<onner1964> hey guys!
<onner1964> How can I install a specific version of any application on YunoHost?
<onner1964> I'm trying to install Wallabag2
<onner1964> With the authentication problem that is occurring with the installation of Wallabag2 and with the fact that I was unable to restore the backup, I decided to try installing a previous version while the problem is not resolved.
<onner1964> I was able to accomplish this task by following the instructions taught in this forum thread:
<cefaleia> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> if you want to receive email that might be another story, either you want the email to arrive on your VPS, or on your yunohost
I have managed to do the setup and now I have email from the other domain sent and received on my yunohost server
<Salamandar> congrats !
<miro5001> What android email client are you using?
I have just discovered that pep email client has not been updated since 2022. Relying on autoupdate was a mistake