Wednesday, July 10, 2024
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[09:57:12] <Paprika> It seems there are some issues with Let's Encrypt (speculation), since I had some as well today. Only managed to get the certificate up after like 10 tries.
Couldn't find the exact cause, I thought it was Cloudflare at first, but it persisted even after changing to ISP DNS.
[11:33:30] <Paprika> Not sure if it is a YNH or Nextcloud issue, but I noticed all icons/background loads quite slowly. Background can take up to 20s to load, while icons can take about 8 seconds. Anyone notice anything similar? Not sure where to look.
Currently running Nextcloud 29.
[11:34:26] <Paprika>
[11:36:38] <Paprika> Not sure if it is a nextcloud_ynh or Nextcloud issue in general, but I noticed all icons/background loads quite slowly. Background can take up to 20s to load, while icons can take about 8 seconds. Anyone notice anything similar? Not sure where to look.
Currently running Nextcloud 29.
[11:39:47] <Paprika> Not sure if it is a nextcloud\_ynh or Nextcloud issue in general, but I noticed all icons/background loads quite slowly. Background can take up to 20s to load, while icons can take about 8 seconds. Anyone notice anything similar? Not sure where to look.
Currently running Nextcloud 29.0.2.
[12:26:36] <pti-jean> C'est normal que sur ce canal XMPP, et seulement sur ce canal (avec Gajim), les lignes écrites ne vont pas à la ligne quand la ligne ne rentre pas dans la fenêtre... Ainsi les lignes trop longue ne peuvent pas être lu, car la partie qui dépasse n'est pas accessible ???
[12:27:35] <pti-jean> quand la ligne ne rentre pas dans la fenêtre...
[12:28:05] <pti-jean> Ainsi les lignes trop longue ne peuvent pas être lu, car pas accessible ???
[12:28:51] <isAAAc> je n'ai pas le pb via matrix/element (mais c'est pas jabber pour le coup)
[13:29:38] <montaropdf> > <pti-jean> C'est normal que sur ce canal XMPP, et seulement sur ce canal (avec Gajim), les lignes écrites ne vont pas à la ligne quand la ligne ne rentre pas dans la fenêtre... Ainsi les lignes trop longue ne peuvent pas être lu, car la partie qui dépasse n'est pas accessible ???

Est-ce que Gajim ne permettrait pas de configurer la mise en page, par salon?

Et pour une raison quelconque la configuration du retour à la ligne est différent pour ce salon?
[13:30:38] <pti-jean> montaropdf,
J'ai rien toucher de ce côté là!
[13:36:59] <montaropdf> > <pti-jean> montaropdf,
> J'ai rien toucher de ce côté là!

Mais est-ce que pour autan la configuration de ce salon est similaire à celle des autres salons?
[13:37:48] <pti-jean> Je ne sais pas où on voie la configuration du salon ??
[13:39:00] <montaropdf> Malheureusement, je ne connais pas Gajim, donc, je ne peut pas t'aider plus qu'en te suggérant de consulter la doc ou de contacter le développeur.
[13:40:34] <pti-jean> Là cela ne m'aide pas...
Surtout qu'aussi bien, le problème n'est pas lié à conf de Gajim ??
[13:43:54] <pti-jean> montaropdf,
Je ne peux pas lire ton dernier message...
Ligne trop longue...
[13:44:58] <montaropdf> Malheureusement, je ne peut pas te répondre,
j'utilise des clients matrix pour interagir avec les salons matrix
et je n'ai aucun problème.
Donc j'aurais tendance à dire que le problème est
du coté de Gajim, mais le mieux,
c'est de contacter le développeur
ou la communauté Gajim
pour mieux analyser le problème.
[13:45:11] <montaropdf> j'ai reformaté le message
[14:01:54] <pti-jean> Je ne sais pas comment contacter la communauté Gajim...
Mais j'ai bien peur d'être coincé par la barrière de la langue...
Je parle pas l'anglais!
[14:06:25] <pti-jean> J'ai trouvé les "Détails du salon"...
Mais y a rein concernant les retours lignes...
D'ailleurs, y a pas beaucoup d'options!
[14:06:49] <pti-jean> Le pb ne semble pas venir de là!
[14:18:08] <montaropdf> Je comprends, en désespoir de cause, as-tu essaye d'éteindre pui d'allumer gajim, voir le système complet?

As-tu essayé de redimentionné la fenêtre de Gajim, tu n'as pas dit sur quel type de machine et d'OS tu faisais fonctionner l'outil.
[14:29:42] <pti-jean> Oui, j'ai étain et rallumer Gajim...
J'ai redimensionné... quand cela dépasse, je le mets en plein écran... mais souvent cela dépasse quand-même...
Je suis sous Windows 11 Pro...
[14:32:17] <pti-jean> Mais, j'ai plus de 10 canaux sur mon Gajim... et c'est le seul qui pose problème!
[14:32:44] <montaropdf> Tous les autres canaux sont aussi des canaux matrix ou c'est le seul?
[14:33:50] <pti-jean> Je ne savais même pas que ce canal était un canal matrix...
Alors pour les autres ???
[14:41:51] <montaropdf> Contacte l'administrateur du serveur jabber sur lequel se trouve ton compte.
Il sera certainement plus à même que moi pour t'aider.
En plus, je suis au travail, donc,
je ne peux pas passer beaucoup plus de temps
sur ton problème.

[14:47:17] <pti-jean> Ok!
[15:46:17] <Paprika> Not sure what the issue is, but after update I can no longer connect to the server with Jellyfin Media Player. Prior to the update it was all good. Web-UI works fine.
[15:51:20] <Paprika> Currently, that's all I could find in logs for now:

Jul 10 18:47:46 jellyfin[6713]: [18:47:46] [WRN] [1] Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware: The WebRootPath was not found: /var/lib/jellyfin/wwwroot. Static files may be unavailable.
But it seems to be a harmless message.
[15:57:44] <Paprika> After reinstall, it seems to fail on the web as well (cannot connect to with IP:Port or domain:port).
Restoring from a backup fails with the following:
2024-07-10 18:56:53 ERROR 410: Gone.
Could not restore jellyfin: An error occured inside the app restore script
[15:58:15] <Paprika> This is on YNH (stable).
[16:00:00] <Salamandar> > <> Currently, that's all I could find in logs for now:
> ```
> Jul 10 18:47:46 jellyfin[6713]: [18:47:46] [WRN] [1] Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware: The WebRootPath was not found: /var/lib/jellyfin/wwwroot. Static files may be unavailable.
> ```
> But it seems to be a harmless message.

yeah that's really weird
[16:01:15] <Salamandar> That's most likely the issue
[16:02:28] <Salamandar> Do you have something like May 12 23:35:34 THEO-FILE-SERVER jellyfin[1378]: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (99): Cannot assign requested address ?
[16:03:45] <Salamandar> hmmm it looks like you have to clear your browser cache for this issue
[16:03:48] <Salamandar> according to the forums
[16:04:37] <Salamandar>
[16:14:00] <Paprika> > <> Do you have something like May 12 23:35:34 THEO-FILE-SERVER jellyfin[1378]: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (99): Cannot assign requested address ?

I don't see that error. I have also tried clearing the cache. As for the Jellyfin Media Player, no way to clear the cache as far as I'm aware.
[16:14:27] <Salamandar> can you try with a browser ?
[16:14:49] <Salamandar> if that's fine with you i can try connecting :D
[16:15:03] <Salamandar> ah sorry did not read that the web ui was fine
[16:17:11] <Salamandar>
[16:17:30] <Salamandar> that looks like a known issue… please follow what's told to delete here (you'll have to log in again)
[16:18:00] <Salamandar> On linux it might be ~/.cache/Jellyfin\ Media\ Player
[17:00:37] <Paprika> > <> On linux it might be ~/.cache/Jellyfin\ Media\ Player

After reinstalling the app, I couldn’t find anything in ~/.cache
[17:03:07] <Paprika> I’ll try to investigate further, might have to rollback prior to updates
[17:08:59] <Paprika> ~~Seems like webUI doesn’t get past the Jellyfin logo now as well~~ UI loads, but fails to connect
[17:09:22] <Paprika> EDIT: UI loads, but fails to connect
[17:25:16] <Paprika> Yep, rollbacking to 10.8 fixed the issue
[17:30:01] <Paprika> > <> that looks like a known issue… please follow what's told to delete here (you'll have to log in again)

Can confirm that after rollback, if I try to update, the instance breaks
Cannot yet find the cause, the only warning worthy of mention I’ve found is this:
dpkg: warning: unable to delete old directory '/etc/init': Directory not empty
[17:59:03] <Paprika> Also unrelated, but I’ve noticed that after some upgrades, the progress window doesn’t disappear even though it says “Upgrade complete”. Not sure if that’s the intended behaviour.
[19:36:33] <Paprika> Might be an issue with IP/port binding.
[19:36:53] <Paprika> It tries to bind to, even though it's configured to use 8095.
[19:41:38] <Paprika> Rollbacked again so I may not see all of the messages if there were any, but let me know if something comes up. This is as far as I can test with my current capabilities on vacation.
[19:43:28] <Paprika> For now it looks very suspicious to me, because after upgrading the webUI does work, and everything seems to be alright, but if you try to edit the network.xml in /etc/jellyfin/ or in /etc/yunohost/apps/jellyfin/conf, it seems to break and then bind to address/port and then error out because they are taken / in use.
[19:50:57] <Salamandar> > <> Also unrelated, but I’ve noticed that after some upgrades, the progress window doesn’t disappear even though it says “Upgrade complete”. Not sure if that’s the intended behaviour.

yeah known issue of the yunohost webadmin
[19:51:15] <Salamandar> > <> For now it looks very suspicious to me, because after upgrading the webUI does work, and everything seems to be alright, but if you try to edit the network.xml in /etc/jellyfin/ or in /etc/yunohost/apps/jellyfin/conf, it seems to break and then bind to address/port and then error out because they are taken / in use.

if the webui works, IMHO it's an issue with your client
[19:52:05] <Salamandar> > <> It tries to bind to, even though it's configured to use 8095.

the 8096 port is for other features, not required for Jellyfin to work
[19:55:18] <Buster Keaton> Hello, just installed and booted YuNoHost on raspberry pi
[19:55:26] <Buster Keaton> I am having some issues with dns
[19:56:27] <Buster Keaton> The diagnosis says, The server does not have working IPv4.
[19:56:57] <lautre> Can you ping a IPv4 like ?
[19:56:58] <Buster Keaton> Also, I was not able to create a dynamic dns post install, so using the test option
[19:57:23] <Buster Keaton> Yes, I am able to ping
[19:57:59] <lautre> You should connect to your Yunohost by SSH, and do more tests, but don't know what kind of tests
[19:58:26] <lautre> May be something answered to your ping. Should try a traceroute
[19:59:05] <Buster Keaton> hmm ok,
[19:59:15] <Buster Keaton> also when I did a sudo apt update,
[19:59:41] <Buster Keaton> Release file for is not valid yet (invalid for another 196d 19h 17min 25s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
[19:59:53] <Buster Keaton> I get the many such messages, is it normal?
[20:00:47] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> does `date` shows the current date ?
[20:00:48] <Buster Keaton> Something wrong happened while trying to paste data on : HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /documents (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: certificate is not yet valid (_ssl.c:1123)')))
[20:00:53] <lautre> How is your Internet?
[20:01:42] <Buster Keaton> > How is your Internet?
I didnt undertstood. It is running fine, no static ip. conencted through wifi
[20:02:01] <lautre> Time and date?
[20:02:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> sounds like the time on the system ain't right ...
[20:02:08] <Buster Keaton> > does `date` shows the current date ?
oh no it doesnt show the current date
[20:03:08] <Buster Keaton> how to set the current date and time?
[20:03:24] <lautre> ntpdate if already installed
[20:03:36] <lautre> or, manualy fixe it with date command
[20:03:37] <Buster Keaton> oh its not installed
[20:05:06] <Paprika> > <> if the webui works, IMHO it's an issue with your client

All clients that use Swiftfin iOS or Jellyfin Media Player are unable to connect, but they can access via browser. If I rollback the update, it works fine.
[20:05:59] <Salamandar> can you show the content of the network.xml ? Also i think that's an issue for the jellyfin bugtracker or forum :(
[20:06:05] <lautre> Buster Keaton: I can't remember syntax for date...
[20:09:48] <Paprika> > <> can you show the content of the network.xml ? Also i think that's an issue for the jellyfin bugtracker or forum :(


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<NetworkConfiguration xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=">;
<BaseUrl />
<LocalNetworkSubnets />
<KnownProxies />
<VirtualInterfaceNames />
<PublishedServerUriBySubnet />
<RemoteIPFilter />
[20:09:57] <Buster Keaton> no worries, will find it lautre
[20:40:08] <Buster Keaton> Thank you Aleks and lautre, fixing the date solved the issue.
[20:45:21] <Paprika> Fixed the issue. One was that things like HttpServerPortNumber got changed to InternalHttpPort.
Another was the fact that it tried to use for binding. Changing that to `<LocalNetworkAddresses />`also was a change I did.
After that it started working. No exact cause that I can pin point, but I believe it was those changes as my iOS client started working without being altered at all.