<lohangX> Hello, I am trying to start using my XMPP server in yunohost. I however have not enabled XMPP for my primary domain (domain 1). I have instead activated xmpp for a newly added domain (domain 2) and added dns records accordingly. How do I create a user for this domain. Is it created by default when I add this 'domain 2'? If that is the case how do I know or change its password? If not where can I create this user?
<lohangX> > Hello, I am trying to start using my XMPP server in yunohost. I however have not enabled XMPP for my primary domain (domain 1). I have instead activated xmpp for a newly added domain (domain 2) and added dns records accordingly. How do I create a user for this domain. Is it created by default when I add this 'domain 2'? If that is the case how do I know or change its password? If not where can I create this user?
Do I have to enable XMPP for domain 1 as well, with all the DNS records?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> xmpp users are yunohost users
<lohangX> > xmpp users are yunohost users
Okay, but I need the xmpp user with the server address when adding it to a client like gajim.
<lohangX> my yunohost user is not featured in my xmpp address, as far as I can see
<lohangX> yunohost user is just a username without a domain name
<lohangX> So, should I consider user@domain2 to be the XMPP user?
<lohangX> I'll give it a try
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmm or maybe you need to add an alias for that user
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ooooor
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (and email alias)
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `user@domain2.tld`
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> in the webadmin, Users > youruser > Edit > mail alias stuff
<lohangX> On the other hand yunohost documentation states "With YunoHost, an XMPP account is created for all YunoHost users automatically. The XMPP account credentials corresponds to the user's main e-mail address and password."
The domain that I use for my main email address does not have XMPP enabled. I am trying to enable it on a newly added domain, exclusiveky for XMPP.
<lohangX> > `user@domain2.tld`
Ah okay, thanks! Will try this too
<lohangX> I still haven't been able to get access to the XMPP server (described in the messages above) with my yunohost username. Apparently because I try to use a different domain other than my primary domain. Is there a way to create a different user via the command line?
<lohangX> Alternatively, I can try installing Prosody. It doesn't seem to be resource hungry. Will it create any conflict with Metronome that comes with the default installation?
<lohangX> At last I was able to connect. Creating an alias did the trick. Thank you Aleks (he/him/il/lui) :)
<@chrichri:ween.de> Is anybody running a _yunohost cluster_?
_cluster_ like
* one common ldap database (ideally replicated)
* independent functioning of network access
* different services on each of the nodes
I'm running out of CPU and RAM and would like to add another SBC to my yunohost setup...
<rodinux> hello, does the fonction ti import users with csc file works ?
<rodinux> *cvs
<Salamandar> > one common ldap database (ideally replicated)
That we discussed with Al eks at JDLL, that could be "feasible" but there would be multiple issues :
* what about home dir creation / deletion on secondary servers when you update a user on the primary ?
* what about hooks that update users on apps that can't connect to ldap ?
* …
<rodinux> Is it possible import users with a file.csv with the variable `fullname` ??
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> it should be ?
<rodinux> when you export a .csv there is `username;firstname;lastname;password;mail;mail-alias;mail-forward;mailbox-quota;groups`
<eric_G> isn't `fullname` composed with `firstname` + `lastname`?
<rodinux> Indeed... I am testing import a csv file without success... for my test I am using just one user, later I will try it for few (156)
<@chrichri:ween.de> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> > one common ldap database (ideally replicated)
> That we discussed with Al eks at JDLL, that could be "feasible" but there would be multiple issues :
> * what about home dir creation / deletion on secondary servers when you update a user on the primary ?
> * what about hooks that update users on apps that can't connect to ldap ?
Covering active-active would be quite hard. I was looking for experience with adding additional boards for additional/other apps, e.g.:
* yunohost 1 running: first.doma.in for mail, webmail, app2, app3
* yunohost 2 running: other.doma.in for matrix, blogging
* yunohost 3 running: third.doma.in for whatsapp-bridge
Something like this...
<thatoo> I wanted to update nextcloud from 28.0.5 to 28.0.6 but it fails and I don't understand why reading the logs. Bad luck/timing is an option?
Meaning, should I attempt again?
<Salamandar> looks like an incompatible app. Can you disable the app polls and retry ?
<thatoo> even if it's not a major upgrade 28 to 29 but only a minor 28.0.5 to 28.0.6 and even if I checked on the nextcloud app store and Polls is compatible up to nextcloud 29?
<Salamandar> well i don't know :D
<Salamandar> indeed it's a minor update
<thatoo> if no other idea, I'll test that of course but I was thinking it could be something else
<quiwy> had some problem like 2 hours ago with an update of polls app, had to disable maintenance mode, and could update polls app through the web interface
<hercut> Bonjour à tous
<hercut> QUestion con, mais y a t'il un tuto pour installer debian :/
<hercut> il y a tellement d'option que je ne comprend pas, et j'ai essayé d'installé yuh apres et j'ai l'erreur suivante : our environment PATH variable must contains /sbin directory. Maybe try running 'PATH=/sbin:$PATH' to fix this.
<hercut> ce qui me dit que j'ai peut etre pas installé correctement debian
<thatoo> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> looks like an incompatible app. Can you disable the app polls and retry ?
I did that and it has worked. I could enable polls after.
<thatoo> Thank you Salamandar
<pti-jean> Multiples vulnérabilités dans les produits Nextcloud:
Je viens de regarder, y a pour le moment pas de mise à jour de NextCloud!
<pti-jean> sur YunoHost...
<miro5001> La dernière version est 28.0.6~ynh1 qui selon ce bulletin n'est pas concernée. Pour ce qui est des applications nextcloud, c'est l'utilisateur qui est responsable de leurs mises à jour. Mais je pense qu'il vaudrait mieux publier ça sur le topic de nextcloud pour inciter les utilisateurs à vérifier le statut de leurs instances nextcloud
<pti-jean> Moi, ce qui m'intéresse, c'est que ma version de NextCloud YunoHost ne soit pas vulnérable !
<pti-jean> Tu es sur... parce que dans Système Affectés, je vois ça:
Server versions 28.0.x antérieures à 28.0.6 pour nextcloud et nextcloud enterprise
<Salamandar> > <pti-jean> Tu es sur... parce que dans Système Affectés, je vois ça:
> Server versions 28.0.x antérieures à 28.0.6 pour nextcloud et nextcloud enterprise
Justement, antérieurs à 28.0.6 qui est la version actuelle :)
<pti-jean> Et elle n'est pas inclue dans la fourchette ??
<Salamandar> généralement on indique une fourchette strictement inférieure
<Salamandar> (en gros on indique la version à laquelle ça a été corrigé)
<Salamandar> https://www.cve.org/CVERecord?id=CVE-2024-37887
<Salamandar> strictement inférieu
<pti-jean> Ok 👍️