<lps> > yes
<lps> >> This is a more general question, but I'm considering replacing my Mastodon instance with Akkoma or IceShrimp ... theoretically if I were to use the same domain would it allow me to retain my current follower/follows ?
> No, that is not how Activity Pub and Webfinger works.
> I recently moved from Mastodon to GoToSocial.
<lps> I'm looking for something that is much lower on resources and not so prone to breaking...in the yunohost context, I guess...seems like almost everytime there's a significant upgrade it gets messed up.
I'm thinking pleroma/akkoma?
<lps> I want to love friendica but it's super sluggish in my experience... Misskey forks look cool, but seem bloated
<Michele Agostinelli> > <lps> I'm looking for something that is much lower on resources and not so prone to breaking...in the yunohost context, I guess...seems like almost everytime there's a significant upgrade it gets messed up.
> I'm thinking pleroma/akkoma?
Have you tryed gotosocial? I Don't know if there is a package for yunohost.
<sa> Hello. What should I do if emails sent from my yunohost domain fall into the spam folder of Gmail recipients?
<sa> And I've seen the same happens when sending to Hotmail recipients. How can I fix it?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> did you check the email section of the diagnosis ?
<sa> Hi, thank you! Yes, it's full of shiny happy green everythingokays
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> could it be that you have no ipv6 ? (it's less clear but i think there are different reputations between using ipv4 or ipv6)
<sa> Maybe. I am going to check it. Thank you.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (also Microsoft / Hotmail is known to have absolutely shit antispam policy, they flag random server for basically no reason since they are unable to provide any explanation whatsoever - the problem is Microsoft, not your server, and people not receiving your emails should just stop using Microsoft and switch to a sensible mail provider)
<sa> Thank you for all the info. Do you know how to contact them for this problem?
<yvanq> Bonjour à vous, Hubzilla suite, j'ai installé la nouvelle version 9.4 mais toujours impossible de me connecter.
la notice dit "Échec de l'obtention des droits d'administrateur : si l'administrateur ne peut pas accéder aux paramètres d'administration sur https://hubzilla.example.com/admin, vous devez ajouter manuellement 4096 aux *account_roles * sous *comptes* pour cet utilisateur dans la base de données via phpMyAdmin."
Problème dans yunohost 11.2.30, la base de donnée Hubzilla est sous progresql donc pas d'accès phpmyadmin
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> https://apps.yunohost.org/app/pgadmin
<yvanq> yes, I have it but don't understand where and how add "4096"
<am> Je confirme, j'ai installé Hubzilla sur mon serveur de test YNH, je n'ai pas de compte créé par défaut
<am> Et lorsque je créé mon premier compte (inscription classique en web), il me passe directement administrateur de l'instance avec ce compte.
<am> yvanq Si ça peut t'aider 😉
<am> yvanq Dans le cas de mon test actuel, c'est avec la dernière version de YNH et dernière version disponible de Hubzilla 9.4~ynh1
<am> Mais si quelqu'un peut m'expliquer l'intérêt d'utiliser Hubzilla, ça m'intéresse 😁 J'ai essayé de l'utiliser plusieurs fois, mais je ne comprends pas son intérêt et je le trouve pas du tout intuitif 🤷🏻♂️
<yvanq> hubzilla remplace (en très réduit vu le peu de gens qui l'utilisent mais sans pub et en décentralisé) les réseaux genre facebook, x, . C'est compatible avec les instances mastodon mais beaucoup plus fourni en fonctionnalité.
Dommage que ça ne prenne pas assez face aux gafams
<yvanq> J'ai réussi à reconnecter mon profil, réimporter mes contacts mais le stream est totalement vide
<yvanq> En même temps vu comment je rame à remettre en service Hubzilla, je comprends qu'il n'y ait pas beaucoup de serveurs donc d'utilisateurs... C'est comme Gajim qui ne fonctionne pas vraiment en xmpp-omemo (si le logiciel n'est pas ouvert, on ne peut pas voir ses messages envoyés depuis un téléphone)
<yvanq> Hubzilla 9.4, connection as admin possible, a new user also and import small profile backup but impossible to reconnect once you deconnect, stream is perfectly blank, not easy...
<yvanq> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/AEzRuPPtFsBufTAkIxaqIJCr
<yvanq> tried to restore a native new profile, don't work , need to make it as import channel.I have to unistall, reinstall hubzilla each time as db seems to keep traces of deleted profiles
<Pierre (plabuse)> > <@yvanq:matrix.org> yes, I have it but don't understand where and how add "4096"
Il faut peut-etre regarder la colonne `account_roles` de la table `account` de la base postgrsql de hubzilla pour les utilisateurs et mettre la valeur 4096 ?
<yvanq> pas de table accounts dans hubzilla pgadmin
<yvanq> hubzilla , found back relations, lost for the moment all my posts and previous others posts, impossible to restore yunohost 9.2.1 archive
<bruno> lps: I recently moved from Masto to GoToSocial, it is really lightweight, there is no front-end, you need to use clients, there is a Yunohost package.
Another option is Mitra, it has a nice UI, is also lightweight but is not stable yet.
<lps> bruno: thx
<lps> >> <lps> I'm looking for something that is much lower on resources and not so prone to breaking...in the yunohost context, I guess...seems like almost everytime there's a significant upgrade it gets messed up.
>> I'm thinking pleroma/akkoma?
> Have you tryed gotosocial? I Don't know if there is a package for yunohost.
Yes, there us, thx
<ileturia> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> the domain blank screen thing should be fixed with the new version i just released moments ago
I finally solved the server login problems (nothing related to Yunohost). And the domain blank screen problem is gone in this new version. Thanks!
<ileturia> And user creation, domain creation and mail and roundcube apps install has worked like charm. In my previous server, installing the mail server without Yunohost was a long, complicated and painful process. So I am very happy!
<ileturia> However, there are two more services that I want to install in that server with Yunohost 12 that are giving me problems...
<ileturia> One is Nextcloud. Actually, the installation goes fine and I can work with it, but the tests in the admin screen throw several errors: WebDAV not working, that data directory is accessible because of .htaccess, problems with .js.map and .mjs files, problem with .well-known URLS, with headers, integrity... But some of them also mention that the cause can be something like "To allow this check to run you have to make sure that your webserver can connect to itself. Therefor it must be able to resolve and connect to at least one its `trusted_domains` or the `overwrite.cli.url`". And I've seen that the config.php files has 'localhost' and my subdomain for nextcloud in trusted_domains, and my subdomain in overwrite.cli.url. Any ideas?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i'm not sure, there are several thread discussing this on yunohost forum, i think at some point it was nextcloud's heallthcheck being faulty ... also i'm not sure these messages really are critical
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i don't know what's the status about it
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> but i'm pretty sure many people are using nextcloud just fine despite these
<ileturia> The other is Matrix Synapse. Apparently the installation went well, it is in a subdomain like matrix.mydomain.com, and that URL says "This is where Synapse is installed". But the service is not launched, it has errors like "twisted.internet.error.CannotListenError: Couldn't listen on ::1:8008: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address."...
<ileturia> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> but i'm pretty sure many people are using nextcloud just fine despite these
Ok, thank you.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> `Couldn't listen on ::1:8008: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address.".` -> is ipv6 enabled on your server ?
<ileturia> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> `Couldn't listen on ::1:8008: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address.".` -> is ipv6 enabled on your server ?
No, not yet.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> sounds like it's the cause of the issue, though i'm surprised because at least loop-local ipv6 should be there on most setup (even though global ipv6 may not work)
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> doesn't `ip -br a | head -n1` at least list `::1/128` in addition to ?
<ileturia> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> doesn't `ip -br a | head -n1` at least list `::1/128` in addition to ?
<ileturia> I tried to enable IPv6 following https://yunohost.org/en/ipv6, but although I know the address and prefix, I do not know how to obtain the IPv6 gateway...
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> anyway i guess you could try to tweak synapse's conf to only listen on ipv4, i'm not sure it really needs to bind to ::1 ...
<ileturia> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> anyway i guess you could try to tweak synapse's conf to only listen on ipv4, i'm not sure it really needs to bind to ::1 ...
Ok, thanks very much for the clues, they are very helpful!
<ileturia> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> anyway i guess you could try to tweak synapse's conf to only listen on ipv4, i'm not sure it really needs to bind to ::1 ...
I managed to enable IPv6 (it was really easy, just running a enable_ipv6 command) and Matrix Synapse worked and element too! Not "Synapse admin", though. But it's not important. Thanks again!