<xiamen> 👏
<Pavel Sheremetyev> reinstall pydio twice
but when login to pydio message "unauthorized" and back to login page
cvould you please help?
<Pavel Sheremetyev> https://paste.yunohost.org/efitubokox
<Pavel Sheremetyev> https://paste.yunohost.org/fuyizahevo
<xananax> > <@Xananax:matrix.org> I have a weird sudden error. Mails stopped working in either direction. Trying to send from an external email to one of my hosted emails gets a `Temporary Lookup Failure (in RCPT TO command)`.
> IPV6 is failing (it wasn't yesterday).
> The last problem I had was that I completely ran out of space, to the point that ssh wouldn't work, and tmux wouldn't run. I had to physically access the server to clean some things and reboot.
> Might it be that something got corrupt in the process?
> Here's my log https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/sadihurane
So, it seems that the IPV6 thing of yesterday was unrelated to my email problem.
I'm unable to send or receive emails. Trying to send from an external email to one of my hosted emails gets a `Temporary Lookup Failure (in RCPT TO command)`.
Yunohost diagnosis reveals no problem. I'm not sure how to proceed.
<Tag> Can you have a look at your postfix log around the time you sent the mail ?
<M1k3> Bonjour à tous, Je voudrais savoir s'il y a une raison particulière d'avoir un dossier /var/log de 115G environ (avec des fichiers deamon.log et syslog > 40G) ? Il n'y a pas un processus de nettoyage automatique ? Je viens d'avoir mon serveur sur VPS bloqué (plus de réponse des applications). J'ai supprimé deux fichiers (deamon.log.1 et syslog.1 qui faisait chacun environ 45G). Cependant, je n'ai récupéré, d'après le diagnostic, que 14 Go de disponible...
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> la vrai question c'est pourquoi daemon.log et syslog font plus que genre 1 ou 2G, ça c'est pas du tout normal
<miro5001> https://forum.yunohost.org/t/daemon-log-and-syslog-suddenly-exploding-in-size-to-many-gbs/31210/1
<M1k3> > <@miro5001:matrix.org> https://forum.yunohost.org/t/daemon-log-and-syslog-suddenly-exploding-in-size-to-many-gbs/31210/1
Je viens d'essayer l'une des commande proposé dans le post du forum. On verra ce que ça va donner. Apparemment le problème vient d'une mise à jour de collabora. Wait and see. Merci pour l'aide.
<eric_G> looking at the last Collabora update, I see nothing that could impact logs
<miro5001> > <@ericg:matrix.org> looking at the last Collabora update, I see nothing that could impact logs
May be a change to collabora itself leading to a recurring log entry like in here