<thatoo> Hello, this morning I realize that CPU of my ynh is working at 100%
When I do a `sudo htop` I get the following :
<thatoo> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/defis.info/vOGXVMkhJjyPLEGPGhtdyBCC
<thatoo> I guess something is wrong with mariadb. I tried rebooting ynh, it didn't change anything. I don't know much how to debug mariadb.
<orhtej2> > <@thatoo:defis.info> I guess something is wrong with mariadb. I tried rebooting ynh, it didn't change anything. I don't know much how to debug mariadb.
Get into mariadb shell and execute `show processlist` perhaps to locate offending queries?
<Séβαστιεν> Il y a une question que je me pose depuis un moment. Le FAI ou est mon serveur Yunohost ne gère pas l’IPV6 ni le reverse DNS. Si je le fais passer par un VPN (FFDN), pourrai-je récupérer cet IPV6 et un reverse DNS ?
<thatoo> ```
MariaDB [(none)]> show processlist;
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info | Progress |
| 330 | nextcloud | localhost | nextcloud | Query | 1444 | Sending data | SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`id`, `s`.`nid`, `s`.`id_prim`, `s`.`visibility`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`subtype`, `s` | 0.000 |
| 338 | nextcloud | localhost | nextcloud | Query | 1379 | Sending data | SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`id`, `s`.`nid`, `s`.`id_prim`, `s`.`visibility`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`subtype`, `s` | 0.000 |
| 345 | nextcloud | localhost | nextcloud | Query | 1322 | Sending data | SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`id`, `s`.`nid`, `s`.`id_prim`, `s`.`visibility`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`subtype`, `s` | 0.000 |
| 347 | nextcloud | localhost | nextcloud | Query | 1315 | Sending data | SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`id`, `s`.`nid`, `s`.`id_prim`, `s`.`visibility`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`subtype`, `s` | 0.000 |
| 351 | nextcloud | localhost | nextcloud | Query | 1231 | Sending data | SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`id`, `s`.`nid`, `s`.`id_prim`, `s`.`visibility`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`subtype`, `s` | 0.000 |
| 354 | nextcloud | localhost | nextcloud | Query | 1197 | Sending data | SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`id`, `s`.`nid`, `s`.`id_prim`, `s`.`visibility`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`subtype`, `s` | 0.000 |
| 358 | nextcloud | localhost | nextcloud | Query | 1014 | Sending data | SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`id`, `s`.`nid`, `s`.`id_prim`, `s`.`visibility`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`subtype`, `s` | 0.000 |
| 367 | nextcloud | localhost | nextcloud | Query | 954 | Sending data | SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`id`, `s`.`nid`, `s`.`id_prim`, `s`.`visibility`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`subtype`, `s` | 0.000 |
| 372 | nextcloud | localhost | nextcloud | Query | 888 | Sending data | SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`id`, `s`.`nid`, `s`.`id_prim`, `s`.`visibility`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`subtype`, `s` | 0.000 |
| 377 | nextcloud | localhost | nextcloud | Query | 858 | Sending data | SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`id`, `s`.`nid`, `s`.`id_prim`, `s`.`visibility`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`subtype`, `s` | 0.000 |
| 382 | nextcloud | localhost | nextcloud | Query | 825 | Sending data | SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`id`, `s`.`nid`, `s`.`id_prim`, `s`.`visibility`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`subtype`, `s` | 0.000 |
| 385 | nextcloud | localhost | nextcloud | Query | 768 | Sending data | SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`id`, `s`.`nid`, `s`.`id_prim`, `s`.`visibility`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`subtype`, `s` | 0.000 |
| 388 | nextcloud | localhost | nextcloud | Query | 729 | Sending data | SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`id`, `s`.`nid`, `s`.`id_prim`, `s`.`visibility`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`subtype`, `s` | 0.000 |
| 392 | nextcloud | localhost | nextcloud | Query | 585 | Sending data | SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`id`, `s`.`nid`, `s`.`id_prim`, `s`.`visibility`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`subtype`, `s` | 0.000 |
| 395 | nextcloud | localhost | nextcloud | Query | 564 | Sending data | SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`id`, `s`.`nid`, `s`.`id_prim`, `s`.`visibility`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`subtype`, `s` | 0.000 |
| 401 | nextcloud | localhost | nextcloud | Query | 103 | Sending data | SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`id`, `s`.`nid`, `s`.`id_prim`, `s`.`visibility`, `s`.`type`, `s`.`subtype`, `s` | 0.000 |
| 403 | root | localhost | NULL | Query | 0 | starting | show processlist | 0.000 |
<thatoo> I don't know if it means something
<thatoo> nextcloud doesn't answer (I didn't check that before now) but it makes sens. I check everything else and everything is working.
<thatoo> nextcloud doesn't answer (I didn't check that before now) but it makes sens. I check everything else and everything is working. SO the issue is with nextcloud database but I don't know what.
<thatoo> If I restart mysql, I can access for few seconds to nextcloud, go to admin settings and I can see the following logs :
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory
Exception thrown: Doctrine\DBAL\Exception
Doctrine\DBAL\Exception: Failed to connect to the database: An exception occurred in the driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory at /var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/DB/Connection.php#139
<thatoo> I hesitate. Should I try updating yunohost and nextcloud to last version? Can it help?
<thatoo> I set nextcloud in maintenance mode but it doesn't help
<thatoo> If I set nextcloud maintenance mode ON and then I restart mysql, then it's fine. As soon as I set nextcloud maintenance mode OFF again, then mariadb becomes crazy again.
<orhtej2> Hmmm not sure what to do about it honestly, some index is missing perhaps?
<thatoo> And then, with maintenance mode ON
MariaDB [(none)]> show processlist;
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info | Progress |
| 223 | root | localhost | NULL | Query | 0 | starting | show processlist | 0.000 |
1 row in set (0,000 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> Ctrl-C -- exit!
<orhtej2> Or some crawler is indexing the contents?
<thatoo> should I try updating and hope some kind of maintenance operation helps mysql to be ok again?
<orhtej2> Thats an option for sure, what version are you running?
<thatoo> just the one before 28.0.5~ynh1
<orhtej2> Perhaps disable apps if you have custom ones installed?
<thatoo> Are all app mentioned as "Featured" ok?
<orhtej2> Disable random ones and see what sticks 😜
<orhtej2> Also theres oprion to see full query in process list, perhaps that will give you some insight?
<thatoo> > Also theres oprion to see full query in process list, perhaps that will give you some insight?
sorry, I didn't get that one
<thatoo> Indeed, disabling a bunch of apps solved the issue.
<thatoo> I'll enable them one by one to find the guilty one.
<orhtej2> > <@thatoo:defis.info> sorry, I didn't get that one
`show full processlist` does not truncate the query
<thatoo> so the guilty app is `social`
<thatoo> thank you orhtej2 for your help
<isAAAc> > <@tuxakadjseb:mozilla.org> Il y a une question que je me pose depuis un moment. Le FAI ou est mon serveur Yunohost ne gère pas l’IPV6 ni le reverse DNS. Si je le fais passer par un VPN (FFDN), pourrai-je récupérer cet IPV6 et un reverse DNS ?
pourquoi pas hoster ton serveur directement chez un membre de FFDN ? genre aquilenet par exemple, mais il y en a d'autres
<Séβαστιεν> À ma connaissance, la FFDN ne gère que l’ADSL chez moi (Maine-et-Loire).
<pti-jean> > <@tuxakadjseb:mozilla.org> Il y a une question que je me pose depuis un moment. Le FAI ou est mon serveur Yunohost ne gère pas l’IPV6 ni le reverse DNS. Si je le fais passer par un VPN (FFDN), pourrai-je récupérer cet IPV6 et un reverse DNS ?
À mon avis oui...
Autre avantage d'auto-hébergé (avec éventuellement un VPN)... c'est de pouvoir faire rapidement des backup avec rpi-clone!
<Séβαστιεν> En fait, j’ai FAImaison (FFDN de Nantes) chez moi en ADSL. Le serveur est chez ma mère, qui a la fibre.
<isAAAc> > <@tuxakadjseb:mozilla.org> À ma connaissance, la FFDN ne gère que l’ADSL chez moi (Maine-et-Loire).
<Séβαστιεν> Merci isAAAc. Je vais étudier ça de près.
<Alnotz> ```
Warning: The configuration file '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' has been manually modified and will not be updated
Ha, c’est possible de repasser en mode automatique ?
<Alnotz> Une manière de réinitialiser ce fichier sans réinstaller YunoHost ?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `yunohost tools regen-conf ssh --dry-run --with-diff` puis si t'es content, `yunohost tools regen-conf ssh --force`
<Alnotz> Merci pour cette astuce Aleks (he/him/il/lui). :-)
*Alnotz continue d’étudier la sécurité de sa machine.