Thursday, September 26, 2024
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[02:57:43] <craigvb> Since the last update...I'm no longer able to check for updates, always comes up with another yunohost command is running.. So, unless I restart the server and get in quick it's an endless loop 🤷‍♂️
[08:27:36] <am> > Since the last update...I'm no longer able to check for updates, always comes up with another yunohost command is running.. So, unless I restart the server and get in quick it's an endless loop 🤷‍♂️
craigvb: Have you tried to restart `yunohost` and `yunohost-api` services ?
If you don't want to restart the server, you can try this.
[09:23:27] <yvanq> > <am> > does anybody use new install hubzilla or streams on yunohost ? since it creates progresql db ? I will open issues on theses app
> As long as I remember, I never had the possibility to use SSO with Hubzilla on YunoHost.
> You need to sign-up as a new user 😉
> As first user, you should get the admin rights on your Hubzilla instance.

I use it since 4 years without problems, strangely.
[10:04:15] <orhtej2> on bookworm, after clicking 'show more logs' button once it's no longer there, even if there are more logs to show
[12:44:29] <lps> are there any know Gotchas when upgrading Nextcloud. I was unable to complete it, and in the past it was suggested to upgrade all internal apps prior to doing this and also disabling Mail ... are there any other simple tips?
[12:45:10] <yunohelper> Hi! To help us volunteers help you, read about <a href="">how to ask for help</a>.<br />Notably, if you are getting an error, share its <em>full</em> log by pasting here the link to the page created by the YunoPaste buttons.<br />Thank you for you patience, and thank you for using YunoHost!
[12:45:34] <tituspijean> to properly answer you, we need to failed upgrade log :)
[12:46:00] <lps> I have the log here
[12:46:19] <lps> if that helps
[12:46:29] <tituspijean> > The following apps are not (yet?) compatible with Nextcloud 29. You should make sure to upgrade the app, or disable it, or wait for it to become compatible before running this upgrade : diffuse'
[12:46:58] <tituspijean> If you do not need that app, disable it, or wait for it to be compatible with Nextcloud 29
[12:49:09] <lps> sorry the app is called Diffuse?
[12:50:53] <lps> thanks I found it, I have no idea what that is
[12:53:09] <lps> > > The following apps are not (yet?) compatible with Nextcloud 29. You should make sure to upgrade the app, or disable it, or wait for it to become compatible before running this upgrade : diffuse'
[12:58:34] <tituspijean> Weird indeed, it is not in the catalog:
[12:58:34] <orhtej2> > <> Weird indeed, it is not in the catalog: probably not listed as it's incompatible with 29.x?
[13:00:01] <orhtej2> [discontinues](
[13:05:08] <lps> That worked, the install was successful, thanks very much. Now I will have a better idea how to read the log in the future:)
[13:07:50] <lps> on a sidenote, the Nextcloud Hub 9, Discover panel in apps is super cool ... showcasing popular and highly rated "plugins" :)
[15:03:23] <Nadine> Hi,
when running the nightly borg backups, the backup for the Nextcloud app always fails. All other apps are backed up successfully. This is the log for a failed Nextcloud backup: How can I troubleshoot this?
[15:05:31] <orhtej2> > Hi,
> when running the nightly borg backups, the backup for the Nextcloud app always fails. All other apps are backed up successfully. This is the log for a failed Nextcloud backup: How can I troubleshoot this?

a known issue that has been resolved, waiting for catalog to refresh
[17:26:16] <lps> could someone help me upgrade my version of Ruby to match the latest Mastodon update? I successfully launched it buy it doesn't run as described in this past issue
[17:27:18] <lps> I have physical access to the server, can I run this command?
[17:27:35] <lps> <Ok, I've fixed it
I set the global ruby version: rbenv global 2.7.2
and then ran gem update --system>
[17:28:03] <lps> this is quoted from the thread link above
[18:06:44] <bamf> hi, how to stop the `Issues found by automatic diagnosis` mails?
[18:12:00] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> by ignoring the issues in the diagnosis in the webadmin (as stated in the email)
[18:12:17] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (or actually resolving them)
[19:16:59] <yvanq>
[19:17:14] <yvanq> comment faire un don à yunohost ? ça ne fonctionne pas sur le site..
[19:20:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> tu as désactivé ton bloqueur de publicité ? ça ressemble à genre un captcha bloqué par ton navigateur
[19:43:19] <yvanq> pourtant je règle souvent en ligne avec ce navigateur
[21:05:16] <lps> can someone tell me how to check in Debian what version of Ruby I have installed?
[21:05:51] <lps> and hopefully how to upgrade it ... apparently Mastodon needs version 3.2.3
[21:05:53] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> dpkg --list | grep ruby
[21:06:36] <lps> thx, I'll try that ... for reference
[21:11:09] <lps> could you tell me the command to upgrade it please? I have rubygems 3.2.5-2 installed
[21:12:26] <lps> I've recently upgraded to YunoHost (stable)
[21:13:04] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you are in the context of yunohost and the answer is more complex than just upgrading a random package with apt ... yunohost apps define their ruby version with this kind of variable :
[21:16:15] <lps> okay, I may be in over my head in this case. I will post to the forum if that's better.
[21:16:44] <lps> I"m not sure how to run that script, if that's what I need to be doing:(
[21:18:50] <lps>
[21:18:53] <lps> In the meantime when I try to restore the bkup to pre-install I receive this message
[21:19:08] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you could start by actually explaining your actual issue and why "apparently Mastodon needs version 3.2.3" ... and also why you need to do this considering the yunohost mastodon app already installs 3.2.3 ...
[21:19:28] <lps> sorry, I guess this wasn't clear
[21:20:46] <lps> I just upgraded to the latest YNH Mastodon, and the install completed successfully but it won't start
[21:20:48] <lps>
[21:20:57] <lps> I'm experiencing this exact issue
[21:21:53] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> by "this exact issue", do you just mean the two services fail to start, or do you mean you are getting exactly the same stacktrace than this person from 2 years ago
[21:21:54] <lps> which is where I got that idea
[21:22:07] <lps> the two services fail
[21:22:27] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and where is "Mastodon needs version 3.2.3" coming from
[21:23:28] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> that thread is from 2 years ago and the fix was already released and you're probably running it so it's not the same issue ...
[21:23:29] <lps> I'm probably causing more confusion by pointing to that ... I followed a few links to other issues
[21:23:45] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> just go to the service tab in the webadmin, open the two services, share the service log using the green button
[21:24:25] <lps> This is for sidekq
[21:25:09] <lps> and this is for mastodon-web
[21:25:51] <lps>
[21:25:52] <lps> and this is what I get when I navigate to my instance
[21:26:22] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes, classic consequence of the service being down
[21:26:30] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> so both are reporting `Could not find rails-, thor-1.3.1, rack-2.2.9, charlock_holmes-0.7.8, fastimage-2.3.1, nokogiri-1.16.6, rack-cors-2.0.2, net-http-0.3.2, nio4r-2.7.3, actioncable-, actionmailbox-, actionmailer-, actionpack-, actiontext-, actionview-, activejob-, activemodel-, activerecord-, activestorage-, activesupport-, railties-, marcel-1.0.4, rotp-6.3.0, mini_portile2-2.8.7, i18n-1.14.5, cbor-, zeitwerk-2.6.16, rexml-3.3.5, json-jwt-, strscan-3.1.0 in locally installed gems`
[21:26:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> not sure what's the reason and i don't know much about ruby
[21:27:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> naively I would try to force-upgrade the app such that it tries to reinstall the dependencies in a clean state, and if that doesn't fix the issue, share the upgrade log
[21:27:33] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> forcing the upgrade of the app can be done using `yunohost app upgrade mastodon --force`
[21:28:30] <lps> thx, I'll try that
[21:28:30] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (force-upgrade is the current way of trying to regenerate the app configuration / dependencies)
[21:35:27] <rodinux> I tried remove and reinstall a subdomain on yunohost v12 Beta testing, but no DKIM and dmarc suggested...
[21:37:53] <lps> I'm not sure if this is related but I am unable to execute the backup ... is it better to simply delete mastodon and then try to restore the bkup?
[21:38:05] <lps> This is the terminal error
[21:38:09] <lps> Warning: Source path '' does not exist
Error: Could not back up mastodon
Info: The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20240926-213616-backup_create' to get help
Error: Nothing to save

[21:38:32] <lps> I'm also unable to restore the bkup from the web admin
[21:38:55] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20240926-213616-backup_create' to get help`
[21:40:04] <lps> thx
[21:42:14] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> so what version of the mastodon app are you running right now
[21:42:15] <lps> this was the original bkup log that seemed successful
[21:42:51] <lps> 4.2.8~ynh1
[21:42:58] <lps> is what I upgrade to
[21:44:44] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 4.2.8~ynh1 dates back from like Feburary ... isn't it more like you tried to upgrade to the latest version (something like 4.2.12) and the upgrade failed and the previous version was restored ...?
[21:45:26] <lps> that's possible
[21:46:49] <lps> first thing, is this the latest version of YNH? (stable)
[21:47:01] <lps> I didn't see any migrations
[21:47:08] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i think so
[21:47:45] <lps> okay, I didn't want that to be an issue
[21:48:35] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> anyway, let's try to fix the issue with : `yunohost app setting mastodon final_path -v /var/www/mastodon`
[21:48:46] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and then re-attempt the force-upgrade
[21:51:38] <lps> thx, that didn't fail right away, but it will be awhile until the bkup is completed it's huge
[21:52:59] <orhtej2> I have a sinking feeling you're trying to upgrade to pre-packaging v2 version and that's the root of all evil
[21:53:32] <orhtej2> as 4.2.8¬ynh1 came in 2 flavours, one based on old packaging format that no longer works
[22:13:26] <lps> :(
[23:20:47] <starlord> Hi all! I'm trying to use [cheat]( but getting:

cheat: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by cheat)
cheat: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by cheat)

Is it safe to add this GLIBC thing without impacting my system? (stable