<miro5001> I found https://goaccess.io/
But it seems to be for access statistics
<jeremy_jeey> Hi !
I’ve just installed Synapse Server (on https://matrix.logaton.fr) and Element (on https://discutons.logaton.fr/element).
When I try to connect thru Element I have this message :
> Cannot reach homeserver
> Ensure you have a stable internet connection, or get in touch with the server admin
Synapse server seems all right.
What can I check ?
<tituspijean> (that federation tester is a great tool to debug connection issues)
<tituspijean> jeremy_jeey: hey, you seem to have DNS issues with the Matrix domain: https://federationtester.matrix.org/#matrix.logaton.fr
<tituspijean> You can also check your browser console, it should be more talkative about what's happening between Element and the Matrix server.
<jeremy_jeey> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> jeremy_jeey: hey, you seem to have DNS issues with the Matrix domain: https://federationtester.matrix.org/#matrix.logaton.fr
My Yunohost is supposed to set this when I created the subdomain, right ? Anyway, I've correct this. #PleaseWait.
Thanks !
<tituspijean> Nope, you may have missed the postinstall notification: https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/synapse_ynh/blob/master/doc/POST_INSTALL.md?plain=1 (or the admin documentation when you open Synapse's page in your webadmin 🙂)
<tituspijean> (that may be more legible than on github)
<jeremy_jeey> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> Nope, you may have missed the postinstall notification: https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/synapse_ynh/blob/master/doc/POST_INSTALL.md?plain=1 (or the admin documentation when you open Synapse's page in your webadmin 🙂)
I've done this part at the install.
But the matrix 10800 IN A was missing (this one is supposed to be set up automatically, isn't it ?)
<tituspijean> It depends, have you enabled the automatic DNS feature?
<tituspijean> If not, you need to declare all the A (and AAAA if you have Ipv6) records to your registrar
<jeremy_jeey> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> It depends, have you enabled the automatic DNS feature?
yep. It worked well. (I check, I also miss the "mail._domainkey.matrix" 🤨 Maybe something got wrong when I configured the new subdomain.
May I try to set up again all that ??
<tituspijean> Ah, hopefully it was a temporary mishap. 😅 Yes, if you go to logaton.fr's domain configuration page in your webadmin, you may be able to push the missing records.
(Be careful if you "force-push", I don't remember the actual wording, you may delete the custom record you made for Synapse federation)
<jeremy_jeey> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> Ah, hopefully it was a temporary mishap. 😅 Yes, if you go to logaton.fr's domain configuration page in your webadmin, you may be able to push the missing records.
> (Be careful if you "force-push", I don't remember the actual wording, you may delete the custom record you made for Synapse federation)
Fine, I'll try that
<jeremy_jeey> > <@jeremy_jeey:matrix.org> Fine, I'll try that
I've done it. Now, I have my _dmarc and _domainkey records added. Let's see...
<jeremy_jeey> Bingo !
<jeremy_jeey> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/TXTVDZVCSBIxhNdGBFLLSwuo
<jeremy_jeey> Thanks tituspijean
<jeremy_jeey> tituspijean: J'avais vu passer une commande pour passer un user en admin Synapse mais je ne remets pas la main dessus (c'est pour utiliser Synapse Admin GUI). Une idée ?
<jeremy_jeey> > <@jeremy_jeey:matrix.org> tituspijean: J'avais vu passer une commande pour passer un user en admin Synapse mais je ne remets pas la main dessus (c'est pour utiliser Synapse Admin GUI). Une idée ?
J'ai trouvé cela :
sudo --login --user=postgres psql matrix_synapse <<< "UPDATE users SET admin = 1 WHERE name = '@user:NdD'"
mais j'obtiens cette erreur :
psql: error: FATAL: database "matrix_synapse" does not exist
<lautre> Why the Sepai Search (Peertube Search-Index) can't be installed? (It's listed, but can't be installed)
<lautre> Seems the installer don't want install it because there is no enought ram.
But, I use Balooning
<lautre> I was wrong, it's about free space on disk
<lautre> But, this information isn't write on the web page when I try to install the application
<lautre> Only red warning : This application can't be installed
<lautre> Oki, now, the application is installed, but doesn't works, because the config folder is missing.
I know there is templace, but can't find it this time.
Strange, I will search.
<lautre> Only testing version apps seems have the template config in sources.
But, as usual, no any documentation about configuration. Not Yunohost fault
So, for the moment : Peertube Search Index --> trash
<claush> > <@claush:matrix.org> Hi, O need to install an additional dictionary for collabora server but couldn't out how to do it. Does anybody have a hint for me?
Found the solution. Had to install hunspell-xx via CLI. Installing mythes-xx also enabled the thesaurus.
<stereo> hi, i tried updating yunohost and its stuck at:
`Info: [#######++...........] > Building Yarn dependencies...`
the log shows a `Corepack is about to download` and that link is not dead.
anyone knows that?
<stereo> hi, i tried updating peertube and its stuck at:
`Info: [#######++...........] > Building Yarn dependencies...`
the log shows a `Corepack is about to download` and that link is not dead.
anyone knows that?
<lautre> Installing Peertube on my small VM ( a Core i5), need long time. Less a hour, but it's very long
<lautre> You should check if there was a oomkiller somewhere (itjappend one time to me)
<stereo> > <@lautre:matrix.org> Installing Peertube on my small VM ( a Core i5), need long time. Less a hour, but it's very long
this is a virtual server. strong enough. load is nearly nothing. it seems to wait, but i dont know where exactly. also a yarn clear cache wasnt helpful.
<orhtej2> > <@stereo:gnubox.club> this is a virtual server. strong enough. load is nearly nothing. it seems to wait, but i dont know where exactly. also a yarn clear cache wasnt helpful.
The build step takes a lot of RAM typically, hence the slowness if os starts swapping out pages
<orhtej2> > <@stereo:gnubox.club> hi, i tried updating peertube and its stuck at:
> `Info: [#######++...........] > Building Yarn dependencies...`
> the log shows a `Corepack is about to download` and that link is not dead.
> anyone knows that?
Uh oh, thought it got patched ☠️
<orhtej2> Ah of course, mind sharing what other apps you have installed? One of them likely uses corepack 😭
<stereo> > Ah of course, mind sharing what other apps you have installed? One of them likely uses corepack 😭
you guess its a dependancy of another installed app?
<stereo> > <@stereo:gnubox.club> you guess its a dependancy of another installed app?
glitch-soc, castopod, bookstack, wikijs, plume
<orhtej2> It's an unfortunate cross-interaction with glitch-soc
<xananax> I'm curious if people here have experience with managing a matrix server. I installed Synapse about 3 years ago, and out of all the services I used, it is by far the one that needed maintenance the most; always something breaking; always space running out; always ram running out, and so on.
The server ended up in an irrecoverable state about twice in 3 months, through no specific manipulation. I had to wipe everything and start fresh, 3 times (thankfully I only had a few users). The fourth time, I threw the towel. Not worth maintaining for free just for me and my friends.
I still really like Matrix, and I wonder if the experience has gotten any better. I know it works well in a closed circuit, but I do mean to open the server to connect to large rooms and main instances.
<stereo> > <@Xananax:matrix.org> I'm curious if people here have experience with managing a matrix server. I installed Synapse about 3 years ago, and out of all the services I used, it is by far the one that needed maintenance the most; always something breaking; always space running out; always ram running out, and so on.
> The server ended up in an irrecoverable state about twice in 3 months, through no specific manipulation. I had to wipe everything and start fresh, 3 times (thankfully I only had a few users). The fourth time, I threw the towel. Not worth maintaining for free just for me and my friends.
> I still really like Matrix, and I wonder if the experience has gotten any better. I know it works well in a closed circuit, but I do mean to open the server to connect to large rooms and main instances.
i still run an installation on a raspberry pi since 2017
<xananax> federated?
<stereo> yes, and "plain" without yuno
<xananax> My install was plain too, but as soon as my friends would join large rooms, things would start to run sour
<xananax> I guess I'll try again
<ninchuka> > <@Xananax:matrix.org> My install was plain too, but as soon as my friends would join large rooms, things would start to run sour
yeah dont have them join large rooms thats how your DB baloons in size fast
<ninchuka> especially since synapse doesnt compress the state events
<ninchuka> https://github.com/matrix-org/rust-synapse-compress-state is required
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <@Xananax:matrix.org> I'm curious if people here have experience with managing a matrix server. I installed Synapse about 3 years ago, and out of all the services I used, it is by far the one that needed maintenance the most; always something breaking; always space running out; always ram running out, and so on.
> The server ended up in an irrecoverable state about twice in 3 months, through no specific manipulation. I had to wipe everything and start fresh, 3 times (thankfully I only had a few users). The fourth time, I threw the towel. Not worth maintaining for free just for me and my friends.
> I still really like Matrix, and I wonder if the experience has gotten any better. I know it works well in a closed circuit, but I do mean to open the server to connect to large rooms and main instances.
clearly synapse should be expected to be heavy maintenance and/or heave on resource, i don't think there's any magic tip except waiting for conduit or dendrite or whichever is supposed to be the "next-gen minimalist matrix server designed to run on a RPi"
<stereo> we are a two person server. for usage with others, we use a larger vps and this ansible thingy. its off-topic here, you can dm me
<ninchuka> dendrite isnt the next gen server anymore
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i mean clearly synapse is meant to manage 100+ user instances, not 3-4
<xananax> Yea I expect it to, but last time I tried it was too much, not something doable if maintaining servers isn't your day job
<xananax> And I can't exactly tell people to not join the rooms they wanna join; otherwise, there isn't really a point in federating
<xananax> In this instance, I plan to bridge the Godot discord community with 100k users, and I'm considering self-hosting vs using matrix.org
<xananax> It seems using matrix remains a safer option, but I'll still try a lil install to get a feel
<stereo> there is an option of setting a max joinable room complexity
<xananax> Ah I hadn't seen your message, I'll DM you, thanks
<12b> I'm failing to install vpnclient. Is the package broken?
install log : https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ekijimuseq
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> meh that's the bug of "yunohost service enable" T_T
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> let me release the fix ...
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> fixed in
<12b> I confirm vpnclient can be installed now. Thanks!!!
<orhtej2> > <@stereo:gnubox.club> you guess its a dependancy of another installed app?
I sketched and semiproductionized a tentative fix, can you give it a spin?
`sudo yunohost app upgrade peertube -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/peertube_ynh/tree/testing`
<stereo> > I sketched and semiproductionized a tentative fix, can you give it a spin?
> `sudo yunohost app upgrade peertube -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/peertube_ynh/tree/testing`
<orhtej2> if you run with `--debug` at the end you should spot it asking for stuff and just kill it
<stereo> too late ;)
<stereo> its already at the darn yarn
<orhtej2> if `top` shows no activity while building that means it's dead
<orhtej2> but shouldn't be TBH, I remember that working at some point at least
<stereo> ```
nfo: [#######++...........] > Building Yarn dependencies...
Info: [#########+..........] > Updating configuration file...
Info: [##########++........] > Installing peertube plugin...
<stereo> looking good, woohoo
<stereo> `Success! Upgrade complete`
<stereo> veeery cool, thank you. and what was the diff?
<orhtej2> https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/peertube_ynh/commit/aaa8efd5ff612426edd043aaec84edee02d632fb
<orhtej2> setting env variable for `corepack` to go home
<rathantara> https://gitlab.com/Nulide/findmydeviceserver