Sunday, October 06, 2024
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[07:27:37] <laguill13> Bonjour,
J'ai un peu du mal à comprendre zerotier.
Comment l'utiliser vous ?

Je n'ai pas ouvert de port sur ma box mais j'ai un nom de domaine en https.

Sur mon réseau local je peux accéder à homeassistant sans problèmes avec le nom de domaine.

Maintenant si je veux accéder à homeassistant depuis l'extérieur avec zerotier le nom de domaine ne fonctionne plus. L'adresse IP zerotier fonctionne mais cela "casse" mon accès depuis l'appli homeassistant d'Android.

Comment je peux corriger ce problème ?

Merci pour votre aide
[07:33:48] <tituspijean> laguill13: ça manque de messages d'erreur précis pour t'aider. Mettons de côté l'app Homeassistant pour l'instant.

Quand tu es connecté à Zerotier et déconnecté de ton réseau wifi, que te retourne ?
[07:33:59] <tituspijean> (Il faut ici vérifier que ça te retourne soit une IP de ton FAI mobile, soit l'IP de chez toi, c'est à dire que ton Zerotier est configuré pour router tout le trafic du VPN)
[07:52:21] <laguill13> C'est pas pressé
[07:54:53] <laguill13> Dans l'appli Android zerotier j'ai ces paramètres

[07:54:53] <laguill13>
[07:55:54] <laguill13> Et dans termux la commande `ip address` me renvoie 2 IP
[07:57:12] <laguill13> ifconfig -a
Warning: cannot open /proc/net/dev (Permission denied). Limited output.
lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536
inet netmask
unspec 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 txqueuelen 0 (UNSPEC)

inet netmask destination
unspec 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 txqueuelen 1000 (UNSPEC)

tun0: flags=81<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING> mtu 2800
inet netmask destination
unspec 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 txqueuelen 500 (UNSPEC)
[09:29:01] <Igor Leturia> Hi! I have Matrix installed in Yunohost 12, and because of SSO I cannot make any Android client work... I have tried Element, Element X, FluffyChat, ChildiChat... They all detect my server has SSO, take me to the Yunohost SSO login, but then it goes to the user page with the Yunohost apps installed and it does not show the typical screen for giving permissions to the app... Some apps offer me the option to login with password, but then it says that the matrix server does not allow it... Am I missing something? How can I have any Android Matrix client working? Thanks!
[10:18:08] <Paprika> It seems Vaultwarden is sorta broken on iOS as the Bitwarden app on iOS has updated, but we cannot update Vaultwarden because it requires a newer YNH version that isn’t yet available to me. Any fixes yet? Been like that for some weeks now
[10:18:57] <Paprika> It seems Vaultwarden is sorta broken on iOS as the Bitwarden app on iOS has updated, but we cannot update Vaultwarden because it requires a newer YNH version that isn’t yet available to me. It now has been removed from available updates for me, but the problem obviously is still there.
Any fixes yet? Been like that for some weeks now
[10:22:32] <Paprika> > <> I installed it normally and then made new connection and scanned though bar code on android mobile.

If you are not even getting a handshake, you may have missed to add the port to the IP under clients config “Endpoint”
[10:26:39] <Paprika> Or am I forced to upgrade to YNH on Debian 12?
[11:14:26] <tituspijean> @laguill13:matrix.orgdésolé je ne vois pas les captures d'écran pour l'instant (bug de mon côté)

J'ai combiné les infos de et pour concocter ce tutoriel:

Configurer ZeroTier
Assure-toi que ton serveur (chez moi son IP est et ton client accèdent au même réseau ZeroTier, et qu'ils peuvent faire un ping l'un vers l'autre avec leur adresse ZeroTier.

Configurer le serveur
(zut j'ai appuyé sur Entrée trop tôt, je modifie)
[11:14:26] <tituspijean> @laguill13:matrix.orgdésolé je ne vois pas les captures d'écran pour l'instant (bug de mon côté)

J'ai combiné les infos de et pour concocter ce tutoriel:

Configurer ZeroTier
Assure-toi que ton serveur (chez moi son IP est et ton client accèdent au même réseau ZeroTier, et qu'ils peuvent faire un ping l'un vers l'autre avec leur adresse ZeroTier.

Configurer le serveur
On va s'assurer que le serveur redirige le trafic là où il faut.
sudo su
mkdir -p /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_iptable_rules
touch /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_iptable_rules/95-zerotier
chmod +x /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_iptable_rules/95-zerotier
Relève le nom de l'interface zerotier (elle commence par "zt" et celle de ton interface réseau principale "eth0" par exemple).

Ensuite modifie le fichier : `nano /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_iptable_rules/95-zerotier`, et modifie-le selon les interfaces:


export ZT_IF=zt3jnskpna
export WAN_IF=eth0

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $WAN_IF -j MASQUERADE
iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i $ZT_IF -o $WAN_IF -j ACCEPT

exit 0

Lance le script: `/etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_iptable_rules/95-zerotier` et valide avec `iptables-save` (vérifie que les lignes avec zt... sont bien listées)

Configure le réseau ZeroTier
Dans l'interface du réseau ZeroTier, Advanced, Managed routes, assure-toi d'avoir `` via ``

Et croisons les doigts 🤞
[11:35:35] <tituspijean> @igor:leturia.eusI think you should not login through the SSO. With my apps I specify the server domain and use the username+password login method with no issue. Make sure the Matrix app is open to Visitors in the Yunohost permissions.
[11:40:59] <tituspijean> @laguill13:matrix.orgdésolé je ne vois pas les captures d'écran pour l'instant (bug de mon côté)

J'ai combiné les infos de et pour concocter ce tutoriel:

Configurer ZeroTier
Assure-toi que ton serveur (chez moi son IP est et ton client accèdent au même réseau ZeroTier, et qu'ils peuvent faire un ping l'un vers l'autre avec leur adresse ZeroTier.

Configurer le serveur
On va s'assurer que le serveur redirige le trafic là où il faut.
sudo su
mkdir -p /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_iptable_rules
touch /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_iptable_rules/95-zerotier
chmod +x /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_iptable_rules/95-zerotier
Relève le nom de l'interface zerotier (elle commence par "zt" et celle de ton interface réseau principale "eth0" par exemple).

Ensuite modifie le fichier : `nano /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_iptable_rules/95-zerotier`, et modifie-le selon les interfaces:


export ZT_IF=zt3jnskpna
export WAN_IF=eth0

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $WAN_IF -j MASQUERADE
iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i $ZT_IF -o $WAN_IF -j ACCEPT

exit 0

Lance le script: `/etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_iptable_rules/95-zerotier` et valide avec `iptables-save` (vérifie que les lignes avec zt... sont bien listées)

Configure le réseau ZeroTier
Dans l'interface du réseau ZeroTier, Advanced, Managed routes, assure-toi d'avoir `` via ``

Et croisons les doigts 🤞
Si ça marche, je songe à l'intégrer à l'app Zerotier
[11:46:41] <tituspijean> @botagiuks:tiesiog.ltcheck out this thread:
[13:11:24] <eric_G> Paprika: if you want to install for YNH 11 `sudo yunohost app install`
[16:22:42] <Paprika> I have an installation running, can I force update to the newer version on 11?
[17:43:11] <Paprika> For anyone wondering, the following works fine: `yunohost app upgrade vaultwarden -u`
[17:54:48] <Igor Leturia> > <> @igor:leturia.eusI think you should not login through the SSO. With my apps I specify the server domain and use the username+password login method with no issue. Make sure the Matrix app is open to Visitors in the Yunohost permissions.

But that's the problem, I cannot login with username+password. Some of the apps, after entering the server's domain, only offer the CAS/SSO option. And in those where I am able to enter a username and password, they say that username+password login is disabled in that server... I think that the Yunohost default install does that, and I do not know how to enable username+password login...
[17:59:45] <Igor Leturia> > <> @igor:leturia.eusI think you should not login through the SSO. With my apps I specify the server domain and use the username+password login method with no issue. Make sure the Matrix app is open to Visitors in the Yunohost permissions.

And Matrix is not on the permissions list I can add to visitors...
[18:29:21] <am> >> <> @igor:leturia.eusI think you should not login through the SSO. With my apps I specify the server domain and use the username+password login method with no issue. Make sure the Matrix app is open to Visitors in the Yunohost permissions.
> And Matrix is not on the permissions list I can add to visitors...

Hi, I checked on my YunoHost server and in visitors section, I have `Synapse (Server access for client apps)`
It looks like there is a problem with your Synapse installation (if you use Synapse).
By default, the Synapse server access for client apps cannot be deleted.
Did you try to update your server and YunoHost at the last version ?
Maybe a removal and retry will solve the problem 😉
[18:49:02] <Igor Leturia> > <am> >> <> @igor:leturia.eusI think you should not login through the SSO. With my apps I specify the server domain and use the username+password login method with no issue. Make sure the Matrix app is open to Visitors in the Yunohost permissions.
> >
> > And Matrix is not on the permissions list I can add to visitors...
> Hi, I checked on my YunoHost server and in visitors section, I have `Synapse (Server access for client apps)`
> It looks like there is a problem with your Synapse installation (if you use Synapse).
> By default, the Synapse server access for client apps cannot be deleted.
> Did you try to update your server and YunoHost at the last version ?
> Maybe a removal and retry will solve the problem 😉

In the visitors section I have "Synapse (Server info for clients. (well-known))" and "Synapse (server_api)", but not the one you say... I have a fresh install of Yunohost 12 and the Synapse version it installed. I installed it a couple of days ago, so I do not think a removal and retry will change anything...
[18:56:24] <Igor Leturia> Also I forgot: I cannot activate the option "Enable password login", even if I click "Yes" it does not seem to save the option, when I come back it is always "No"...
[19:36:42] <sa> Hi. I have installed Yunohost as a Proxmox LXC container. Most of things seem to be ok, but the diagnosis tells me:
[19:36:47] <Igor Leturia> I tried a complete removal and reinstall of Synapse, the `Synapse (Server access for client apps)` permission appeared and visitors have it, but still impossible to log in in any Android client...
[19:36:50] <sa> DNS resolution seems to be working, but it looks like you're using a custom /etc/resolv.conf.

The file /etc/resolv.conf should be a symlink to /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf itself pointing to (dnsmasq). If you want to manually configure DNS resolvers, please edit /etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf.
[19:38:21] <sa> But if I go into /etc/resolvconf I cannot see any 'run' directory
[19:39:30] <sa> (sorry Igor Leturia I got in between your chat)
[20:02:17] <Paprika> Or upgrade the package with the version for 11

EDIT: Using `yunohost app upgrade vaultwarden -u yunohost app install` works.
[20:52:55] <p4p4j0hn> > For anyone wondering, the following works fine: `yunohost app upgrade vaultwarden -u`
Excellent, I'm glad it worked for you.
[21:27:49] <lps> Did anyone install friendica lately? It installed correctly for me and directed me yo use the account I had selected as admin and instructed me to use my regular yunohost pswd for that luck:( it's giving invalid credentials... I've verified numerous times.