Thursday, October 31, 2024
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[08:30:59] <thatoo> mais qu'est-ce que c'est que ce chat... 🤣
[08:31:20] <thatoo> est-ce même un chat?
[09:06:55] <Salamandar> ?
[10:57:27] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Spookitty Spookitty 🎃
[11:02:18] <tituspijean> oooooooh, le nyancat d'halloween xD
[11:07:52] <orhtej2> seriously no pumpkin emoji? get your sh** together Element
[11:07:52] <orhtej2> ahh it's 🎃
[11:07:52] <orhtej2>
[11:07:52] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> 🎃 ?
[11:08:19] <orhtej2> what the heck?
[11:08:43] <orhtej2> it's only on my end that ghosts of people join from irc bridge?
[11:12:13] <tituspijean> nope, on my end too
[11:12:23] <tituspijean> and I surely did not use IRC today
[11:25:39] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> XMPP ghosts
[12:33:01] <pacgom> > <> est-ce même un chat?

Lol J'ai vu ca ce matin Lol 😂
[13:06:27] <lautre> C'est cool, la nouvel animation dans Yunohost pour les opérations sur les paquets
[16:10:17] <ben> It seems Yunohost 11.3 was released today, anyone know any details about that version? Is it a Debian upgrade?

I did not find anything on the forum, so I created this post:
[16:11:07] <ben> how could I find out here ?
[16:11:29] <ben> Anyway, I appreciate the work on Yunohost!! Thanks.
[16:11:36] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> ... can you just wait a bit while we finish releasing the note etc ...
[16:11:45] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> why are people so fast to check for upgrade @_@
[16:11:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> do people spend the entire day spamming the check for upgrade button @_@
[16:12:02] <Salamandar> ahahahahahahahahahahahah
[16:12:44] <ben> actually I was doing updates this morning and came back to see if all finished will and to update the apps... and there is was.
[16:13:09] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> oh
[16:13:10] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> god
[16:13:12] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> please no matrix threads ...
[16:13:28] <ben> what I wanted to accomplish was more to make sure the post/tag was not forgotten! ♥️
[16:13:56] <ben> > <> why are people so fast to check for upgrade @_@

actually I was doing updates this morning and came back to see if all finished will and to update the apps... and there is was.
[16:14:02] <ben> > <> actually I was doing updates this morning and came back to see if all finished will and to update the apps... and there is was.

what I wanted to accomplish was more to make sure the post/tag was not forgotten! ♥️
[16:14:19] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> cheers
[16:15:00] <ben> This thread symbol looks just more like the reply button than the reply button. :-P
[16:28:24] <Tony> > <> please no matrix threads ...

I assume you don't like matrix threads because you're not using element?
[16:28:36] *Aleks (he/him/il/lui) envoie des confettis 🎉
[16:29:58] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> i do use Element ? they feel less bugged now because in the past they were constantly flagged as "not read" and it was hell .. but still the UI is horrible imho because there's the classic "Reply" mechanism, and there's the "Thread" mechanism, but the Thread sidebar is just too small and it's a mess to have to constantly open it
[16:30:15] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> or maybe it's not hell if everybody use threads consistently each time a new "topic" arise but in practice it never works
[16:30:27] <Tony> do you use slack or any other sort of threading?
[16:30:40] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Mattermost has a more sensible mechanism because Reply and Threads are the same thing and it makes more sense
[16:32:04] <Tony> I'm really addicted to threading and element threading hasn't been too bad, in my experience - but I've heard it drives non-element users insane so I just do the inline reply thing - which gets really confusing for me when there's multiple discussions. but, so it seems to be, for now
[16:37:17] <ben> Now there is a post about version 12.0, but what about 11.3?
[16:38:35] <Salamandar> 11.3 only enables migration to 12.0 ;)
[16:38:48] <ben> > <> 11.3 only enables migration to 12.0 ;)

[16:50:39] <ben> thanks again for the work! When I come here and ask for questions it is not really demanding, also can be read as such, but mostly I hope that I can support the project by reporting problems and am always willing to help improving in such a case.
[16:51:22] <ben> Have a great day and for those having a day off tomorrow have a great long weekend!
[16:51:55] <Salamandar> > <> Have a great day and for those having a day off tomorrow have a great long weekend!

great long weekend replying to migration issues ahahahahaha
[17:09:23] <ben> > <> great long weekend replying to migration issues ahahahahaha

well but this is the work you don't have to do, so it is the kind of work everyone enjoys. 😜
[17:13:33] <ben> I feel you guys, sometimes I have no motivation to do the non profit work too, but mostly I am done with abuse mails and some Linux updates, just the usual stuff that you need to do for Artikel 5 e.V.... and I have some great colleagues ofcourse that help fighting censorship. (We run couple of Tor Exits, just less than 1% of the Exits I think.)
[17:15:42] <ben> and self hosting, to enable people to host their applications at home or on some cheap VPS, is very important work too. It increase network diversity, it makes us all more resilient and therefor goes in a very similar direction, at least I think it does. ✊️
[17:19:14] <abeorch> Hey ... happy Friday everyone. Sorry to be annoying.. Can I check my understanding about something?
[17:21:20] <abeorch> > <> Hey ... happy Friday everyone. Sorry to be annoying.. Can I check my understanding about something?

When you add a domain to Yunohost - Am I right in understanding that it looks at the DNS records and attempts to determine whether it can interact with the DNS via API to make changes ? - Is this using Lexicon ? ( )
[17:28:55] <abeorch> > <> When you add a domain to Yunohost - Am I right in understanding that it looks at the DNS records and attempts to determine whether it can interact with the DNS via API to make changes ? - Is this using Lexicon ? ( )

If so .. would it be write to update - replacing the second sentence "If you're using an automatic domain provided by the YunoHost Project, the configuration should be performed automatically. If you're using your own domain name (e.g. bought via a registrar), you should manually configure your domain on your registrar's interface. " - with something that alludes to this? I could have completely mis-understood
[17:34:59] <gkokool>
[17:41:00] <Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (wtf was this spam ... just ... wat did i just read)
[17:46:17] <Maranda> AI Supremacy >.>
[17:51:00] <abeorch> > <> If so .. would it be write to update - replacing the second sentence "If you're using an automatic domain provided by the YunoHost Project, the configuration should be performed automatically. If you're using your own domain name (e.g. bought via a registrar), you should manually configure your domain on your registrar's interface. " - with something that alludes to this? I could have completely mis-understood

I'm thinking that the text - "I want to add a domain I own, or a subdomain

You will need to manually configure DNS records on your registrar to finalize this domain's configuration. YunoHost's diagnosis will guide you about what DNS records to configure exactly." could also be updated to something like "We will attempt to determine whether your Domain DNS record are managed by a Registrar that can be updated by Yunohost. If not you will need to manually update your DNS records.
[19:08:35] <marcms> Bonsoir, j'ai tenté de faire la migration vers YNH 12 mais elle s'est rapidement interrompue avec comme message d'erreur: clé GPG manquante
[19:08:36] <marcms> J'ai alors pensé que la clé n'avait alors simplement pas pu être téléchargée alors je suis allé la prendre sur

Mais j'ai ensuite vu que dans /usr/share/keyrings il y avait déjà une clé nommée yunohost-bookworm.gpg. Je l'ai comparée à celle que j'ai téléchargée, elles sont identiques !
[19:55:07] <Salamandar> Merci, on va regarder, désolé pour le désagrément :)
[19:59:33] <etg> upgraded to 12, all running fine
[21:58:42] <marcms> J'ai trouvé: juste en lisant le fichier /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yunohost.list, je vois que le dépôt est signée par la clé /usr/share/keyrings/yunohost-archive-keyring.gpg.
J'ai remplacé la valeur par /usr/share/keyrings/yunohost-bookworm.gpg et relancé la migration, celle-ci est en train de se faire
[22:44:32] <Salamandar> > <marcms> J'ai trouvé: juste en lisant le fichier /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yunohost.list, je vois que le dépôt est signée par la clé /usr/share/keyrings/yunohost-archive-keyring.gpg.
> J'ai remplacé la valeur par /usr/share/keyrings/yunohost-bookworm.gpg et relancé la migration, celle-ci est en train de se faire

Intéressant à savoir, on regardera demain d'où ça peut venir, merci d'avoir donné ta solution ❤️