Friday, November 01, 2024
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

[00:43:26] <Marc_> De rien
[10:20:26] <phinero> all three servers migrated successfully thanks to your hard work, guys! 👍️❤️
[11:16:28] <Julien> Bonjour bonjour, je tente de trouver un peu d’aide ici après un message laissé sur le forum concernant la migration.
Celle-ci a échoué − apparemment c’est lié au service php7.3-fpm qui n’a pas réussi à redémarrer − mais le problème le plus bloquant que je rencontre est que désormais je ne peux lancer aucune commande utilisant sudo : mon utilisateur est désormais déclaré comme ne figurant pas dans le fichier sudoers 😅
[11:43:54] <> Julien: pour sudo, tu as tenté par ssh? ou c'est l'interface web de yunohost que te dis que tu n'est pas dans sudoers?
[11:43:55] <Julien> je tente par ssh, via l’app Shell in a box
[11:44:26] <Julien> l’interface Web de l’administration me renvoie une erreur 500
[11:45:27] <> dans le shell (que ce soit pas ssh, ou via l'app Shell in a box), tu peux tenter un `/bin/su -` et il te demandera le mot de passe root (j'espère que tu le connais)
[11:45:58] <Julien> hum, il a été défini quand ce mot de passe ? Lors de l’installation ? Je vais tenter
[11:46:39] <> ton Yunohost il a été installé de quelle façon? dans une VM? une machine physique? etc.
[11:49:00] <Julien> Il s’agit d’un serveur Kimsufi
[11:55:32] <> tu as tenté de le rebooter? (histoire de voir si php7.3 se lance comme il faut)
[11:58:26] <Julien> non je n’ai pas osé encore (et je ne trouve pas le mot de passe root :-/)
[11:58:31] <Julien> je tente un reboot
[12:25:35] <mktester> >> Hello, my dns update fails. The peer didnt know the key we used. The log:
>> I tried unregistering and re- registering multiple times. I tried the update also via ssh, the same error occured. How can I fix it?
> I am having the same problem. No DynDNS Update with ynh supplied domain. Same Error. Anybody an idea?

Is anyone seeing my (or 's) message at all? Afraid it's an issue with xmpp
[13:33:00] <tituspijean> > <> je tente par ssh, via l’app Shell in a box

Essaie directement avec root comme utilisateur ?
[13:44:10] <Seb l'e-Woke végétal> La mise à niveau vers Yunohost 12 s’est bien déroulée chez moi.
💓 Merci à toute l’équipe de développeu·r·se·s 💓
[13:48:17] <Seb l'e-Woke végétal> Sur la page de téléchargement , je ne vois pas la possiblité d’utiliser les torrents. ¿ Est-ce une absence voulue ?
Cela permettrait d’allèger la charge du serveur pourtant, d’autant plus que nous pourrions les mettre sur nos serveurs Yunohost et donc mettre à disposition 24h/24 ces torrents.
[13:49:43] <Salamandar> On pourrait en effet. Mais comme on génère régulièrement des images mises à jour, ça serait difficilement très productif :)
[13:50:03] <Salamandar> Une fois bookworm stable et la 12.1 releasée on pourrait en effet
[13:51:32] <Seb l'e-Woke végétal> D’accord.
[14:59:37] <pti-jean> Seb l'e-Woke végétal, C'est la mise à niveau YunoHost 12 officielle... elle est disponible ?
[15:05:39] <Seb l'e-Woke végétal> Elle m’a été proposée via la mise à jour habituelle aujourd’hui.
[15:07:22] <pti-jean> ok!
[16:34:36] <tykayn> coucou les pipou, j'essaie de faire marcher mon yunohost en conteneur lxc sur proxmox 7
[16:36:13] <tykayn> j'ai caddy sur la machine hôte, et je fais un simple reverse proxy vers l'ip locale du conteneur
[16:36:13] <tykayn> j'ai pu installer dans mon conteneur debian 11 YNH, mon seul prob est de trouver ce qui ne va pas avec le routage de mon nom de domaine et le conteneur
[21:41:08] <massimiliano> Hello there
[21:43:47] <massimiliano> I have a question about http upload in metronome
I found this post
I changed the limit in the lua config file and module.
But i still miss something
Converaations shows higher limit. But when i try to upload something bigger then 10 MB it fails.

[21:44:29] <massimiliano> Doea someone have advise for me?
[22:17:04] <orhtej2> > <massimiliano> Doea someone have advise for me?

Upgrade to ynh12, fix in metronome_ynh?
[22:18:38] <beedee> Hi, i can’t seem to get synapse to start after upgrading to ynh12 and the logs make it appear that maybe synapse isn’t installed?
[22:19:24] <beedee> Is this a known issue? I couldn’t find anything on the forums and my server is fubar atm ☹️. Other than that the upgrade went great. Thanks for the hard work guys
[22:20:00] <orhtej2> > <> Hi, i can’t seem to get synapse to start after upgrading to ynh12 and the logs make it appear that maybe synapse isn’t installed?

Force-upgrade it to get binaries compatible with ynh12, config and data will be retained
[22:21:30] <fabulousfabs> Bonsoir tout le monde, bravo pour le taf pour la release v12.
j'ai mis à jour mon instance maison il y a quelques jours sur la fin de la bêta, tout s'est globalement bien passé !

Aujourd'hui j'ai voulu mettre à jour l'instance familiale, et évidement patapouf ça passe plus.
la migrations a eue lieue, et s'est terminé en échouant sur aptitude full-upgrade --show-why -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold'

je l'ai passé à la main, mais désormais j'ai un apt cassé, avec le paquet "yunohost" qui bloque sur une erreur assez particulière.
chaque fois que je tente un `apt -f install`, `yunohost backup restore MonBackup --system` ou autre `dpkg --configure yunohost`, il me sort l'erreur suivante : "Could not find vaultwarden in the list of installed apps:" (et me liste mes apps)

résultat pas moyen de finaliser cette migration.
désormais il considère la migration "migrate_to_bookworm" comme "done", et j'ai plus de yunohost :(

Avec les versions on voit bien le souci :
sudo yunohost --version
repo: stable
version: 12.0.6
repo: stable
version: 11.3.0
repo: ?
version: ?
repo: stable
version: 12.0.3
repo: stable
version: 12.0.3

Une idée d'où je pourrais pousser yunohost à terminer sa conf, trouver le log de ce qui le gêne dans dpkg (--audit me donne yunohost comme "half installed" mais guère plus de détails) ou juste "virer" vaultwarden de la liste des apps qu'il cherche ?

d'avance grand merci.

[22:21:35] <beedee> Oh shoot. I feel like I should have know this [](
[22:22:17] <beedee> > Force-upgrade it to get binaries compatible with ynh12, config and data will be retained

Thanks for the heads up. Is there documentation on how to do this?
[22:22:30] <orhtej2> > <> Oh shoot. I feel like I should have know this [](

It's surprisingly poor documented 😂
[22:24:28] <orhtej2> > <> Thanks for the heads up. Is there documentation on how to do this?

Tbh I have not tried it, but it was removed from core in ynh12 so better to work on new version than do it all over again after eventual upgrade
[22:25:24] <beedee> Is force upgrade only available through shell? I’m not familiar with the option
[22:28:58] <orhtej2> > <> Is force upgrade only available through shell? I’m not familiar with the option

Yeah, `sudo yunohost app upgrade synapse -F`
[22:29:45] <orhtej2> This upgrades the app even if it's supposedly in the latest version already
[22:31:09] <beedee> Much appreciated. Will give it a go now. Thanks [](
[22:37:31] <fabulousfabs> english :

Hello all, thanks for great work on releasing v12 !

I upgraded my home yunohost a few days ago in the end of the beta, everything went fine.

I decided today to upgrade my family server to ynh 12 recently released, and murphy's law : it didn't work as great as the first one ^^

The migrations failed at `aptitude full-upgrade --show-why -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold'`

I typed it and it went okay, then the migrations stopped on an error with dpkg. Yunohost is locked
Everytime I type apt -f install, `yunohost backup restore mybackup --system` or `dpkg --configure -a` it gives me the error "could not find vaultwarden in the list of installed apps :" (and lists my apps, without vaultwarden indeed, it is not installed).

cannot finish migrating, and now the migration "migrate\_to\_bookworm" is marked as "done"

versions up in the french message, and I could need some hints on to how :

- help yunohost finish upgrading, or
- find the logs for what's troubling dpkg (--audit gives me "yunohost is half installed")
- or even remove "vaultwarden" from wherever it gets the hint it should find it

Thanks a lot for any help.
[22:39:08] <fabulousfabs> english :

Hello all, thanks for great work on releasing v12 !

I upgraded my home yunohost a few days ago in the end of the beta, everything went fine.

I decided today to upgrade my family server to ynh 12 recently released, and murphy's law : it didn't work as great as the first one ^^

The migrations failed at `aptitude full-upgrade --show-why -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold'`

I typed it and it went okay, then the migrations stopped on an error with dpkg. Yunohost is locked
Everytime I type apt -f install, `yunohost backup restore mybackup --system` or `dpkg --configure -a` it gives me the error "could not find vaultwarden in the list of installed apps :" (and lists my apps, without vaultwarden indeed, it is not installed).

cannot finish migrating, and now the migration "migrate\_to\_bookworm" is marked as "done"

versions up in the french message (yunohost-portal version ? and yunohost-admin version 11.3), and I could need some hints on to how-to :

- help yunohost finish upgrading, or
- find the logs for what's troubling dpkg (--audit gives me "yunohost is half installed")
- or even remove "vaultwarden" from wherever it gets the hint it should find it

Thanks a lot for any help.
[22:43:39] <beedee> []( like a charm thank you!
[22:45:40] <orhtej2> Thank Josue, he's da MVP 😜 (by maintaining this app)
[22:46:26] <beedee> Thanks [](!!!
[22:48:49] <tituspijean> @fabulousfabs:kde.orgmay you share the failed migration log? 🪵
[23:06:46] <cefaleia> got an error at Migration 0027_migrate_to_bookworm did not complete, aborting. Error: Failed to run command 'aptitude full-upgrade --show-why -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold''
[23:06:57] <cefaleia> log
[23:07:19] <cefaleia> what should i do?
[23:13:47] <tituspijean> @cefaleia:matrix.orglet's try to remove the part of wireguard that's blocking the migration: `sudo apt remove wireguard-dkms`
[23:14:35] <tituspijean> to be on the safe side, do that with your vpn disconnected 😅
[23:14:56] <cefaleia> i'm not using the vpn
[23:15:17] <cefaleia> right now i have restored the backup
[23:15:36] <cefaleia> so i must remove wireguard?
[23:15:53] <tituspijean> which backup have you restored?
[23:16:18] <cefaleia> a full server snapshot
[23:16:43] <tituspijean> > <> so i must remove wireguard?

please try the command I suggested above
[23:16:45] <cefaleia> so i will start again
[23:16:58] <tituspijean> no
[23:17:04] <tituspijean> run the command first please
[23:17:24] <cefaleia> > <> please try the command I suggested above

yeah i understood
[23:18:03] <tituspijean> (it might fail, share the output)
[23:18:20] <fabulousfabs> tituspijean: of course : here
[23:18:54] <cefaleia> sudo apt remove wireguard-dkms
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
After this operation, 1,765 kB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
(Reading database ... 111271 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing wireguard-dkms (1.0.20210219-1) ...

Deleting module version: 1.0.20210219
completely from the DKMS tree.

[23:19:19] <tituspijean> @cefaleia:matrix.orggreat, now proceed with the migration
[23:19:31] <cefaleia> i'll run migration with cli this time
[23:19:53] <fabulousfabs> > <> tituspijean: of course : here

but since then I launched manually the `aptitude full-upgrade --show-why -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold'` command and it finished with grub-pc package, although yunohost is stuck :(
[23:22:46] <tituspijean> is vaultwarden listed in `sudo ls -a /etc/yunohost/apps` ?
[23:41:26] <cefaleia> i think its running well now
[23:44:50] <cefaleia> Warning: WARNING To run the migration 0030_rebuild_python_venv_in_bookworm, your must accept the following disclaimer:
Warning: ---
Warning: Following the upgrade to Debian Bookworm, some Python applications needs to be partially rebuilt to get converted to the new Python version shipped in Debian (in technical terms: what's called the 'virtualenv' needs to be recreated). In the meantime, those Python applications may not work. YunoHost can attempt to rebuild the virtualenv for some of those, as detailed below. For other apps, or if the rebuild attempt fails, you will need to manually force an upgrade for those apps.
Warning: Rebuilding the virtualenv will be attempted for the following apps (NB: the operation may take some time!):
Warning: - paperless-ngx
Warning: - syncserver-rs
Warning: ---
Warning: If you accept to run the migration, please re-run the command with the option '--accept-disclaimer'.
Warning: WARNING To run the migration 0031_terms_of_services, your must accept the following disclaimer:
Warning: ---
Warning: This migration is purely an informational message about the fact that the YunoHost project now publishes Terms of Services related to the technical and community services.
Warning: The YunoHost project is a team of volunteers who have made common cause to create a free operating system for servers, called YunoHost. The YunoHost software is published under the AGPLv3 license (<>). In connection with this software, the project administers and makes available several technical and community services for various purposes. By using these services, you agree to be bound by the following Terms of Services: <>.
Warning: ---
Warning: If you accept to run the migration, please re-run the command with the option '--accept-disclaimer'.
Success! Migration 0027_migrate_to_bookworm completed

[23:45:14] <cefaleia> i must run the migration command again?
[23:46:08] <tituspijean> it should be OK now :)
[23:47:18] <cefaleia> well i have a 500 internal serve error acessing my yunohost
[23:51:38] <cefaleia> i think a reboot should fix it no?
[23:53:02] <cefaleia> it fixed it