Monday, October 21, 2024
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[02:11:14] <Swimc> Thanks for the explanation indeed!
[02:27:25] <inrepublica> Bjr à toutes et tous, j'ai démangé mon yunohost d'un VPS vers un autre. Globalement le transfert c'est bien passé mais j'ai quelques petits trucs qui clochent quand même.
Quand je me connecte en ssh j'ai ce message:
`/home/inrepublica/.bash_profile: Permission denied`
Et effectivement en listant mon home j'ai ça:
*drwxr-xr-x 3 1000 4096 Feb 26 2020 debian
drwxr-xr-x 2 redirect redirect 4096 Jul 21 2020 freshrss
drwxr-xr-x+ 6 53796 53796 4096 Jan 27 2024 inrepublica
drwxr-xr-x 2 roundcube roundcube 4096 Apr 10 2020 limesurvey
drwxr-xr-x+ 2 monet monet 4096 Apr 18 2023 monet
drwxr-xr-x 2 mdns mdns 4096 Feb 27 2020 ttrss
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Oct 11 06:15
drwxrwx--- 4 root admins 4096 Oct 11 06:09 yunohost.backup
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Oct 11 06:10 yunohost.multimedia*
Pour mon utilisateur inrepublica j'ai un drole de groupe qui est différent des autres...
[02:27:26] <inrepublica> Bjr à toutes et tous, j'ai démangé mon yunohost d'un VPS vers un autre. Globalement le transfert c'est bien passé mais j'ai quelques petits trucs qui clochent quand même.
Quand je me connecte en ssh j'ai ce message:
`/home/inrepublica/.bash_profile: Permission denied`
Et effectivement en listant mon home j'ai ça:
_drwxr-xr-x 3 1000 4096 Feb 26 2020 debian
drwxr-xr-x 2 redirect redirect 4096 Jul 21 2020 freshrss
**drwxr-xr-x+ 6 53796 53796 4096 Jan 27 2024 inrepublica**
drwxr-xr-x 2 roundcube roundcube 4096 Apr 10 2020 limesurvey
drwxr-xr-x+ 2 monet monet 4096 Apr 18 2023 monet
drwxr-xr-x 2 mdns mdns 4096 Feb 27 2020 ttrss
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Oct 11 06:15
drwxrwx--- 4 root admins 4096 Oct 11 06:09 yunohost.backup
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Oct 11 06:10 yunohost.multimedia_
Pour mon utilisateur inrepublica j'ai un drole de groupe qui est différent des autres...
[02:27:26] <inrepublica> Bjr à toutes et tous, j'ai démangé mon yunohost d'un VPS vers un autre. Globalement le transfert c'est bien passé mais j'ai quelques petits trucs qui clochent quand même.
Quand je me connecte en ssh j'ai ce message:
`/home/inrepublica/.bash_profile: Permission denied`
Et effectivement en listant mon home j'ai ça:
drwxr-xr-x 3 1000 4096 Feb 26 2020 debian
drwxr-xr-x 2 redirect redirect 4096 Jul 21 2020 freshrss
drwxr-xr-x+ 6 53796 53796 4096 Jan 27 2024 inrepublica
drwxr-xr-x 2 roundcube roundcube 4096 Apr 10 2020 limesurvey
drwxr-xr-x+ 2 monet monet 4096 Apr 18 2023 monet
drwxr-xr-x 2 mdns mdns 4096 Feb 27 2020 ttrss
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Oct 11 06:15
drwxrwx--- 4 root admins 4096 Oct 11 06:09 yunohost.backup
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Oct 11 06:10 yunohost.multimedia
Pour mon utilisateur inrepublica j'ai un drole de groupe qui est différent des autres...
[02:27:26] <inrepublica> Bjr à toutes et tous, j'ai démangé mon yunohost d'un VPS vers un autre. Globalement le transfert c'est bien passé mais j'ai quelques petits trucs qui clochent quand même.
Quand je me connecte en ssh j'ai ce message:
`/home/inrepublica/.bash_profile: Permission denied`
Et effectivement en listant mon home j'ai ça:
`drwxr-xr-x 3 1000 4096 Feb 26 2020 debian
drwxr-xr-x 2 redirect redirect 4096 Jul 21 2020 freshrss
drwxr-xr-x+ 6 53796 53796 4096 Jan 27 2024 inrepublica
drwxr-xr-x 2 roundcube roundcube 4096 Apr 10 2020 limesurvey
drwxr-xr-x+ 2 monet monet 4096 Apr 18 2023 monet
drwxr-xr-x 2 mdns mdns 4096 Feb 27 2020 ttrss
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Oct 11 06:15
drwxrwx--- 4 root admins 4096 Oct 11 06:09 yunohost.backup
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Oct 11 06:10 yunohost.multimedia`
Pour mon utilisateur inrepublica j'ai un drole de groupe qui est différent des autres...
[02:27:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> mouaip faudrait sans doute faire un `chown -R inrepublica:inrepublica /home/inrepublica`
[02:29:37] <inrepublica> J'avais ça en tête en effet, j'ai juste un peu peur de toucher à ça 😅😅😅
[02:36:15] <Léo> Quand on vois les déboires, par exemple, autour de Wordpress en ce moment, ça fais du bien de voir des projet comme cela autour du libre
[02:36:16] <Internet Managing Joint> Hi. I have a problem. I was trying to manually upgrade Immich using cli. But during upgrade yunohost for some reason created a backup with all the photos in it (hundreds of GBs). As far as I could find pre-upgrade backups should be small. I tried debugging yunohost. BACKUP_CORE_ONLY is correctly set in, but it's not used.
Upgrading without huge backups worked a week ago.
[02:36:16] <Internet Managing Joint> Hi. I have a problem. I was trying to manually upgrade Immich using cli. But during upgrade yunohost for some reason created a backup with all the photos in it (hundreds of GBs). As far as I could find pre-upgrade backups should be small. I tried debugging yunohost. BACKUP_CORE_ONLY is correctly set in, but it's not used.
Upgrading without huge backups worked a week ago. Yunohost version
[02:36:16] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> sounds like which is not yet released
[02:36:17] <Salamandar> Ah ah oui on ne suit pas ça de très près dans le sens où ça ne nous impacte pas directement… mais c'est triste à voir.
[02:36:18] <Salamandar> On essaye <3
[02:53:43] <Igor> Also, I am unable to make Collabora Online work... I try to install the Yunohost app or the Nextcloud app, but neither works...
[02:53:43] <Igor> Hi, anyone with experience with the Send app? I have installed it and it works well, except that although I tell it not to be open to visitors (and it is usually not, if anyone enters the domain it asks for username and password), after someone downloads a file through the link I send them, it shows a "Try Send" link that allows to upload files without being logged in! Any ideas why this happens or how to solve this?
[08:44:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> except manually editing the nginx conf i suppose
[08:44:02] <Salamandar> Side note : that secondary system requests certificates from Let's Encrypt for a domain that is "served" by your yunohost server right ? So the https traffic arrives on your yunohost server right ? So why not let yunohost manage the certs ?
[08:44:03] <> I'm testing nextcloud aio without being reachable from the internet. It's supposed to be an as local as possible installation. Routing internal trafic to my yunohost (located in another broadcast domain) would degrade security.
[08:44:03] <Salamandar> (i don't know your use case, it might be something completely specific that i can't imagine right now)
[08:44:04] <> > <> I read about nextcloud aio and I remember that it requires a dedicated domain name and it doesn't run locally.

Probably it didn't, but now:
[08:44:04] <miro5001> I read about nextcloud aio and I remember that it requires a dedicated domain name and it doesn't run locally.
[08:44:17] <tituspijean> I'm rebooting our public-facing server, you may encounter issues reaching the documentation, the front page, and other services for a few minutes
[08:44:20] <tytan652> Hello, with Snappymail latest update I get `[202] mkdir() failed`. Any idea ?
[08:44:21] <nouckey> haha j'ai cru que france 2 faisait un documentaire sur Yunohost
[08:44:21] <tytan652> Anyway I needed to reinstall it because I fail to re-found the admin password.
And reinstalling from scratch worked.
[08:44:22] <Xan> > <> haha j'ai cru que france 2 faisait un documentaire sur Yunohost

Serait-on des adolescents difficiles ? 😂
[08:44:22] <tituspijean> > <> Hello, with Snappymail latest update I get `[202] mkdir() failed`. Any idea ?

This error appeared during which action, and where?
[08:44:26] <Xan> I've checked my server with Netdata, my iowait are at 0%. You have a SSD on your server ?
[08:44:26] <Olomorn> hum yeah no this doesn't seem fine
~> uptime
17:22:16 up 1 min, 1 user, load average: 21.93, 6.28, 2.16
~> sudo uptime
17:22:41 up 2 min, 1 user, load average: 24.08, 8.07, 2.87
~> sudo uptime
17:22:44 up 2 min, 1 user, load average: 24.31, 8.38, 3.00
[08:44:27] <Olomorn> it's getting a bit better after a few minutes, but it still is far from your values `17:27:09 up 6 min, 1 user, load average: 13.87, 14.15, 7.11`
[08:44:29] <Xan> `htop` or `ps aux` may be able to get the concerned processes
[08:44:29] <Xan> Yes, it's very high. And if you try `journalctl -xe`, what are you getting ?
[08:44:30] <Olomorn> > <> `htop` or `ps aux` may be able to get the concerned processes

i'm looking at htop, but nothing seems weird (but i just rebooted so maybe the culprit is not yet active)
[08:44:30] <Olomorn> i have a bunch of these messages :
Oct 20 17:29:21 domain.tld systemd[9649]: Failed to determine supported controllers: No such process
Oct 20 17:29:21 domain.tld systemd[9649]: Failed to allocate manager object: No such process
[08:44:31] <Olomorn> i have a process named "cool" that seems to be more active that others, it gets to 30% CPU usage every few seconds
[08:44:32] <tituspijean> that's collabora I think
[08:44:33] <Olomorn> > <> that's collabora I think

yeah, i'm trying to disable it to see if it works better
[08:44:33] <Olomorn> i have an ssd for yunohost and HDDs for the data
[08:44:34] <tituspijean> (might be unrelated, you do not seem to have issues with your storage?)
[08:44:34] <tituspijean> There is/was a bug recently, with it spamming the logs:
[08:44:35] <Xan> The high amount of IOWait could be related to the logs spamming, in my opinion
[08:44:36] <Olomorn> yeah storage is not saturated at all
[08:44:36] <tituspijean> to be sure, what's the output of `du -hs /var/log/daemon.log`?
[08:44:36] <Olomorn> not very large
`41M /var/log/daemon.log`
[08:44:37] <Olomorn> yeah i noticed that when i saw like two process running without su haha
[08:44:38] <Xan> > <> not very large
> `41M /var/log/daemon.log`

Mine : `3.6M /var/log/daemon.log`
Your file seems to be a little large
[08:44:40] <tufek> also be sure tu run htop in superuser mode otherwise you could miss some (edit root)processes
[08:44:40] <Xan> > <> and uptime now gives `load average: 0.39, 3.92, 6.67`

Much better !
0.39, last minute, 3.92, last 5 minutes & 6.67 = last 15 minutes. It is the average number of processes waiting or running on this period
[08:44:41] <tituspijean> Mine is 126MB and I do not run Collabora, it's alright I think
[08:44:42] <Olomorn> huh you three sorry !!
[08:44:42] <Olomorn> great! thanks again to you both :D
[08:44:42] <Xan> If in ~15 minutes, you run the `uptime` command again and you get all values <1, it seems the issue is solved ;)
[08:44:43] <Xan> > <> great! thanks again to you both :D

Your welcome, I didn't helped that much ! :)
[09:51:46] <. |3^RELATIVISM> > <> Hi everyone,
> I have a bunch of problems on my Yunohost install and I am a bit at a loss on how to diagnose what's actually happening.
> The issue started a few weeks ago, the update for roundcube failed and the restoration of the backup failed. I think that this was the first sign of something going wrong but I'm not sure this is the _source_ of the issues.
> Now the symptoms are as follows: everything is very very slow. Often, even SSH doesn't work and the connection is pending for a long time (hours!) before i give up. The yunohost app processes also take a very long time, and so just trying to update an app can take hours and block everything else in the meantime. Finally, rebooting can be a short term fix as a fresh reboot allow even Jellyfin to start working again (this lasts a couple of hours tops, until it goes back to hell).
> So I don't ask anybody to know how to fix this, but if someone has a couple ideas on how to find out what's going on, that would be great!
> PS: it is a self hosted server on my previous desktop computer, with the last Yunohost stable version installed.

Have you checked if mysql has crashed
[09:52:33] <tituspijean> The problem has been resolved yesterday.
[09:54:31] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Not really resolved but yeah
[09:56:18] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Seems like it was still slow, and collabora uninstall seens like just a partial fix
[09:57:09] <. |3^RELATIVISM> With CPU/RAM i feel like database are first things to go tituspijean: . Cheers
[10:10:58] <. |3^RELATIVISM> I will file a report but before i publish it would like sime feedback to see if other peers experienced this and or can reproduce it
[10:12:09] <. |3^RELATIVISM> When using subdomains there seems to be issues with the " make default" feauture it doesnt recognise when applet has already been made a default
[10:12:44] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Is the relatedto missing "www" at initial setup?
[10:13:57] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Also what is the porpuse of this make default feauture? Thanks in advance for all feedback
[10:14:44] <Salamandar> > <> Is the relatedto missing "www" at initial setup?

there's zero relation to this issue
[10:15:00] <. |3^RELATIVISM> For example "Unable to make 'forgejo' the default app on the domain, '' is already in use by 'forgejo'"
[10:15:11] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Ok
[10:15:29] <Salamandar> it's just that we check if the root of the domain is in use or not, and we just don't check if it's in use by the *same* app
[10:15:53] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Ok soh it a ui bug
[10:16:09] <Salamandar> yeah, mostly :)
[10:16:18] <. |3^RELATIVISM> It should recognize if the same app is already in use
[10:16:24] <Salamandar> Could you create a small issue on that ? That's an easy fix IMHO
[10:16:32] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Why mostly?
[10:16:43] <. |3^RELATIVISM> > <> Could you create a small issue on that ? That's an easy fix IMHO

[10:17:07] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Can you try to reproduce it first please to see if its just me
[10:17:21] <Salamandar> I think I already saw that issue on my setup yeah
[10:19:49] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Yeah seams to be what you are describing, simply the UI doesnt recognize when the very own app you are trying to make a default is already the default.
[10:20:03] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Ok, Give 5 minutes Cheers
[10:22:01] <. |3^RELATIVISM> The problem here would be one of security how can one fetch this information with knowing it? Zk ... I dont know is unimportant but seems like a unecessary retrival of server information, one should be cautious with the fix this problem i would say
[10:22:24] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Ok, Give 5 minutes, Let me do further checking and tests
[10:23:17] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Please correct me if im saying something nonsensical but if badly implemented i feel it could be abused. Cheers
[10:41:43] <. |3^RELATIVISM>
[10:42:18] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Please edit title if you feel so, very bad at choosing such thanks
[10:54:05] <. |3^RELATIVISM> End of issue one
[10:54:52] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Issue 2: failed installation wordpress, there seems to be a issue with wordpress instalation
[10:54:56] <. |3^RELATIVISM>
[10:55:25] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Issue 3: matterbridge applet seems to be broken
[10:56:18] <. |3^RELATIVISM> The problem here would be one of security how can one fetch this information without knowing it? Zk ... I dont know is unimportant but seems like a unecessary retrival of server information, one should be cautious with the fix this problem i would say
[11:06:40] <tituspijean> > <>

> Multisite option of WordPress doesn'\''t work at the root of a domain.

Select a subpath? :o
[11:17:48] <. |3^RELATIVISM> > <> Issue 2: failed installation wordpress, there seems to be a issue with wordpress instalation

One should be able to use multiwebsite feauture in wordpress with diferent domains
[11:18:08] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Even using root of that domain
[15:41:25] <tituspijean> > <> Even using root of that domain

that limitation has been there for 7 years, there ought to be a good reason :)
[16:09:32] <nthpyrodev> Jellyfin doesn't seem to be working
[16:29:12] <Jeff> I really love this project ♥️
[16:30:42] <tituspijean> > <> Jellyfin doesn't seem to be working

hey, we need more details :)
[16:30:47] <yunohelper> Hi! To help us volunteers help you, read about <a href="">how to ask for help</a>.<br />Notably, if you are getting an error, share its <em>full</em> log by pasting here the link to the page created by the YunoPaste buttons.<br />Thank you for you patience, and thank you for using YunoHost!