<SimplifiedPrivacy.com> So I'm trying to export data out of Yacy on Yunohost, but it keeps prompting to login to Yunohost. Then after I do, it doesn't export the data. But the folder is: /home/yunohost.app/yacy/
So what's up with needing permission to access data in its own folder?
<rodinux> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> no magic fix for this apart from using `domain.tld` as the main domain ...
well, it's curious I maintain like 4 others Yunohost servers with also the default domain with yuno.domain.tld and where the sso seems working...
<sa> Where is the exact php.ini file for my yunohost Phpmyadmin ?
<sa> I can find several
<SimplifiedPrivacy.com> Is there any issue with installing software outside yunohost just using CLI?
<Salamandar> no :)
<miro5001> Hello friends.
I have been asked to create a server for archiving some shorts videos for an academic research department. Archives need to be easily searchable based on some tags or data (biology tests, age, etc...) and of course, these archives are sensitive so only allowed users will be able to access the database. The server will be available on lan only.
<Wylel> Both Apple Mail and Outlook cannot add my email I have setup for one of my domains/users. It's the only user and domain I have setup for mail, and just keeps telling me to check the incoming server information (url, port and protocol). I have it set as domain.tld (my domain of course), SSL and 993, these are correct for Thunderbird, but do not seem to work in the others.
Also, I have TLS 1.2 enabled. I was able to add it before to Outlook but then it stopped letting me login, and now that I have removed it and went to readd it, that's the error I get. Does it need to be set to something different in those programs?
<cdnpupper> 1 2 is quite old already 1.3 should be the standard
<Wylel> It should be, but I am pretty sure Outlook still only supports 1.2 (which is a shame yes, but that's why it is enabled). With 1.2 enabled, it still supports 1.3.
<cdnpupper> who uses outlook y2k is long over, it was blotware, its a privacy and security nightmare, Never worked properly ever. honestly. it needs to die be buried and never be looked at again including all the source code and all API libraries.
<elacheche 🇹🇳> Hello!
Can someone take a look at this PR please https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/mastodon_ynh/pull/456
<elacheche 🇹🇳> > <@elacheche:matrix.org> Hello!
> Can someone take a look at this PR please https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/mastodon_ynh/pull/456
ping @[tagada ⚡]
<Salamandar> > <@wylelb:matrix.org> Both Apple Mail and Outlook cannot add my email I have setup for one of my domains/users. It's the only user and domain I have setup for mail, and just keeps telling me to check the incoming server information (url, port and protocol). I have it set as domain.tld (my domain of course), SSL and 993, these are correct for Thunderbird, but do not seem to work in the others.
> Also, I have TLS 1.2 enabled. I was able to add it before to Outlook but then it stopped letting me login, and now that I have removed it and went to readd it, that's the error I get. Does it need to be set to something different in those programs?
OK, if thunderbird is able to connect, settings should be good. What's the error Outlook gives ?
<Salamandar> > <cdnpupper> who uses outlook y2k is long over, it was blotware, its a privacy and security nightmare, Never worked properly ever. honestly. it needs to die be buried and never be looked at again including all the source code and all API libraries.
Please be more respectful here. Some unlucky people are forced to use outlook.