<tituspijean> I think that point is mentioned in the YunoHost 12 announcement thread
<cefaleia> i have an update pending of adguard that gave an error, and it keeps giving an error with 12
<cefaleia> error log https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/wacuyujuyu
<massimiliano> > I have a question about http upload in metronome
> I found this post
> https://forum.yunohost.org/t/metronome-http-upload-increase-limit/22099/
> I changed the limit in the lua config file and module.
> But i still miss something
> Converaations shows higher limit. But when i try to upload something bigger then 10 MB it fails.
> Doea someone have advise for me?
orhtej2: i have successfully upgraded to 12
But issue is there.
<Maranda> massimiliano mod_http_upload has a hard capped limit
<Maranda> If you want to eliminate that you need to use mod_http_upload_external
<Maranda> Internal module hard cap is 12MB
<massimiliano> Maranda: i modified the hard capped limit like explained in the forum
<massimiliano> But didn't help
<massimiliano> Http http_upload_external works btw
<Maranda> Erm hard cap means you can't modify it's coded
<Maranda> Not by configuration at least
<fabulousfabs> Thanks for responding ! :)
unfortunately it is not 🤔
sudo ls -a /etc/yunohost/apps
. .. bookwyrm jellyfin komga nextcloud piwigo wallabag2 webtrees
<matt> Hi, I cannot access filebrowser on my instance of yunohost. It says the credential are wrong. Same for Wallabag
<matt> Do you know why and how I can solve this problem?
<fabulousfabs> Hi folks, I seem to have been able to get myself out of trouble.
I do **not** reccomend going the path I took, but for the sake of curiosity this is what I did :
- I tried using `--download` parameter of apt and then use `dpkg -i` to install, didn't work to repair Yunohost package, but got me around the fact that I couldn't install anything (useful to upgrade my kernel, install ncdu and other tools I happened to need)
- I removed yunohost with `apt remove yunohost --allow-remove-essential` \[WITHOUT `--purge`\], out of faith on my backups and already thinking about scpying my backups, format, reinstall new yunohost and restore
- I reinstalled yunohost with `apt install yunohost`, then I was done with dpkg/apt errors, but yunohost was asking for a post-install script, and I wanted to restore
- `yunohost restore` works at this point, but I still had my error with "cant find vaultwarden in the list of installed apps" to restore fully, and could not use any `yunohost app` commands because of the post-install waiting
- I used touch `/etc/yunohost/installed` , then I could fully use the yunohost commands.
- I Used a `yunohost backup restore` command with a system-only backup point I had made yesterday
I repeat, I do NOT reccomend anyone to go this way, I happened to have offline backups, the ability and time to reinstall fully a debian system and a yunohost and proceed to backup restoring. this was my experience and I wouldn't reccomend anyone to follow this.
<fabulousfabs> Hi folks, I seem to have been able to get myself out of trouble.
I do **not** reccomend going the path I took, but for the sake of curiosity this is what I did :
- I tried using `--download` parameter of apt and then use `dpkg -i` to install, didn't work to repair Yunohost package, but got me around the fact that I couldn't install anything (useful to upgrade my kernel, install ncdu and other tools I happened to need)
- I removed yunohost with `apt remove yunohost --allow-remove-essential` \[WITHOUT `--purge`\], out of faith on my backups and already thinking about scpying my backups, format, reinstall new yunohost and restore
- I reinstalled yunohost with `apt install yunohost`, then I was done with dpkg/apt errors, but yunohost was asking for a post-install script, and I wanted to restore
- `yunohost restore` works at this point, but I still had my error with "cant find vaultwarden in the list of installed apps" to restore fully, and could not use any `yunohost app` commands because of the post-install waiting
- I used touch `/etc/yunohost/installed` , then I could fully use the yunohost commands.
- I Used a `yunohost backup restore` command with a system-only backup point I had made yesterday
I repeat, I do NOT reccomend anyone to go this way, I happened to have offline backups, the ability and time to reinstall fully a debian system and a yunohost and proceed to backup restoring. this was my experience and I wouldn't reccomend anyone to follow this.
Thanks again everyone for the help and time on this project :)
<纯乐子> 我爱中国
<纯乐子> 你们知道中国吗?
<纯乐子> 你们刷抖音吗?
<纯乐子> 你们喜欢什么呀?🤓
<纯乐子> 我平时用的社交软件,除了邮箱就是微信QQ,我都没用过这个软件呢!🤓
<纯乐子> 这个频道好厉害哦
<纯乐子> 我打复活赛了
<纯乐子> 打复活赛了,欧耶
<纯乐子> 哥们儿,你知道我是谁吗?我是chinese
<纯乐子> 你们不许发表辱华言论
<纯乐子> 你好,我是来自China的中国网友
<纯乐子> 这群聊,怎么没有人?😂
<纯乐子> 你们打复活赛吗?
<纯乐子> 我,王者荣耀秒杀!!!🤓
<纯乐子> 国爱中国
<纯乐子> 对不起,说错了,我爱中国
<massimiliano> Maranda: you mean that changing it in here
Doesn't help like explained here
<纯乐子> 本人只是来玩一玩的,你们怎么没有人呢?
<纯乐子> 中文可是高级语言,你们看得懂中文吗?😂
<纯乐子> 哥们,我看不懂
<纯乐子> 你会中文吗?
<纯乐子> 群里就只有我一个中国人吗?
<Maranda> massimiliano: you can tweak the module code but the hard cap comes also from net.http.server
<massimiliano> Will that help? What are the downsides compared to external http upload?
<Maranda> So modifying that makes little point, also 12MB is a value well thought and tested to avoid Metronome to block
<Maranda> If you need bigger files just use the external module
<massimiliano> Ok. Thanks. I will continue with external then.
<cober> hi
<xabi> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/balaena.eus/afkXcYBSYpEJeibvJgZTPily
<xabi> Hi. I suggest changing the 'Quick add' to 'Quick menu' for better consistency. The options would be
- Add new user
- Add domain
- Add new group
- Install app
That way all four options are verbs.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> yes i was triggered by this too
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (what about "Quick action" xabi ?)
<xabi> Good with me, so long as it's coherent
<eric_G> - Add new app
<eric_G> and why `Add new user` instead of `Add user` ?
<xabi> the content is up to you. i just wanted all items within the list to have the same form — either nouns or actions
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> should be fixed by https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost-admin/commit/c4b534ce672bf5f91c4c9306e9a9ab040a45fca6
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> (the challenge is that the name of the entries are the same as other part of the interface)
<miro5001> Quick add:
- new user
- new group
- new domain
- new app
<xabi> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> (the challenge is that the name of the entries are the same as other part of the interface)
can't they be split? otherwise making the quick action menu cohesive could make other bits less cohesive?
<lautre> Hi! I restored an application from a backup, with graphical interface (I don't know how to select only part of a backup), but I add networks problem and later I saw that the app is partially installed.
When I list app, it's only show from command line by ssh, with a error for this one.
I tried to install or remove the app, but can't.
I removed the folder in `/home/yunohost.app` and it's same.
How can I force the remove?
I think I need to connect to the Yunohost database (I not yet tried)
<sayari> hello
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> > <@lautre:matrix.org> Hi! I restored an application from a backup, with graphical interface (I don't know how to select only part of a backup), but I add networks problem and later I saw that the app is partially installed.
> When I list app, it's only show from command line by ssh, with a error for this one.
> I tried to install or remove the app, but can't.
> I removed the folder in `/home/yunohost.app` and it's same.
> How can I force the remove?
> I think I need to connect to the Yunohost database (I not yet tried)
if stuff "shows error" or "can't" you need to actually share the error message to get help ...
<yunohelper> Hi! To help us volunteers help you, read about <a href="https://yunohost.org/en/community/help#how-to-ask-for-help">how to ask for help</a>.<br />Notably, if you are getting an error, share its <em>full</em> log by pasting here the link to the page created by the YunoPaste buttons.<br />Thank you for you patience, and thank you for using YunoHost!
<lautre> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> if stuff "shows error" or "can't" you need to actually share the error message to get help ...
oh yes. Sorry.
I will post a message on the forum, will be more readable.
With logs, and ...
Thanks for the reminder.
<massimiliano> hello again.
I see in my logs of metronome an error about posix
mod_posix error Failed to daemonize: already-daemonized
<massimiliano> i double checket the cfg.lua files and it is not double in it
<massimiliano> any idea why this is?
Maybe someone else with this error?
<massimiliano> you can see it each time you restart metronome.
<lautre> > Failed to daemonize: already-daemonized
I would say, there is already one.
What if you type on ssh : `ps -edf | grep posix`
<massimiliano> root 8003 7307 0 22:26 pts/1 00:00:00 grep posix
<massimiliano> i also notice that the mod_muc_log_http isn't working either
<lps> Hi, I asked about a slow running Nextcloud instance a few days ago, and since then I checked for errors in the Nextcloud admin panel and it seems there are a few suggestions. My question is, can I run these commands or will it mess with Yunohost?
<lps> here's one example: "One or more mimetype migrations are available. Occasionally new mimetypes are added to better handle certain file types. Migrating the mimetypes take a long time on larger instances so this is not done automatically during upgrades. Use the command `occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive` to perform the migrations."