Thursday, October 03, 2024
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[01:39:09] <hueso> > because it fails our automatic tests
re: redirect_ynh: it's failing when I try to change the application path. Maybe that's why the test is failing? The app works fine tho
[15:27:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes, because your yunohost server pokes our infrastructure to known which IPv6 it has, but it concludes that it has no IPv6 because our server doesnt answer, and then conclude that you should remove the AAAA records (which you shouldnt)
[15:27:40] <xananax> Hmm but I'm self-hosted on a Linode, can it be related?
[15:27:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> sounds related to the fact that IPv6 is down on our infra since 10am
[15:27:40] <xananax> I see
[15:27:41] <xananax> And what I do not understand is, how does IPV6 prevent emails, seeing as the SMTP seems to work without issues?
[15:27:41] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> and then maybe it also stops using ipv6 for mail, i'm not sure
[15:28:03] <xananax> Yea me neither
[16:29:08] <orhtej2> Mjolnir Archon: ffs
[16:38:13] <bedlamsteps> Hello, quick question, I'm trying to install Yunohost and getting `[FAIL] You need internet to use this script! did not respond to ping after more than 30s.`. I have IPv6 so I suspect @Aleks has answered the question but are there problems with IPv6 on Yunohost's side?
[16:58:54] <bedlamsteps> > Hello, quick question, I'm trying to install Yunohost and getting `[FAIL] You need internet to use this script! did not respond to ping after more than 30s.`. I have IPv6 so I suspect @Aleks has answered the question but are there problems with IPv6 on Yunohost's side?
Ah yes, it disappears into a blackhole at ``
[17:33:55] <xananax> So then in theory, if your IPV6 works again, so does my server. Any idea for an ETA? No pressure, I know you do this when you can, but just in case there is one
[17:34:29] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> this is a "low level" infrastructure problem we have no power on, we contacted our hosting provider
[18:02:02] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> bedlamsteps: yes, sorry about that, that's probably ipv6 issues on our infra
[18:42:33] <Igor Leturia> Hi! I've finished the setup of my server with Yunohost 12 (sort of, I installed the apps I needed and now I am going to try some others).
[18:43:14] <Igor Leturia> Generally speaking, Yunohost is great and it works very well. Installing apps is very easy and SSO is a great advantage. Specially, installing a mail server is very easy! In my previous server, installing a mail server without Yunohost was a real painful and long process, and with Yunohost it is a breeze. Also, migrating mails from the previous server was very easy following the instructions given by Yunohost docs. I also installed Roundcube, Nextcoud, Matrix and Element, all of them very easily. I was not able to migrate the content from the previous Matrix server, but it is not a big problem for me to lose those conversations.
[18:43:21] <Igor Leturia> I also want to share the problems I've found and see if someone can help:
[18:43:40] <Igor Leturia> - If I enter the address of any app (Nextcloud, Roudcube, Element...) in the browser, it takes me to the SSO page, but after entering the username and password, it does not automatically go to the original address intended, it stays in a screen showing all the apps the user has access to, which is a bit annoying...
[18:44:47] <Igor Leturia> - In it says that Rspamd is not in the core anymore so it has to be installed separately. I did and it works. However, the diagnostics keep saying something like "This application does not belong to the YunoHost application catalog. If it existed in the past and is not now, it would be best to uninstall it, as it will not receive updates and could jeopardise the integrity and security of the system". Should I really uninstall it? Is it that dangerous? I think a spam filter is necesaary... What was the reason for moving it out of the core?
[18:45:08] <Igor Leturia> - I have not been able to properly run the Matrix Admin app, it keeps saying session has ended... It is really not a big problem, I just thought it could be interesting and decided to try it, but I can live without that app.
[18:45:33] <Igor Leturia> Anyway, thanks for such a great software and the help given in the installation process!
[18:47:10] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> rspamd is not in the current catalog but is to be added after bookworm is released, it's not in the catalog to prevent confusing people on bullseye (who will see the same catalog) thinking they can install rspamd when it's still in the core on bullseye
[18:48:11] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> >What was the reason for moving it out of the core?

the fact that not everybody wants to use yunohost to receive emails, yet it does take a significant amount of RAM, was never really "properly configured" (because nobody in the project/contributors has much expertise about it) and yet is causing issue on some exotic setup because it depends on libhyperscan which requires specific hardware capabilities
[18:48:15] <Igor Leturia> > <> rspamd is not in the current catalog but is to be added after bookworm is released, it's not in the catalog to prevent confusing people on bullseye (who will see the same catalog) thinking they can install rspamd when it's still in the core on bullseye

OK, so I will just not take into account the diagnostics warning.
[18:49:18] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (also the rspamd maintainers are super angry about the version available in debian because it's always late compared to the recent version etc, i don't know the exact story)
[18:50:07] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> tldr; the point is to have a more lightweight setup