<SimplifiedPrivacy.com> does the yunohost panel have a way to stop and app and then restart it?
<SimplifiedPrivacy.com> like how a docker container could
<tituspijean> No, because it does not use containers. However, in the webadmin menu Tools>Services you can manage the app service (if it has one).
There is an open issue that mentions a sleep or maintenance mode for apps, that would cleanly stop their service and display a nicer page instead. Contributions are welcome.
<SimplifiedPrivacy.com> ok restarted it via CLI old fashion way. I see within the app itself, it's only using like 75% of the available RAM. Does Yunohost ration RAM? If so, how do I increase it?
<tituspijean> I do not understand your question. Which app are you talking about? YunoHost does not ration RAM. If you expect maximum RAM usage, would not that mean that caching has not occurred yet?
<trendx> I have installed the app Shiori.
All I get is an empty screen after going to the app. Does anyone know how to make this app work?
<lautre> J'ai besoin de transférer une application, avec toutes ses données/config, vers une autre Yunohost.
Je ne peux pas effectuer de sauvegarde locale, il n'y a plus d'espace disque libre, et Proxmox refuse d'agrandir le volume pour ce serveur.
Je compte faire un montage par sshfs dans le dossier des sauvegardes. Qu'en pensez-vous?
<SimplifiedPrivacy.com> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> I do not understand your question. Which app are you talking about? YunoHost does not ration RAM. If you expect maximum RAM usage, would not that mean that caching has not occurred yet?
@tituspijean yacy in this case. on the yacy dashboard, shows only 75% of the RAM available
<craigvb> Is this some spam that's been introduced to Yunohost?
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<craigvb> everytime I've checked they have no record of my IP number in their system
<craigvb> and start trying to sell me crap