<Loïck > I'm trying again to get a yunopaste
<Loïck > https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/utujadarow
<Salamandar> > <@melchisedech:matrix.org> Good to hear that! For what I have seen, 10.9/testing has already been merged to main but the app is still flagged as broken in the catalog.
<Loïck > It seems to work again. Might have been a temporary issue.
<isAAAc> > ffox 115.12.0esr (64-bit) is up2date
> Yes, broken in 115.12.0esr (64-bit).
ok.... wait & see
<isAAAc> thx Salamandar ;)
<furyventura> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/pull/2455
What does that mean? 😅 Is it ready to be updated?
<Salamandar> If I read the cron file properly, the catalog will be rebuilt with this merged PR in 12 minutes
<Salamandar> and jellyfin won't be tagged as broken anymore
<jimbo11> Hello all, I need assistance regarding DynDNS and my server, which had a working ynh.fr domain but after IP change, even when using "sudo yunohost dyndns update --force" I cant get it to work. Thanks in advance for every kind of support
<Salamandar> https://app.yunohost.org/default/v3/apps.json <- jellyfin marked as working. Store will update soon.
<jimbo11> Here is an example Log of what is occuuring. This is repeating every couple of minutes: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/oqocezumul
<Erik Kemp> Hi! I had my Yunohost setup so that I could only access the web panel via my home IP, but apparently my new provider regularly changes my IP address 😅 anyone knows how to get around the current nginx 403 forbidden situation? I do have access to the VPS where yunohost runs via SSH.
<isAAAc> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> https://letsencrypt.status.io/ says it's all good.
on my side, i see i see
Incident Status
Degraded Performance
<pti-jean> Bonsoir,
Quand on a un certificat Let's Encrypt sur un domaine.fr valable 60 jours... Peut-on le régénéré sur une sauvegarde pour laquelle il a expiré ?
<pti-jean> Parce que j'ai suivi cette doc:
en ligne de commande... et au final j'ai été contraint de créer un certificat auto-signé !
<tufek> a priori pas de raison? as-tu tenté un yunohost domain cert-renew domaine.fr --force --no-checks ?
<tufek> la doc concerne un première installation, mais dans ton cas c'est un renouvellement si j'ai bien compris
<pti-jean> J'ai fait un:
sudo yunohost domain cert install domaine.fr --force
<pti-jean> ça n'a pas fonctionné !
<pti-jean> et ta commande je ne l'avais pas vu!
<tufek> quel message d'erreur rencontres-tu?
<pti-jean> $ sudo yunohost domain cert install mondomaine.fr --force
Warning: Another YunoHost command is running right now, we are waiting for it to finish before running this one
Warning: The other command just completed, now starting this command
Info: Now attempting install of certificate for domain mondomaine.fr!
Warning: The configuration file '/etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf' has been manually modified and will not be updated
Info: Parsing account key...
Info: Parsing CSR...
Info: Found domains: muc.mondomaine.fr, mondomaine.fr, xmpp-upload.mondomaine.fr
Info: Getting directory...
Info: Directory found!
Info: Registering account...
Info: Already registered!
Info: Creating new order...
Info: Order created!
Info: Verifying mondomaine.fr...
Info: mondomaine.fr verified!
Info: Verifying muc.mondomaine.fr...
Error: Error checking challenge status for muc.mondomaine.fr:
Url: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/authz-v3/364555300757
Data: b'{"protected": "eyJ1cmwiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9hY21lLXYwMi5hcGkubGV0c2VuY3J5cHQub3JnL2FjbWUvYXV0aHotdjMvMzY0NTU1MzAwNzU3IiwgImFsZyI6ICJSUzI1NiIsICJub25jZSI6ICJFUGc2a0pncXJyaUVrc0dxZ3Z2Qjg2c2hCNm5KbWIzckwtWjZuaU5QMl83VmYwWFo1a1kiLCAia2lkIjogImh0dHBzOi8vYWNtZS12MDIuYXBpLmxldHNlbmNyeXB0Lm9yZy9hY21lL2FjY3QvOTExMjY5NDk3In0", "payload": "", "signature": "fpK9DMmpYpIxid3vOAgwXuY1jkyQcWvy-hj_OzcpM3-XagTvOfrRND5TcprvGY6NYuHcjyFbcl9tXOl3BCdbvoM32zrI52Qe2oQPxpXJ-_fbzCvXoMG22hQ3ZfO_pqicizyV7-S7h2bDL1Yv4XK3utSshmViPqM68fSwNfO8oZ-CTK75fteDQiIqVmlZQNQhqb574WYvIRllCnwxByYIAar9OW3zCn4on8BDEm-oE25G7tnF-fzIguz8yfQJNqQ93R4BWCEHcsgoevsWVa5NY9r8lB9Jwuy6cIJQl8_s04X1pXGSpYSU_0NU5A8J9DWZPyosipPhcbtcPaVWRQWIeqXjgSAl7AaYI0YXICRfeFnfFsWBlXJAO1-nIjJj5jBRUVdvRB94FflcG-GYs918wDxZL2QTh3ECAQCBCmdd3R_7u-hbGuMfI2D1SR2Zmw16WhKwHJihy7PmrE6iUBZl0igYCrnZ3TFad00-S54MPIk71S41P-BNIKOkQCagagZ6"}'
Response Code: None
Response: <urlopen error EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:1123)>
Error: Certificate installation for mondomaine.fr failed !
Exception: Could not sign the new certificate
Info: The operation 'Install a Let's Encrypt certificate on 'mondomaine.fr' domain' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20240708-191611-letsencrypt_cert_install-mondomaine.fr' to get help
Error: Let's Encrypt certificate install failed for mondomaine.fr
<tufek> hmmm
<tufek> que te renvoie `sudo yunohost domain cert-status mondomaine.fr` ?
<pti-jean> Sur quelle machine... celle en cours, ou le backup où il a expiré ?
<pti-jean> Celle du backup:
$ sudo yunohost domain cert status mondomaine.fr
CA_type: letsencrypt
style: danger
summary: expired
validity: -7
<pti-jean> Celle en cours:
$ sudo yunohost domain cert status mondomaine.fr
CA_type: letsencrypt
style: success
summary: letsencrypt
validity: 66
<tufek> j'avais compris que tu faisais tes manips sur un backup
<pti-jean> Le but étant de le régénérer sur le backup!
<pti-jean> Mais pas forcément de suite... Quand j'aurai le temps pour régénérer le backup
<isAAAc> full green maintenant,
`# yunohost domain cert renew` played without any issue (i had 2 renew failed since this morning) ✅
<isAAAc> full green now,
`# yunohost domain cert renew` played without any issue (i had 2 renew failed since this morning) ✅
<tufek> > <pti-jean> Celle en cours:
> $ sudo yunohost domain cert status mondomaine.fr
> certificates:
> mondomaine.fr:
> CA_type: letsencrypt
> style: success
> summary: letsencrypt
> validity: 66
attends, mais tu as acheté le domaine https://mondomaine.fr/ ? c'est le serveur de la machine en cours qui délivre la page "mondomaine.fr: enregistrements de noms de domaine depuis 2001"?
<pti-jean> mondomaine.fr n'est qu'un exemple... mais oui, j'ai acheté un domaine!
<tufek> ok c'était juste pour m'écarter ce doute 😅
<tufek> ou quelque-chose dans ce goût là ^^
<tufek> du coup grossomodo il faudrait que tu éteingnes ta machine en cours et/ou supprimes son certificat pour ce domaine, fasse éventuellement le switch changements chez ton registrar si tes machines ont des IP différentes (https://yunohost.org/fr/dns\_config) puis un renouvellement de certificat sur le backup
<pti-jean> Pas d'IP différentent... Le backup est un clone fait par rpi-clone!
<pti-jean> Donc, c'est un clone identique... sauf que la backup date de plusieurs semaines... C'est pour cela qu'il faudra que j'y remonte les backup de mes apps!
<pti-jean> Bon je passe à table... @+
<furyventura> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> https://app.yunohost.org/default/v3/apps.json <- jellyfin marked as working. Store will update soon.
great, thanks a lot Salamandar :-)
<jimbo11> > <@jimbo11:matrix.org> Hello all, I need assistance regarding DynDNS and my server, which had a working ynh.fr domain but after IP change, even when using "sudo yunohost dyndns update --force" I cant get it to work. Thanks in advance for every kind of support
Hello all again - is it of bad taste to bump my question in hope of some support? Or shall I simply open a topic in the forum?
<isAAAc> > <@jimbo11:matrix.org> Hello all again - is it of bad taste to bump my question in hope of some support? Or shall I simply open a topic in the forum?
one doesn't prevent the other ;)
<isAAAc> jimbo11: did you check the logs ?
<isAAAc> ( Idon't use dyndns on my side)