<hueso> why is redirect_ynh marked as broken?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> because it fails our automatic tests
<Louis> Hi there, is there a yunohost tool to check all requests made to the server?
<Louis> Or a none-yunohost tool
<Louis> CLI
<Louis> The use case is that I setup language tool which may be available too anybody as of now, so I’d like to see if I have robots or other IPs knocking on my door and how many times per minutes, etc.
<Louis> As those would not be jailed by fail2ban since there is no authentication
<Anmol> I run yunohost on nvme. Now I have big hdd and 512 ssd.I want to know should I use the ssd has cache for the ssd. Will it improve the speed of hdd? or should I download torrents on ssd and then transfer them to hdd? Should I use the ssd for yunohost backup(/yunohost.backup/archive) and the use brog for backing up on hdd? how should I go about it, so that I can backup my data and non important things backed up on hdd and access them faster from hdd?