<yvanq> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/jkuSwrTMvPScCbjrrSTjlWSE
<yvanq> Hello, I try to install yunohost 11.2 on a new computer but I don't know how to go further with this page I have when I enter the ip adress .any suggestion is welcome. Thanks
<orhtej2> > <@yvanq:matrix.org> Hello, I try to install yunohost 11.2 on a new computer but I don't know how to go further with this page I have when I enter the ip adress .any suggestion is welcome. Thanks
you need to remove apache2 package and install ynh from command line with `curl https://install.yunohost.org | bash`
<yvanq> It was much easier with older release of yunohost with direct access to web admin page
<yvanq> I'm using yunohost since a few years but still a newbie on command lines😔
<thatoo> `` sudo yunohost user info USER `` tells me info about the user USER. It tells me mail, mail-aliases and mail-forward.
Which one of these information are passed into ldap also? mail for sure but I wonder if mail-forward is also passed as a secondary mail for example?
<Salamandar> > <@yvanq:matrix.org> It was much easier with older release of yunohost with direct access to web admin page
I don't get it, if you have apache, you don't have yunohost installed :)
<Salamandar> so you need to install yunohost first to have the web admin…
<yvanq> I used the PC 64 bit image from yunohost, and only choose web server and ssh server option, correct ?
<Salamandar> > <@yvanq:matrix.org> I used the PC 64 bit image from yunohost, and only choose web server and ssh server option, correct ?
<Salamandar> yes, no, you should not select web server. We saw that issue yesterday already with someone else ><'
<Salamandar> https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/2448 issue created @yvanq:matrix.org
<Frank> Hi all here. I'm the new one. I start reading 😇
<orhtej2> > <@thatoo:defis.info> `` sudo yunohost user info USER `` tells me info about the user USER. It tells me mail, mail-aliases and mail-forward.
> Which one of these information are passed into ldap also? mail for sure but I wonder if mail-forward is also passed as a secondary mail for example?
I remember debugging that with the help of wekan stuff importer but don't remember the answer :/
<orhtej2> script being https://github.com/wekan/wekan/blob/main/docs/Login/ldap-sync/ldap-sync.py, hack it some to get all the fields
<orhtej2> catalog is loading the 'main' page but not app page for some reason? https://apps.yunohost.org/app/ttrss
<orhtej2> [http](https://http.cat/504)
<yvanq> Is there any option to force restore backup even with modified files ? wireguard and proquesql needed some modification to work properly
<icyisolation> I vaguly remember there being rooms dedicatd to chatting about matrix and matrix bridges. where did they go? cant seem to find em.
<icyisolation> matrix rooms*
<orhtej2> I can't wrap my head around it but backing up Nextcloud with borg [fails](https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/fapixidequ) and it has something to do with backing up of `nginx/conf.d/domain.tld/nextcloud.conf` and `nginx/conf.d/domain.tld/nextcloud.d/`. There is already mount for`nginx/conf.d/domain.tld/`, hence linking subentries for it fail. Any ideas on how to resolve? Perhaps this should be a plain directory with symlinks, not mount?