<nicofrand> Hi there! Is there an app to read nginx logs? Do the logs store the time taken to process a request? If not, is it configurable somewhere (without editing directly the nginx log format I guess)?
<orhtej2> > Hi there! Is there an app to read nginx logs? Do the logs store the time taken to process a request? If not, is it configurable somewhere (without editing directly the nginx log format I guess)?
` sudo less /var/log/nginx/domain.tld-access.log`, to my knowledge no time taken is being logged
<nicofrand> Is it something configurable somewhere? If I edit the nginx config to add the time to the log format, I guess there might be conflict on further yunohost upgrades, right?
<nicofrand> I'd like to monitor my nextcloud response time in particular
<orhtej2> > Is it something configurable somewhere? If I edit the nginx config to add the time to the log format, I guess there might be conflict on further yunohost upgrades, right?
it's get roflstomped by an upgrade, no problem there
<orhtej2> I assume you want that on only temporarily anyway?
<nicofrand> no, permanent would be great
<nicofrand> but I can work with temp as long as this does not break anything on upgrade :)
<orhtej2> Mjolnir Archon: wake up