Thursday, October 24, 2024
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[02:11:35] <etg> > What android email client are you using?
> I have just discovered that pep email client has not been updated since 2022. Relying on autoupdate was a mistake
[12:41:10] <chobeat> Hello. I have a problem with my yunohost setup which I cannot find a solution for.

I've done my first setup some days ago, on a debian vps. Everything went smooth, I installed n8n and started working on it. Today I went back to it and yunohost was down. Sshing into the machine revelaed the `yunohost` command is not present for any user and the systemd service `yunohost-api` cannot start, without much logging about the cause.

I've tried to rerun the install script to see if the CLI command could be restored and it got reinstalled, but it's asking me to replicate the postinstall procedure, which I would be fine with because I wouldn't be losing much stuff, but it fails because it says the system was already configured properly in the past.

How do I proceed?
[12:42:09] <chobeat> additional context: I've restarted the server a few times in the meanwhile, added a user and added an unrelated systemd service, but didn't touch anything that should be relevant for yunohost
[12:43:01] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> did you run some "apt" command and it warned you that it would uninstall a whole bunch of things and wanted you to type precisely "Yes, do as I say!" ?
[12:45:20] <chobeat> yeah, I think so, I didn't get it was connected to yunohost. It didn't seem it was trying to uninstall a specific list of packages
[12:45:45] <chobeat> I was trying to install steamcli, which I never installed, so I thought it was related to that
[12:46:38] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yeah so it totally uninstalled yunohost ...
[12:47:10] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> try `touch /etc/yunohost/installed` ...
[12:48:30] <chobeat> this makes the cli work again
[12:53:55] <chobeat> ok, I just had to restart a couple of services and now everything is working, apparently
[12:54:09] <chobeat> I can access both yuno admin and n8n websites
[12:55:01] <chobeat> what would it be the proper way in the future to install apt packages without breaking yunohost?
[12:55:36] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> for a start, not to blindly type "Yes do as I say!" when apt explicitly warns you that it's gonna remove a whole bunch of stuff such as yunohost
[12:56:14] <chobeat> well, then what would it be the way to safely install packages?
[12:58:52] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> the "safe" way is to stick to what's in the catalog, if you start to want to install stuff manually, then by definition you're sort of "on your own" and you are your own adminsys and you should know what you do
[13:00:12] <chobeat> then I guess I will just uninstall yunohost and go back to have full control of my server. I thought it would simplify maintenance but not being able to install unrelated packages on my server is a huge deal breaker.

Thanks for the support and have a nice day
[14:16:02] <miro5001> Can I make an app available only on lan? I would like vaulwarden to be accessible only from my lan, I don't need to have access to it everywhere
[14:17:13] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> you can tweak the nginx conf to deny every ip except the 192.168/16
[14:18:57] <Salamandar> > <> Can I make an app available only on lan? I would like vaulwarden to be accessible only from my lan, I don't need to have access to it everywhere

The concept of "lan" is a bit difficult as the subnets aren't always the same, and some machines just… don't have LANs at all (like VPSs).
[14:19:14] <Salamandar> So yeah the easiest is to manually configure nginx to allow only your personal LAN subnet
[14:19:59] <Salamandar>
[14:21:53] <miro5001> Thank you. I'll do it
[20:10:51] <captainhonora> Hello everyone! The link to support guidelines gives a 404 error. Is it okay to post questions here?
[20:12:33] <Salamandar> > <> Hello everyone! The link to support guidelines gives a 404 error. Is it okay to post questions here?

hey there, where is this link ? :)
[20:13:17] <captainhonora>
[20:14:00] <captainhonora> I was looking for a pinned message and clicked the "information about this room" icon. this was the URL in it.
[20:14:04] <Salamandar> sorry, what i mean is : on which page did you click on the linkr ?
[20:14:16] <Salamandar> > <> I was looking for a pinned message and clicked the "information about this room" icon. this was the URL in it.

ah that replies to my question :D
[20:14:27] <Salamandar> thanks for the heads up !
[20:14:59] <Salamandar> probably should be
[20:15:27] <Salamandar> > <> probably should be

also this page should be completely reworked cuz we don't really have irc anymore
[20:20:04] <captainhonora> What I'm trying to do:
testing ListMonk (mailing list app on Yunohost) and getting an error when sending a test email in the SMTP section.
```tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs```
[20:20:52] <Salamandar> oh gosh, i really don't know listmonk
[20:20:53] <captainhonora> - other apps are working currently
- Listmonk really wanted a subdomain, so I created one, and did the SSL let's encrypt self signed certificate, still giving me the x509 error
[20:21:25] <Salamandar> it probably shouldn't use i guess
[20:21:29] <captainhonora> > <> oh gosh, i really don't know listmonk

Is there a mailing list app you'd recommend perhaps? Not attached to listmonk
[20:22:08] <Salamandar> i see you edited a lot this app (unsurprising :D ), any clue ?
[20:22:36] <captainhonora> > <> it probably shouldn't use i guess

Got it! yeah that seems strange, Listmonk's post install instructions said to use that.
[20:23:10] <Salamandar> but `Root URL: https://DOMAIN` did you do that properly ?
[20:28:30] <eric_G> > <> it probably shouldn't use i guess

localhost maybe
[20:28:42] <captainhonora> > <> but `Root URL: https://DOMAIN` did you do that properly ?

I made an error and just fixed it, but that does not seem to be the issue (ran the test again, same error code).
[20:28:55] <Salamandar> > <> localhost maybe

ah also /admin does not work in bookworm FYI
[20:28:59] <Salamandar> it redirects to the sso
[20:29:10] <Salamandar> > <> I made an error and just fixed it, but that does not seem to be the issue (ran the test again, same error code).

alright :)
[20:29:34] <Salamandar> > <> ah also /admin does not work in bookworm FYI

i'm so stupid i need to login
[20:30:37] <eric_G> I was ready to debug the unbuged
[20:31:12] <Salamandar> :D
[20:31:48] <captainhonora> The post-install instructions were:


Port: 25
Auth protocol: PLAIN
[20:32:35] <captainhonora> The post-install instructions were:

Visit Settings -> SMTP and replace with these values:

Port: 25
Auth protocol: PLAIN
[20:33:13] <Salamandar> ok
[20:33:16] <Salamandar>
[20:33:19] <Salamandar> that works here
[20:33:31] <eric_G> `Host: localhost`
[20:33:41] <Salamandar> so the important thing is the HELO hostname that needs to be your yunohost's main domain
[20:33:51] <Salamandar> > <> `Host: localhost`

hold on let me test with too
[20:33:58] <captainhonora> > <> so the important thing is the HELO hostname that needs to be your yunohost's main domain

Ahhh okay thanks, going to try that.
[20:34:24] <Salamandar> > <> hold on let me test with too

seems to work
[20:34:39] <Salamandar> although the email does not arrive (but might be normal, I'm in a VM etc)
[20:36:04] <captainhonora> Ahh with localhost and the main domain it gives me a new error code, thanks, we're making progress I think:

```tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for,,, not localhost```
[20:36:46] <Salamandar> > <> Ahh with localhost and the main domain it gives me a new error code, thanks, we're making progress I think:
> ```tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for,,, not localhost```

you need your main domain in the HELO field, not localhost ;)
[20:36:51] <Salamandar> so
[20:38:05] <Salamandar> also
[20:38:10] <eric_G> so, we have:

- Host: localhost
- Port: 25
- Auth protocol: PLAIN
- User: __APP__
- Password: __MAIL_PWD__
- HELO hostname: __DOMAIN__
[20:38:16] <Salamandar> hmmm
[20:38:18] <Salamandar> nevermind
[20:38:18] <Salamandar> user/password : probably not app/mail_pwd ?
[20:39:05] <eric_G> hmm
[20:39:47] <Salamandar> hmmm
[20:39:49] <Salamandar> wuuuut
[20:39:53] <eric_G> I am correcting the `` file at the same time 😄
[20:40:10] <Salamandar>
[20:40:10] <Salamandar> so uh
[20:40:17] <Salamandar> host should NOT be localhost in the end ?
[20:43:31] <Salamandar> haaa looks like i can't test it because self signed certs is invalid for smtp…
[20:43:47] <captainhonora> > <> Ahh with localhost and the main domain it gives me a new error code, thanks, we're making progress I think:
> ```tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for,,, not localhost```

still getting this error code after adding the domain to HELO field.
[20:44:12] <Salamandar> can you send a screenshot of your config page ?
[20:44:53] <captainhonora>
[20:45:02] <captainhonora> (SMTP section)
[20:45:48] <Salamandar> yes so :
* remove https://
* put in the Host field too (not entirely sure it's required but better safe than sorry)
[20:47:20] <captainhonora> that worked! omg thanks
[20:47:36] <Salamandar> oooh noice o/
[20:47:37] <Salamandar> that way we can fix the documentation ;)
[20:47:51] <Salamandar> ? ;)
[20:48:14] <Salamandar> a bit surprised STARTTLS via port 25 works but eh
[20:48:15] <Salamandar> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[20:50:26] <captainhonora> > <> a bit surprised STARTTLS via port 25 works but eh

I spoke too soon :D
It says "test message sent" but nothing in spam or inbox, tried two emails.
[20:59:23] <. |3^RELATIVISM> O/ there
[20:59:54] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Havimg some issuea installing jitsi on my subdomain
[21:00:03] <Salamandar> > <> I spoke too soon :D
> It says "test message sent" but nothing in spam or inbox, tried two emails.

Ah hum...
[21:00:28] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Does it nees to use
[21:00:32] <. |3^RELATIVISM>
[21:00:54] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Thanks in advance for feedback
[21:11:38] <. |3^RELATIVISM> After some search " 'jitsi' has no installation candidate"
[21:12:05] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Isnt jitsi on the yunohost debian mirror?
[21:12:06] <miro5001> I have received an email from the diagnosis saying one of my domains "doesn't exist in WHOIS database or is expired!", it also complains about the dns zones not set correctly.
This domain was working correctly since months, its expiry date is in September 2025 and everything is correct in the dashboard of the registrar ovh.
It's a temporary issue or should I worry?
[21:12:49] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Have you check if you dns records are acurate
[21:13:09] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Assume ovh you got domain in gandi miro5001:
[21:16:38] <miro5001> Dns records are what they should be and the domain is registered at ovh
[21:17:42] <. |3^RELATIVISM> > <> After some search " 'jitsi' has no installation candidate"

Also reading on jitsi documemtation A recorda is needed for the subdomain, what is diference between this and cname record? Sorry for my lack of knowlegde on this cheers
[21:28:08] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Is the same no? Just two dns lookups instead of just one for straight subdomain a specific record
[21:30:42] <. |3^RELATIVISM>
[21:31:00] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Or is this just bug on instalation scripts?
[21:31:25] <. |3^RELATIVISM> "2024-10-24 21:27:40,935: WARNING - sed: -e expression #1, char 25: unterminated `s' command"
[21:31:30] <. |3^RELATIVISM> Thanks
[22:01:25] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> typically this could be because a password contain funky chars ?