<rodinux> what idea to have name like this...
<rodinux> Hello, I have some time problems with specific fullname users `argument value 'Géraldine D’Autheville' for 'fullname' doesn't match pattern '^([^\W_]{1,30}[ ,.'-]{0,3})+$'`
<rodinux> Ok I could put Géraldine d'Autheville
<rodinux> For this one I don't know how to do !! Warning: argument value 'Jean-christian d’Autheville' for 'fullname' doesn't match pattern '^([^\W_]{1,30}[ ,.'-]{0,3})+$'
<rodinux> well I undestand why
<tituspijean> mmmh that may not be where the test is done, let me check
<tituspijean> ah yeah it's on line 75 of `/usr/share/yunohost/actionsmap.yml`
<tituspijean> @rodinux:matrix.orgIf you want to check if allowing the typographical apostrophe, you can try adding it on lines 40 and 41 of `/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/user.py`
<tituspijean> `^([^\W_]{1,30}[ ,.'’-]{0,3})+$`
<rodinux> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> mmmh that may not be where the test is done, let me check
Thanks a lot, but it not a real big problem... it doesn't matter, I just didn't put it. It could be a source of error after upgrades perhaps...