<Michele Agostinelli> Hello, i'm trying to restore one app in another server, I extracted the tar with borg, but now I miss the json file: Error: Could not load info for archive ... The info.json file cannot be retrieved (or is not a valid json).
<Salamandar> i don't get it, you should just put the archive in /home/yunohost.backup/archives, not extract the archive
<Michele Agostinelli> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> i don't get it, you should just put the archive in /home/yunohost.backup/archives, not extract the archive
done. I have the tar inside the folder
<Michele Agostinelli> the info.json is in a subfolder: tar tf vaultwarden-2024-09-14.tar | grep info.json
<Salamandar> yes yes but IIRC yunohost is able to fetch the json from the tarball if it does not exist
<Salamandar> what does yunohost backup list give ?
<furyventura> Hi all, I wonder whether that manual for setting up external storage as the main storage for yunohost data/multimedia and backup is somewhere available. The link mentioned in this post seems not to be available anymore https://forum.yunohost.org/t/enlarge-your-storage-with-lvm/20415
<furyventura> Link is https://yunohost.org/en/administrate/specific_use_cases/external_storage
<furyventura> I am a bit surprised that there is not tutorial for external storage configuration, or at least I can't find any for yunohost. I am trying to get it up and running with NAS and NFS but seems to not get it right, I am trying now to do some testing on how it would work best, as there are some things to consider from my understanding. Mainly user and groups as well as the ACL which is triggered by yunohost for some apps, like nextcloud or when creating a new user
<furyventura> I am a bit surprised that there is not tutorial for external storage configuration, or at least I can't find any for yunohost. I am trying to get it up and running with NAS and NFS but seems to not get it right, I am trying now to do some testing on how it would work best, as there are some things to consider from my understanding. Mainly user and groups as well as the ACL which is triggered by yunohost for some apps, like nextcloud or when creating a new user.
Also the NFS server export options would be great to find a recommendation, like with root_squash or without and hide orno_hide or crossmnt etc.
<furyventura> I am a bit surprised that there is no tutorial for external storage configuration, or at least I can't find any for yunohost. I am trying to get it up and running with NAS and NFS but seems to not get it right, I am trying now to do some testing on how it would work best, as there are some things to consider from my understanding. Mainly users and groups as well as the ACL which is triggered by yunohost for some apps, like nextcloud or when creating a new user.
Also the NFS server export options would be great to find a recommendation, like with root_squash or without and hide orno_hide or crossmnt etc.
<Paprika> Does anyone have a baseline firewall.yml config? Or is there a way to regenerate firewall config?
My yunohost instance nuked its firewall config, so firewall is down completely
Tried to rewrite it, but I do not recall it that much for sure, and couldn’t find a way to regenerate firewall config
<Paprika> I managed to get it into a working state. Only issue remains that some apps are unreachable now when connected via VPN.
<lautre> Watch logs
<Paprika> Yep, checked the logs, that's why I came here. I would like to assume it's most likely related to my Mikrotik router or somewhere in between. Logs didn't catch any issues when trying to connect via VPN. I am simply unable to reach the host if I ping it via VPN. The static DNS entries are however known to the client, and they can reach the YNH instance via local IP address, but cannot do so with a local domain name.
<Paprika> Seems like I've fixed the issue by moving to `.test` domain names instead. Might be an issue with my router, but `.local` always was wonky on my network for some reason.
Anyhow, now that I've fixed all of the big networking stuff, is Jellyfin's AutoDiscovery working on YNH? I noticed when opening port 1900 in YNH that I get the following message:
Port 1900 is already closed for IPv6 connections
<Paprika> Seems like I've fixed the issue by moving to `.test` domain names instead. Might be an issue with my router, but `.local` always was wonky on my network for some reason.
Anyhow, now that I've fixed all of the big networking stuff, is Jellyfin's AutoDiscovery working on YNH? I noticed when opening port 1900 in YNH that I get the following message:
Port 1900 is already closed for IPv6 connections
I've tried looking it up online, but can't find much info on this issue.
<Paprika> Seems like I've fixed the issue by moving to `.test` domain names instead. Might be an issue with my router, but `.local` always was wonky on my network for some reason.
Anyhow, now that I've fixed all of the big networking stuff, is Jellyfin's AutoDiscovery working on YNH? I noticed when opening port 1900 in YNH that I get the following message:
Port 1900 is already closed for IPv6 connections
I've tried looking it up online, but can't find much info on this issue. I would really love to have autodiscovery working for ease of setup.
<Michele Agostinelli> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> yes yes but IIRC yunohost is able to fetch the json from the tarball if it does not exist
If I remove the first path of the tar it's work, maybe it's a bug? I do untsr, cd subfolder, and redo the tar. It worked.
<Salamandar> that's weird. It usually works. I myself migrated my server like that.
<Salamandar> ALso you said you extracted the tar with borg, what did that mean ?