellyfin there is a version in testing... that needs to be tested https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/jellyfin_ynh/pull/154
[10:09:02] <rathantara> reinstalled roundcube, working but huge logo appears and page is not formatting correctly
[10:11:48] <yunohelper> Hi! To help us volunteers help you, read about <a href="https://yunohost.org/en/help-me">how to ask for help</a>.<br />Notably, if you are getting an error, share its <em>full</em> log by pasting here the link to the page created by the YunoPaste buttons.<br />Thank you for you patience, and thank you for using YunoHost!
[10:19:53] <rathantara> where is humhub execution log?
[10:24:45] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ... Can you please avoid switching between completely different problems each new message while at the same time providing no details, logs, context, ...
[10:30:46] <rathantara> trying to access humhub web page after succesfull install ang I get ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error
[10:32:16] <eric_G> please, open a proper issue on Humhub GitHub repo
[12:55:38] <nicofrand> I have no issue with Roundcube on its own subdomain, maybe you are using a subpath ? Anyway please comment on the thread or create a ticket on the repository directly, with the logs
[12:55:39] <nicofrand> > <@zippy99:matrix.org> reinstalled roundcube, working but huge logo appears and page is not formatting correctly

See https://forum.yunohost.org/t/echec-installation-roundcube-16-7/29717. Useful feedback would be to give the results of the network tab of the browser's devtool I guess, to see which request is made to fetch the CSS/JS, how it fails, etc.
[17:07:30] <zewm_> Today at 4:44 AM:
> Have you access to your server via ssh ?

Hi, yes.

I have tried apt update and yunohost tools update system and it always comes back as everything is up to date already.
[17:09:03] <Salamandar> @zippy99:matrix.org maybe you have an issue with your browser ?
[17:09:44] <Salamandar> > <zewm_> Today at 4:44 AM:
> > Have you access to your server via ssh ?
> Hi, yes.
> I have tried apt update and yunohost tools update system and it always comes back as everything is up to date already.

Well that's kinda weird.
What version does `apt show yunohost` say ?
[20:13:21] <rathantara> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> @zippy99:matrix.org maybe you have an issue with your browser ?

tried 2 browsers
[20:14:04] <rathantara> > I have no issue with Roundcube on its own subdomain, maybe you are using a subpath ? Anyway please comment on the thread or create a ticket on the repository directly, with the logs

[20:17:59] <rathantara> now digitranscode installs ok but web page is empty
[20:39:30] <zewm_> > Well that's kinda weird.
> What version does `apt show yunohost` say ?

> Well that's kinda weird.
> What version does `apt show yunohost` say ?

I will check when I get home. Don’t have access right now 👌
[20:58:26] <eric_G> > <@zippy99:matrix.org> now digitranscode installs ok but web page is empty

[22:25:44] <daniel_gultsch> It is Daniel from Conversations.im. I am sorry for downtimes.

I will give away !!Amazon Gift Card!!! to first 100 xmpp accounts to send me phone number and email.

Send it to me fast: xmpp:daniel_gultsch@conversations.im
[23:06:25] <zewm_> > > <zewm_> Today at 4:44 AM:
> > > Have you access to your server via ssh ?
> >
> > Hi, yes.
> >
> > I have tried apt update and yunohost tools update system and it always comes back as everything is up to date already.
> Well that's kinda weird.
> What version does `apt show yunohost` say ?

Package: Yunohost

and then a bunch of dependancies