Tuesday, October 29, 2024
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[08:37:14] <cat17katze> Hello, my dns update fails. The peer didnt know the key we used. The log: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/bixoyeqego
I tried unregistering and re- registering multiple times. I tried the update also via ssh, the same error occured. How can I fix it?
[10:03:01] <miro5001> Good morning everyone
I am looking for a solution to manage conferences with subscriptions, submissions, etc
[10:06:18] <Salamandar> ah there's something like it
[10:06:37] <Salamandar> pretalx
[10:47:45] <miro5001> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> ah there's something like it

I came across indico (made by CERN). I was about packaging it and I have been interrupted a hundred times.
I will look at pretalx also
[11:07:40] <miro5001> Oh, node 🙄
[11:10:30] <Thibaultmol> Pretalx is what we're using at FOSDEM, it's pretty cool
[11:11:12] <Thibaultmol> Currently they're only using it for managing devroom/talks submissions and reviewing. I think
[11:12:38] <miro5001> Can it handle complex conferences with multiple sessions occurring at the same time in different rooms?
[11:31:45] <miro5001> So I had a look at it and it seems only for submission workflow which I already use ojs for.
My main point is to allow the admin to create a complex event where users can subscribe to the event (and subevents), submit abstracts, reviewers validate abstracts. The admin will have a clear view about the number of the attendees, abstracts, payments, etc...
[11:32:56] <cat17katze> > <@cat17katze:yatrix.org> Hello, my dns update fails. The peer didnt know the key we used. The log: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/bixoyeqego
> I tried unregistering and re- registering multiple times. I tried the update also via ssh, the same error occured. How can I fix it?

[11:52:38] <eric_G> ok... I have packaged [Pretalx](https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/pretalx_ynh) and [Pretix](https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/pretix_ynh). They are similar package and none of them work yet for now. (python packages, help needed)
[12:04:37] <Paprika> I am curious about certificates. I use local domains mostly for my locally hosted services that I access via VPN. Everything is amazing, but I was hoping to use Sonarr's/Radarr's iCal feature. However, I get a "Validation failed" on Apple devices when I try to subscribe to the calendar. I assume it is related to the self-signed certificates.
Anyone managed to combat this?

Currently, I've tried to install the root certificate on the iOS device as a test. Also made sure it is given full trust in Settings. That doesn't seem to work (most likely because of the duration of the certificate and probably some settings that do not comply with Apple's regulations).
[12:22:28] <Salamandar> > <@thibaultmol:matrix.org> Pretalx is what we're using at FOSDEM, it's pretty cool

you're from the FOSDEM org ? are you using Yunohost ? <3
[12:23:36] <Salamandar> > <@botagiuks:tiesiog.lt> I am curious about certificates. I use local domains mostly for my locally hosted services that I access via VPN. Everything is amazing, but I was hoping to use Sonarr's/Radarr's iCal feature. However, I get a "Validation failed" on Apple devices when I try to subscribe to the calendar. I assume it is related to the self-signed certificates.
> Anyone managed to combat this?
> Currently, I've tried to install the root certificate on the iOS device as a test. Also made sure it is given full trust in Settings. That doesn't seem to work (most likely because of the duration of the certificate and probably some settings that do not comply with Apple's regulations).

i'm thinking Apple expects "public" certificates (meaning validated by a public Certificate Authority) so you can't use local domains ?
[13:46:56] <Paprika> Actually, this might be something else. When I run `openssl s_client -connect sub.domain.tld:443 -showcerts`, it returns information with the issuer/subject being yunohost.org. It appears fine on the server itself if you do that, but running that on any kind of client returns different information than I am expecting.
[16:04:23] <n4ta> Howdy there!
I was trying out YunoHost for the first time, and the installation went smoothly... the 17th time, but I've encountered an issue. Most apps need the (what I'm guessing latest stable) version 11.2.27, yet the website only shows me to download the version 11.2.8 for the Raspberry Pi and for some reason, I can't seem to find the latest releases. Thanks for the help in advance! ^^
[16:06:14] <orhtej2> > <@n4ta:matrix.org> Howdy there!
> I was trying out YunoHost for the first time, and the installation went smoothly... the 17th time, but I've encountered an issue. Most apps need the (what I'm guessing latest stable) version 11.2.27, yet the website only shows me to download the version 11.2.8 for the Raspberry Pi and for some reason, I can't seem to find the latest releases. Thanks for the help in advance! ^^

Just run system update
[16:08:48] <n4ta> Oh right, that's a thing...
[16:09:26] <n4ta> Welp, that was all, thanks for the help and kudos to all the contributers of the project :)
[16:17:02] <Salamandar> > <@n4ta:matrix.org> Howdy there!
> I was trying out YunoHost for the first time, and the installation went smoothly... the 17th time, but I've encountered an issue. Most apps need the (what I'm guessing latest stable) version 11.2.27, yet the website only shows me to download the version 11.2.8 for the Raspberry Pi and for some reason, I can't seem to find the latest releases. Thanks for the help in advance! ^^

also, uh, why *only the 17th time* ? :D
[18:14:44] <n4ta> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> also, uh, why *only the 17th time* ? :D

Well, a mix of weird SD cards, faulty Ethernet cables that would just fall off midway through, undervoltage and a general inexperience with Pi's on my end
[18:15:54] <n4ta> :dry_bones_shrug:
[18:16:13] <n4ta> It's all up and running perfectly now, though, and I really love it!
[19:06:58] <Paprika> I bet using a public domain would work, but I would prefer to keep my services locally. This probably all stems from me using local domains for all of this.
[19:08:33] <Paprika> I have investigated a bit further. Generated my own certificates, CAs, etc., just to verify if it's an issue with SSL. After all that, I imported the root CA to my macOS system, and gave it another go. Sadly, iCal still fails with a very ambiguous error "The request \[iCal link\] failed.".
I also tried importing the Sonarr calendar in a nextcloud instance that I have on another LXC, only to get SSL errors because it is a self-signed certificate.
Same errors appear if I tried to, for instance, install Open Web Calendar (in the same system) and then use the Sonarr link to import the calendar. With default YNH setup, you get an error that it cannot get local issuer certificate. With my jerky setup, it simply didn't work with self-signed certificates as well.

Do you have any ideas?
[19:42:22] <Paprika> Also I’ve noticed that yunohost-firewall service dies eventually, can’t find a cause either. All I see in logs is “Stopping Yunohost Firewall”. I see this on a newer and older installs of mine.
[21:07:31] <lps> This isn't specifically yunohost, I don't think, but any ideas as to why a previously snappy nextcloud install would now be very slow after an update?
[23:20:12] <Loïck > > <lps> This isn't specifically yunohost, I don't think, but any ideas as to why a previously snappy nextcloud install would now be very slow after an update?

i always found nextcloud to be very, VERY, slow.