Monday, August 26, 2024
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[00:22:59] <lautre> On voit ça lundi.
[06:19:52] <Ilario> lautre: j'ai réussi en chargent les fichiers sur le cloud Zaclys et les décharger sur l'ordinateur. Maintenant il me faut installer prosody e la PR de pitchu:
[06:28:25] <Ilario> > On voit ça lundi.
2 heures du matin c'est déjà lundi 😂
[06:49:29] <lautre> Oui, mais tu n'étais pas réveillé
[06:50:04] <lautre> Bref, pour un soucis de clef USB, tout réinstaller, c'est /overkill/ non?
[06:54:02] <lautre> Sinon, sshfs, c'est pas mal aussi
[06:57:47] <Ilario> > Oui, mais tu n'étais pas réveillé
Si si je travaille la nuit.
[07:02:35] <lautre> Bon courage
[07:08:40] <Ilario>
[07:08:57] <Ilario> Jusque ici c'est fait.
[07:13:59] <selfhoster1312> Ilario, attention metronome n'est pas prosody :)
[07:14:46] <Ilario> > Ilario, attention metronome n'est pas prosody :)
Oui quel con...
[07:25:05] <selfhoster1312> du coup si t'installes prosody depuis les dépots faudra juste configurer LDAP et paf ça fait des chocapic
[07:26:53] <selfhoster1312> (oui oui c'est direct dans les dépots debian pas de bidouille bizarre)
[07:27:14] <Ilario> yunohost app install et
[07:27:26] <selfhoster1312> oh y'a un prosody_ynh :) :)
[09:51:11] <Ilario>
[10:44:27] <montaropdf> Hello,

I am unable to access my shaarli instance via its REST API, because yunohost ask for authentication first. how can I tell Yunohost to not require SSO authentication?

This is a recent behaviour, because I never got this problem last time I use its a few month ago.

The version of shaarli is 0.13.0~ynh1
The version of Yunohost is 11.2.27 (stable)
[10:45:28] <selfhoster1312> i think permission should be "visitors" and not "all_users" ?
[10:45:32] <selfhoster1312> if you want public API usage
[10:51:48] <montaropdf> indeed, adding shaarli to the visitors makes it available, thanks.

However, if I want to keep it exclusively available to the all_users group, do you see a way to "workaround" such issue?

I suppose I have to include some headers in any requests to shaarli, in addition to the initial negotiation with yunohost to get an SSO token?
[11:01:48] <Xan> > <> indeed, adding shaarli to the visitors makes it available, thanks.
> However, if I want to keep it exclusively available to the all_users group, do you see a way to "workaround" such issue?
> I suppose I have to include some headers in any requests to shaarli, in addition to the initial negotiation with yunohost to get an SSO token?

Hi, can you explain your request ? I don’t get it 😉
[11:10:09] <Xan> If you want different access groups for Shaarli for webUI and API, but the option doesn’t exists (I don’t use Shaarli), you should make a feature request on GitHub 😉
[11:16:14] <montaropdf> Hello Xan ,

Currently, it appear that the only way to access the REST API of shaarli from an external client like a firefox extension or a CLI, I have to add shaarli in the visitors group.

I suppose that means any visitor can access shaarli via its webui if they have an account for it?

Moreover, I am trying also to understand a bit better how yunohost works.
[11:18:39] <orhtej2> Theoretically `/api` could be made publicly available as it requires a token anyway
[11:20:08] <Xan> > <> Hello Xan ,
> Currently, it appear that the only way to access the REST API of shaarli from an external client like a firefox extension or a CLI, I have to add shaarli in the visitors group.
> I suppose that means any visitor can access shaarli via its webui if they have an account for it?
> Moreover, I am trying also to understand a bit better how yunohost works.

montaropdf: Understood, thanks 🙂
This config depends of the app configuration, not YunoHost’s.
If the developer didn’t make a different config for the webUI and the API, you can make a feature request 😊
[11:20:27] <montaropdf> > Theoretically `/api` could be made publicly available as it requires a token anyway

there is no such thing as `/api` with shaarli, as far as I know
[11:20:46] <montaropdf> > <> montaropdf: Understood, thanks 🙂
> This config depends of the app configuration, not YunoHost’s.
> If the developer didn’t make a different config for the webUI and the API, you can make a feature request 😊

ok, thanks.
[11:21:45] <tituspijean> I have just created the following PR to add an API permission open to visitors:
[11:24:44] <Xan> > <> ok, thanks.

Your welcome, YunoHost is perfectly able to manage several paths and access for a single app 😊
[11:25:13] <Xan> > <> I have just created the following PR to add an API permission open to visitors:

Reactivity 💯😜
[11:43:52] <orhtej2> > <> there is no such thing as `/api` with shaarli, as far as I know ?
[11:56:35] <montaropdf> > ?

This documentation does not says the same:

Is your documentation, for a future version?
[11:56:35] <orhtej2> that's what I found on the web, also your doc links to mine
[12:00:20] <montaropdf> indeed, yet my doc should mention the `/api/v1`, I do think, for clarity. But, well, this is up to the shaarli maintainer to update their documentation.

However, just to have a clear picture, Yunohost does not allow, from its webUI, at least, to define a group/permission for any arbitrary path under one of its domain.

So, currently, I can't set the visitor permission for `https://<my_yunohost_instance>/shaarli/api/v1`?
[12:08:31] <orhtej2> > <> I have just created the following PR to add an API permission open to visitors:

montaropdf: you can try updating to this version that explictly lists `/api` as accessible to anyone
[12:12:52] <montaropdf> ok, I will see if I find the time/motivation to try it out.
[18:31:12] <Xan Surnamehere (> > <> Your welcome, YunoHost is perfectly able to manage several paths and access for a single app 😊

Hello fellow Xan I have been notified of your existence! Cool name 👀
[21:17:04] <orhtej2> You are superior?