<Paprika> Upgrading Jellyseerr from 1.9.2~ynh2 to 2.0.1~ynh1 breaks the Jellyseerr app. Restoration is not possible, so the upgrade script ends up deleting the app. Just a heads up for anyone upgrading the app soon.
<Paprika> Upgrading Jellyseerr from 1.9.2~ynh2 to 2.0.1~ynh1 breaks the Jellyseerr app. Restoration is not possible, so the upgrade script ends up deleting the app. Just a heads up for anyone upgrading the app soon. Not sure what is the cause of that yet.
<Salamandar> > <@botagiuks:tiesiog.lt> Upgrading Jellyseerr from 1.9.2~ynh2 to 2.0.1~ynh1 breaks the Jellyseerr app. Restoration is not possible, so the upgrade script ends up deleting the app. Just a heads up for anyone upgrading the app soon. Not sure what is the cause of that yet.
Can you please send us the logs ? :)
<Paprika> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> Can you please send us the logs ? :)
The is of the upgrade the first time (it hung up): https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ahujahokik
This is of the upgrade the second time (I didn't realize the app got bricked): https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ibiverekew
<Paprika> The restore fails as well, but simply moving over db and settings.json files gets it back on track, if anyone faces the same fortune.
<lps> > > <lps> This isn't specifically yunohost, I don't think, but any ideas as to why a previously snappy nextcloud install would now be very slow after an update?
> i always found nextcloud to be very, VERY, slow.
I've been lucky until now, but 🤷️
<@err404:matrix.numericore.com> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.numericore.com/xwaPwOiQyAfbERfxiWSyoRrR
<@err404:matrix.numericore.com> why full name cannot include numbers?
<Salamandar> Might be an oversight on our side :D
<abeorch> Hi everyone. Completely newbie Yunohost admin here. Just managed to spin up an instance today. I am just trying to figure out how to get Friendica working after creating the Application instance - Anyone got any experience with this. Should my yunohost admin user account work to login to Friendica?
<abeorch> > <@abeorch:matrix.org> Hi everyone. Completely newbie Yunohost admin here. Just managed to spin up an instance today. I am just trying to figure out how to get Friendica working after creating the Application instance - Anyone got any experience with this. Should my yunohost admin user account work to login to Friendica?
P.s Apologies in advance if this it he wrong place to ask that question / I'm lacking any obviously required details to get help..
<orhtej2> > <@abeorch:matrix.org> Hi everyone. Completely newbie Yunohost admin here. Just managed to spin up an instance today. I am just trying to figure out how to get Friendica working after creating the Application instance - Anyone got any experience with this. Should my yunohost admin user account work to login to Friendica?
per postinstall message - your e-mail (whatever_the_admin_user_is@maindomain.tld) and the YNH password should work
<orhtej2> yeah. [LDAP is configured](https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/friendica_ynh/blob/master/conf/addon.config.php)
<orhtej2> > <@abeorch:matrix.org> P.s Apologies in advance if this it he wrong place to ask that question / I'm lacking any obviously required details to get help..
this is the right place to ask, welcome!
<mktester> > Hello, my dns update fails. The peer didnt know the key we used. The log: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/bixoyeqego
> I tried unregistering and re- registering multiple times. I tried the update also via ssh, the same error occured. How can I fix it?
I am having the same problem. No DynDNS Update with ynh supplied nohost.me domain. Same Error. Anybody an idea?
<abeorch> > yeah. [LDAP is configured](https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/friendica_ynh/blob/master/conf/addon.config.php)
I think I figured it out. The Friendica Daemon was not running and that pointed me to to - https://forum.yunohost.org/t/again-friendica-daemon-not-starting/29889 which indicated some CLI steps to initialise the database. - Maybe the install script should report if there are issues with running the daemon ..
<orhtej2> > <@abeorch:matrix.org> I think I figured it out. The Friendica Daemon was not running and that pointed me to to - https://forum.yunohost.org/t/again-friendica-daemon-not-starting/29889 which indicated some CLI steps to initialise the database. - Maybe the install script should report if there are issues with running the daemon ..
I see you already commented in issue on GH, thanks
<orhtej2> do you happen to have installation logs somewhere?
<orhtej2> webadmin->tools->logs, look for 'install friendica'
<orhtej2> (and share via yunopaste if possible)
<rodinux> Upgrading system broke zabbix-server, debian want to upgrade the packages zabbix-agent zabbix-frontend and zabbix-server-mysql, then zabbix open a page setup.php, but even given the parameters I can't get back to zabbix !
<orhtej2> > <@rodinux:matrix.org> Upgrading system broke zabbix-server, debian want to upgrade the packages zabbix-agent zabbix-frontend and zabbix-server-mysql, then zabbix open a page setup.php, but even given the parameters I can't get back to zabbix !
can you tri force-upgrading zabbix?
<orhtej2> assuming this was upgrade to ynh12
<rodinux> no its on debian bullseye...😿
<orhtej2> ah, then IDK :/
<abeorch> > (and share via yunopaste if possible)
Yeah Ill grab them in the morning.
<rodinux> well, the solution was to backup the db remove zabbix and the folders reinstall zabbix drop database and import the database...
<abeorch> > (and share via yunopaste if possible)
<orhtej2> > <@abeorch:matrix.org> https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/delimucifa
ty, checking if this helps... https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/friendica_ynh/pull/147
<abeorch> > ty, checking if this helps... https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/friendica_ynh/pull/147
Ah .. now imagine you are speaking to the most uninformed and ignorant people you know .. .. I'm less informed than them..
<orhtej2> > <@abeorch:matrix.org> Ah .. now imagine you are speaking to the most uninformed and ignorant people you know .. .. I'm less informed than them..
I mean thanks for the log, testing if I know what the issue is
<orhtej2> no further action required ;)
<abeorch> > I mean thanks for the log, testing if I know what the issue is
Brilliant I'll nip back to my Duolingo before the midnight curfew kicks in - Have to say the workaround I used worked perfectly.. I don't expect to not run into bumps. I'm really impressed with Yunohost so far.