Tuesday, July 30, 2024
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[04:41:49] <jade> good evening! i'm trying to set up a Matrix homeserver with Synapse, and while it works fine locally, it doesn't seem to be federating. i'm using a configuration out of the box with all the necessary ports whitelisted. how can i get federation set up properly on my homeserver?

i'm delegating with a subdomain as the base URL, and the just domain name as the server name (logging in through `matrix.domain.tld`, username only shows `domain.tld`). the official Matrix Federation Tester times out trying to retrieve the proper files, and i've set up my DNS records properly. i'm somewhat new to getting this set up and this is very likely a beginner mistake, despite the amount of searching i've done online. let me know if i missed any info :)
[04:44:52] <tituspijean> jade: can you test your setup with https://federationtester.matrix.org/ ?
[04:45:08] <tituspijean> You should try first domain.tld
[04:57:34] <jade> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> jade: can you test your setup with https://federationtester.matrix.org/ ?

testing both domain.tld and matrix.domain.tld yield the same result, unfortunately.

what's weird about all this is that the IP addresses listed on that site are completely different from the IP address my VPS provider gave me 😕
[05:06:14] <tituspijean> I think you forgot to share said result. 🫢
But I'm inferring the DNS records seem to be wrong? When have you changed the records last time?
[05:08:16] <tituspijean> (Ooof note to self: never post upon waking up, you did mention trying the federation tester sorry)
[05:08:33] <Steve> > <@Dzsingisz:matrix.org> Is it possible to change the first user's mailbox address? When I first installed yunohost just to try, the first email address was a messy subdomain-emailaddress. I added forwarders, aliases, even deleted this address later from my profile, but still I can login to the webclient with this address only. Is it possible to change that? Thanks in advance!

In case somebody has a hint - I'm still interested :)
[05:10:58] <tituspijean> > <@serenefemme:matrix.org> testing both domain.tld and matrix.domain.tld yield the same result, unfortunately.
> what's weird about all this is that the IP addresses listed on that site are completely different from the IP address my VPS provider gave me 😕

Can you also check the Diagnosis menu from your webadmin? Anything reported wrong in there? :)
[05:51:06] <mainlyanonymous602291154> Hello
[05:52:28] <mainlyanonymous602291154> I'm new to this conversation classic app
[11:19:51] <elacheche 🇹🇳> > <@elacheche:matrix.org> Hello!
> Can someone take a look at this PR please https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/mastodon_ynh/pull/456

@eric_G Thank you :D
[12:02:21] <jade> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> Can you also check the Diagnosis menu from your webadmin? Anything reported wrong in there? :)

Sorry for my late response! Needed to catch some sleep lol

It listed 2 separate IP addresses as the targets for my A records. I use CloudFlare for my DNS management.

This was actually my solution, too: I needed to turn off domain proxying and now everything is working perfectly fine ☺️ Thank you for your attention to this, I appreciate it!
[12:07:32] <Wylel> > <cdnpupper> who uses outlook y2k is long over, it was blotware, its a privacy and security nightmare, Never worked properly ever. honestly. it needs to die be buried and never be looked at again including all the source code and all API libraries.

I could use it in Apple Mail, but I get the same result there. I use Outlook in my business with M365, and I use YunoHost for a couple of programs in my business (internally) so it makes sense to put it in Outlook.
[12:09:44] <Wylel> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> OK, if thunderbird is able to connect, settings should be good. What's the error Outlook gives ?

"Unable to log in. Please check your incoming server settings including server name, port, and security protocol."
[12:10:09] <Salamandar> > <@wylelb:matrix.org> "Unable to log in. Please check your incoming server settings including server name, port, and security protocol."

well that's not helpful…
[12:10:54] <Wylel> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> well that's not helpful…

I agree lol.
[12:11:21] <Salamandar> can you send a screenshot of the config page ?
[12:13:10] <Wylel> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/MSOzFFOvLzSsZdoYTAyDOfAn
[12:13:43] <Wylel> Obviously the information is incorrect for the screenshot, correct for when I hit Add Account
[12:16:57] <Wylel> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> can you send a screenshot of the config page ?

Above. I did switch to Cloudflare for this domain in between the last time I used Thunderbird for it and now, but that does not mask the MX record, so I don't think that would cause the issue? Just thought about that.
[12:17:27] <Salamandar> ah, yes, but
[12:17:32] <Salamandar> is it really domain.tld ?
[12:17:42] <Wylel> No, I changed the info for the screenshot.
[12:17:44] <Salamandar> or did you just hide your real domain ?
[12:17:48] <Salamandar> alright
[12:18:07] <Wylel> just the username, email address, and domain, all other info is the same.
[12:20:37] <Salamandar> well idk my thunderbird has the same config too
[12:23:26] <Salamandar> aaah but you have the new outlook
[12:23:42] <Wylel> I am guessing it is Cloudflare then? I can swap back to the registrar and try it again
[12:23:48] <Salamandar> my brother told me it's a nightmare to set up for standard imap accounts (event without yunohost)
[12:23:53] <Salamandar> no it's apple
[12:23:54] <Salamandar> the issue
[12:24:01] <Wylel> Oh that could be it yeah
[12:24:04] <Salamandar> iirc
[12:24:15] <Salamandar> just let me check
[12:24:26] <Wylel> I have had many issues with the new Outlook on Mac with customers
[12:24:28] <Wylel> so that makes sense
[12:25:48] <Salamandar> https://www.reddit.com/r/Office365/comments/17x9jkg/cant_access_imap_emails_in_new_outlook/
[12:29:58] <Salamandar> hmmm although in the old outlook i can't either
[12:30:17] <Salamandar> but they might be trying name@domain.tld as username…
[12:31:44] <Salamandar> but my brother's Synology IMAP server doesn't work in outlook either… pfff
[12:34:55] <Salamandar> Mihgt be related to https://learn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/exchange/troubleshoot/administration/cannot-connect-mailbox-pop-imap-outlook
[12:54:30] <Wylel> Yeah I think I will just check it on SnappyMail for now. Thanks for looking into it Salamandar !
[13:04:31] <Salamandar> sorry :D
[13:39:23] <Wylel> Not your fault! Microsoft and Apple are never super friendly when it comes to "out of the norm" lol
[13:39:37] <Wylel> Their defined norms, obviously.
[13:46:23] <Salamandar> > <@wylelb:matrix.org> Their defined norms, obviously.

yeah ;)
[22:00:43] <broccoli> How do i prevent invalid URL subdirectories from my domain name (i.e example.com/foo) from redirecting to my YunoHost Admin page?