Sunday, June 09, 2024
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[08:54:15] <centralscrutinizer> I have a question regarding coturn: at the moment I have 3 applications on my server hat needs coturn to serve voip functionality. Xmpp (Metronome) Matrix (Synapse) and Nextcloud talk.
Matrix voip works correctly thanks to the synapse-coturn service that is installed and configured automagically with Synapse. For xmpp and talk I need to install and configure coturn app manually. Would it be possibile to add specific configurations to synapse-coturn so that it can provide VoIP also for xmpp and talk?
[14:09:52] <bharathmp> Is anyone using [[][Vaultwarden]] on Yunohost? I am unable to figure out the login process. Does it not use LDAP? Do I have to create new users for it?
[17:20:23] <centralscrutinizer> > <> Is anyone using [[][Vaultwarden]] on Yunohost? I am unable to figure out the login process. Does it not use LDAP? Do I have to create new users for it?

Yes it does not use ldap... it creates an admin account at installation with a token...then you enter the admin account with said token and create users from there
[17:50:58] <bharathmp> > <centralscrutinizer> > <> Is anyone using [[][Vaultwarden]] on Yunohost? I am unable to figure out the login process. Does it not use LDAP? Do I have to create new users for it?

Yes it does not use ldap... it creates an admin account at installation with a token...then you enter the admin account with said token and create users from there

Thank you! That would mean to create new users, the email service must also be setup right? Because user registration happens through email?
[17:52:29] <centralscrutinizer> Yes the mail service is used also for password recovery, once that is set up user should also be allowed to register themselves
[17:54:38] <bharathmp> Oh! That is bothersome, I have Yunohost fully functional without ever using the mail service. I will have to figure out some other password manager rather than Bitwarden for myself then.
[18:03:46] <bharathmp> Because I keep getting the message that mail was sent successfully even in the admin screen, but it never sends an email.
[18:33:25] <bharathmp> Went and checked logs to see if the port 25 is the issue, my port is open but Yunohost keeps saying it isn't. I have checked through an external IP as well. This is strange. I am self-hosting on a RaspberryPi. Does anyone have any pointers to resolve this? I have tried using the normal telnet, etc. Here is the output of ~lsof~, ~sudo lsof -i:25
master 164347 root 13u IPv4 2012133 0t0 TCP *:smtp (LISTEN)~
[18:33:50] <bharathmp> I am able to telnet as well
[19:38:53] <furyventura> This goes on with each folder that is stored in the multimedia folder, so around 40.000 times... I don't think this is correct, especially because it warns that the operation is not supported.
[19:39:37] <furyventura> In the end the user is created successfully. I just wonder what this setfacl command is and if it is necessary and if I did something wrong when I have setup yunohost
[19:39:54] <furyventura> Hi all, I have a question regarding user creation in yunohost. When I create a user, the log is telling me the following.

User "\<user>" is added to the group "all\_users"

Then it tries to do the following via the setfacl command
setfacl: /home/yunohost.multimedia/\<user>: The operation is not supported
setfacl: /home/yunohost.multimedia/\<user>/eBook: The operation is not supported
[21:38:12] <Paprika> > <> In the end the user is created successfully. I just wonder what this setfacl command is and if it is necessary and if I did something wrong when I have setup yunohost

I recently had some experience with the `setfacl` command when I was setting up a shared directory between two containers, one of which was yunohost with Sonarr/Radarr, and one was a downloader client.
Essentially, with setfacl you can set default permissions in a directory that are set on top of the permissions that the user that creates the files decides to set them to. At least that's what I needed it for, because when a different container creates / moves files to a shared storage, the other container most likely will have difficulties accessing / grabbing / etc. the files, which is why having `setfacl` helps.

Now to answer your question, I would speculate that the command here wants to add default permissions for the multimedia directory and its contents, but presumably fails.
Each user has separate multimedia folders and although I do not know why that is, you can verify whether the permissions are incorrect by using `getfacl /home/yunohost.multimedia/<user>/`, which will tell you the full permission list for that directory.
[21:48:47] <Paprika> You may notice that the directories are most likely given access to the multimedia group, which is primarily targeted towards services/apps being able to access/share information (presumably). As to how this affects each user, I most certainly have no idea.