<ic> Interstellar_1 I think it is the ports on your router that need opening
<@err404:matrix.numericore.com> interstellar is already banned...
<rathantara> Scratch upgrade error, log: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ulicopoqeb
<miro5001> Hi.
I would like to send the content of download folder of my phone to my server using syncthing to /home/yunohost.multimedia/$USER/mobile_downloads
I get permission denied.
I will not play with permissions to avoid breaking future updates.
So symlink or mount bind? Or something else?
<tituspijean> miro5001: you will play with permissions and it will not break with future updates :)
`usermod -a -G multimedia syncthing`
You may need to restart syncthing. Enjoy!
<Salamandar> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> miro5001: you will play with permissions and it will not break with future updates :)
> `usermod -a -G multimedia syncthing`
> You may need to restart syncthing. Enjoy!
Although if you remove/restore the app (such as with a failed upgrade) this will be reset.
<Salamandar> (Hmmm this could be handled by the core when backing up the user...)