<@err404:matrix.numericore.com> lps: you should make a backup, even you don't want change anything 😛
<lps> > lps: you should make a backup, even you don't want change anything 😛
<@err404:matrix.numericore.com> few month ago my hard drive was became suddenly unresponsive, but I had some backup from months ago (on a external storage), it was not so catastrophic
and actually I make backup about every week, to an external storage
<@err404:matrix.numericore.com> few month ago my hard drive was became suddenly unresponsive, but I had some backup from months ago (on a external storage), it was not so catastrophic
and actually I make backup about every week, to an external storage
(I had daily backup on the internal storage, it was useless)
<lps> @err404:matrix.numericore.com, yeah that's a good idea, I usually go to the extreme and actually do a clone of the drive to another drive ... it save me many times
<rodinux> Then, you can execute the commands show in the admin panel of nextcloud
yunohost app shell nextcloud
php occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive
<rodinux> it will repair some mime-types
<lps> > Then, you can execute the commands show in the admin panel of nextcloud
> ```
> yunohost app shell nextcloud
> php occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive
> ```
okay, so that won't affect yunohost in any way of course?
<lps> do you mind looking at this?
<lps> Your webserver is not set up to serve `.js.map` files. Without these files, JavaScript Source Maps won't function properly, making it more challenging to troubleshoot and debug any issues that may arise.
Could not check for JavaScript support via any of your `trusted_domains` nor `overwrite.cli.url`. This may be the result of a server-side DNS mismatch or outbound firewall rule. Please check manually if your webserver serves `.mjs` files using the JavaScript MIME type. To allow this check to run you have to make sure that your webserver can connect to itself. Therefor it must be able to resolve and connect to at least one its `trusted_domains` or the `overwrite.cli.url`.
100 errors in the logs since October 26, 2024, 9:53:06 PM
One or more mimetype migrations are available. Occasionally new mimetypes are added to better handle certain file types. Migrating the mimetypes take a long time on larger instances so this is not done automatically during upgrades. Use the command `occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive` to perform the migrations.
Could not check that your web server serves security headers correctly, unable to query `/nextcloud/heartbeat` For more details see the documentation ↗.
The database is missing some indexes. Due to the fact that adding indexes on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically. By running "occ db:add-missing-indices" those missing indexes could be added manually while the instance keeps running. Once the indexes are added queries to those tables are usually much faster. Missing optional index "mail_messages_msgid_idx" in table "mail_messages". Missing optional index "mail_messages_strucanalyz_idx" in table "mail_messages". Missing optional index "mail_class_creat_idx" in table "mail_classifiers". Missing optional index "mail_acc_prov_idx" in table "mail_accounts". Missing optional index "mail_alias_accid_idx" in table "mail_aliases". Missing optional index "mail_messages_mb_id_uid_uidx" in table "mail_messages". Missing optional index "mail_smime_certs_uid_email_idx" in table "mail_smime_certificates". Missing optional index "mail_trusted_senders_idx" in table "mail_trusted_senders". Missing optional index "mail_coll_idx" in table "mail_coll_addresses".
The PHP OPcache module is not properly configured. The OPcache buffer is nearly full. To assure that all scripts can be hold in cache, it is recommended to apply "opcache.memory_consumption" to your PHP configuration with a value higher than "128".. For more details see the documentation ↗.
<rodinux> For the commands, you can surely do
yunohost app shell nextcloud
php occ occ db:add-missing-indices
php occ occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive
<rodinux> Is your nextcloud in a sub-path, like `domain.tld/nextcloud` ?
<rodinux> I have similar warnings and change the url of nextcloud in a dedicated domain resolve these warnings https://forum.yunohost.org/t/avertissements-apres-maj-nextcloud-29-0-7/31162
<rodinux> for opcache, it is hard to resolve if you have a lot of modules... I have try differents things..;
<lps> > Is your nextcloud in a sub-path, like `domain.tld/nextcloud` ?
<lps> > I have similar warnings and change the url of nextcloud in a dedicated domain resolve these warnings https://forum.yunohost.org/t/avertissements-apres-maj-nextcloud-29-0-7/31162
thank you, originally it was on a the main domain, I don't recall when it changed ... thanks I'll take a look at that forum item:)
<lps> is it possible to simply change the domain in the web admin? There is nothing but the SSO yunohost panel on the root
<lps> my issues started with NC 29 as well
<lps> https://xmpp-upload.1146.nohost.me/upload/mfp0IXTUocws1330/01bccef4-e788-4274-89a6-991cc38a1fca.png
<rodinux> yes in the admin panel you can first create a new domain `nextcloud.mydomain.tld` do a diagnosis, then add a letsencrypt certificate, if needed add it to your dns entries and then change the url of the app nextcloud to this domain...
<lps> is it possible to simply remove the sub directory in the second column so it would simply be the root? mydomain.tld then remove the /nextcloud ?
<lps> I'm trying not to break it for other users:(
<rodinux> > <lps> is it possible to simply remove the sub directory in the second column so it would simply be the root? mydomain.tld then remove the /nextcloud ?
only if there is no other applications on this domain.
<lps> yes, that's not a problem, there is nothing else there
<lps> > > <lps> is it possible to simply remove the sub directory in the second column so it would simply be the root? mydomain.tld then remove the /nextcloud ?
> only if there is no other applications on this domain.
<rodinux> Perhaps after if there was synchronisations, you need delete them and reinitialize the synchro with the domain...
<lps> > Perhaps after if there was synchronisations, you need delete them and reinitialize the synchro with the domain...
do you mean synchronizations with things like mobile apps and desktop sync clients with the new address?
<rodinux> yes the clients nextcloud wiil need the correct new address. for desktop clients, if you remove the synchro without removing the folder, you can then add a synchro keeping the same folder with the datas still here...
<rodinux> for the calendars and contacts, you need reinitialize new synchros and remove old ones which could not understand the new path...
<lps> > for the calendars and contacts, you need reinitialize new synchros and remove old ones which could not understand the new path...
thanks so much for tips and the thread link for reference:)
<rodinux> with pleasure, thanks
<lps> > with pleasure, thanks
<Steve> It's a bit annoying that users have to relogin most of the time: is there an option to prevent auto logout? Or setting the session time? Thanks in advance
<freetux> B’jour. J’ai eu une erreur vers la fin de la mise à jour de Debian : la même que sur ce [post](https://forum.yunohost.org/t/yunohost-12-0-bookworm-release-sortie-de-yunohost-12-0-bookworm/31673/19). La fin de mes logs pour plus de détails : https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ewigekoqef
<freetux> Je désinstalle le package `php7.3-fpm` comme fait sur son [second message](https://forum.yunohost.org/t/yunohost-12-0-bookworm-release-sortie-de-yunohost-12-0-bookworm/31673/32) ?
<lautre> > <@Dzsingisz:matrix.org> It's a bit annoying that users have to relogin most of the time: is there an option to prevent auto logout? Or setting the session time? Thanks in advance
It's depending what is updated.
<Julien> > <@freetux:tetaneutral.net> Je désinstalle le package `php7.3-fpm` comme fait sur son [second message](https://forum.yunohost.org/t/yunohost-12-0-bookworm-release-sortie-de-yunohost-12-0-bookworm/31673/32) ?
En tout cas, je ne rencontre aucun problème depuis que j'ai viré ce paquet et posté sur le forum 😊
<freetux> > <@julien:10qt.net> En tout cas, je ne rencontre aucun problème depuis que j'ai viré ce paquet et posté sur le forum 😊
T’as fait un apt remove php7.3-fm du coup ? Il ne me trouve rien à ce nom. 🤔
<Julien> Oui, de mémoire un simple apt remove php7.3-fpm
<freetux> En écrivant correctement le package, il le trouve plus facilement. ^^’
<Steve> > <@lautre:matrix.org> It's depending what is updated.
I don't get it. I didn't update anything, just get logged out in a short time. Would be great if I would be remembered.
<@err404:matrix.numericore.com> Hello all.
After a successful yunohost migration, the Navidrome application bacame not compatible with the SSO, I need to recreate all users in Navidrome and Navidrom is asking for a login password even if we are already logged in the yunohost portal.
<freetux> Bon, migration terminée, juste un pb sur la migration de PostgreSQL de 13 à 15. 😕
<freetux> https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/havokucoli
<Intasq> Hello
The recent migration failed on my server, so I installed fresh Yunohost 12. After reinstalling, I tried to add my old .ynh.fr domain (on which I had a Let’s Encrypt certificate). It worked, but said “Let’s Encrypt certificate install failed for mydomain.ynh.fr”. I tried to add a Let’s Encrypt certificate manually, but it finished with error. Full log here: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/poxaxakuca/
I think it’s because my IP (dynamic) it different than one recorded in DynDNS. I tried yunohost dindns update --force but it also finished with error. It said “The peer didn’t like the signature we sent”. Here is the full log: https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/ekisinumos
Now I can’t install a certificate on this domain or even make it point to my IP. Do I have to wait until my old Let’s Encrypt certificate expires? Please, help me with fixing this
<pacgom> Ca a lair d'être chaud cette migration !!!
<freetux> > <@freetux:tetaneutral.net> Bon, migration terminée, juste un pb sur la migration de PostgreSQL de 13 à 15. 😕
Finalement c’est passé, tout semble fonctionner désormais. 👌
<@err404:matrix.numericore.com> Cette migration c'est chaud, mais dans l'ensemble ça s'est bien passé même si c'était long (4 machines virtuelles ayant chacune un Yunohost)
<freetux> J’ai encore un service synapse pété (bizarre le second est ok mais il est plus récent).
<freetux> `python[3849985]: /opt/yunohost/matrix-synapse/bin/python: Error while finding module specification for 'synapse.app.homeserver' (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'synapse')`
<freetux> Le diag me dit aussi ça :
> Le fichier de configuration /etc/apt/sources.list.d/extra\_php\_version.list semble avoir été modifié manuellement.
Avec le diff suivant :
diff: @@ -1 +1 @@
-deb https://packages.sury.org/php/ bookworm main
+deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/extra_php_version.gpg] https://packages.sury.org/php/ bookworm main
status: modified
<freetux> Je réinitialise la config d’origine ?
<M1k3> Bonjour à tous, Petite question concernant la nouvelle version de YNH 12. Je souhaite faire un test sur un RPI 4 (via une installe fresh). Si je comprends bien, il n'y a pas d'image YNH 12, il faut que j'installe la 11.2.8 et que j'upgrade après ?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> y'a une image en cours de préparation, d'ailleurs elle est "prête" mais il faudrait la tester...
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> si je te passe un lien, t'es chaud de la tester ?
<M1k3> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> si je te passe un lien, t'es chaud de la tester ?
Ah bah go ! 😉
<M1k3> Elle sera compatible RPI 3 et RPI 4 ? Si oui, je peux tester sur les deux si tu veux.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> https://image-builds.yunohost.org/rpi/yunohost_12.0.5.3_rpi-20241031.img.gz
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> oui les deux
<M1k3> Let's go ! 👍️
<M1k3> Aleks (he/him/il/lui) petite question, nickel pour accéder à l'interface web, par contre impossible de se connecter en SSH (en root) : "ssh: connect to host X.X.X.X port 22: Connection refused", c'est normal ?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmpf c'est ptete encore un coup des images officielles rpi qui désactivent le login root par défaut et faudrait qu'on le réactive
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> mais théoriquement après la postinstall ça devrait remarcher
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> mais du coup ouai idéalement faut qu'on réparer ça avant de publier l'image
<Salamandar> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> hmpf c'est ptete encore un coup des images officielles rpi qui désactivent le login root par défaut et faudrait qu'on le réactive
ou le ssh entier
<M1k3> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> mais du coup ouai idéalement faut qu'on réparer ça avant de publier l'image
Yes, je pense que ça pourrait être pas mal pour celles/ceux qui font la postinstall en shh 😉
<M1k3> Pour info, installation ok sans problème sur RPI 4, et connexion SSH impec postinstall. 👍️
<M1k3> Pour information, l'application client OpenVPN, n'est pas fonctionnelle chez moi. Que ce soit en utilisant un fichier .cube ou .conf : Unsupported file type 'application/json', expected a type among '.cube, .ovpn, .conf'.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> arf oui c'est censé être corrigé dans la prochaine version ..
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> je crois que l'update du catalogue est pétée ou un truc du genre
<M1k3> Un point étonnant, j'ai lancé une commande "sudo reboot" pour redémarré le serveur, pas d'accès en ssh à l'issue. J'ai refait un redémarrage par l'interface, et idem, toujours pas d'accès en ssh.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> mouarf ptete y'a un machin qui rebricole la config ssh x_x
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> est-ce que si tu vas voir dans le diagnostique via l'interface web ça raconte que la conf ssh aurait été modifiée ? (en bas du diagnostique genre dans configuration ou un truc du genre)
<M1k3> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> est-ce que si tu vas voir dans le diagnostique via l'interface web ça raconte que la conf ssh aurait été modifiée ? (en bas du diagnostique genre dans configuration ou un truc du genre)
Bien vu, dans l'Etat des service "Le service ssh est dead :-(". En revanche, rien dans "Configurations système", tout est ok et vert.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> hmokay et du coup y'a un log du service ?
<M1k3> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/netlibre.eu/AtYQtlDQwekpIsZhTPcQfYJi
<M1k3> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> hmokay et du coup y'a un log du service ?
Je regarde
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> "depuis presque 55 ans" 😬
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> #TotallyLegit
<M1k3> > <@Alekswag:matrix.org> hmokay et du coup y'a un log du service ?
Soucis, je n'arrive pas à afficher le log du service ssh via l'interface...
<M1k3> et comme je n'ai plus d'accès en ssh, pas possible de le sortir.
<M1k3> Je vais essayer en connexion direct
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> si tu n'y arrives pas, keskispass quand tu essaies
<M1k3> https://aria.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/netlibre.eu/WrmALqWZKJiPjLOVxcanuLSW
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> zblerg
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> eventuellement est-ce que tu sais regarder la console javascript dans ton navigateur pour voir si y'a des erreurs évidentes ?
<M1k3> J'ai 4 erreurs dans la partie "Console"
<mrT> hello after upgrading to bookworm I have problem with searxng for internal server error: something to advice?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> possibly there may be a Services under Tools > Service (maybe "uwsgi-something" or "searx" idk ...) and maybe there's some more specific error in tehre
<orhtej2> > <mrT> hello after upgrading to bookworm I have problem with searxng for internal server error: something to advice?
first approach is
sudo yunohost app upgrade searxng -F
to re-install this version, likely node_modules need a rebuild
<orhtej2> (also what Aleks said, check if the service is in failed state and if so - why)
<M1k3> > <@m1k3:netlibre.eu> J'ai 4 erreurs dans la partie "Console"
index-nua_iK50.js / core-CV69poXQ.js / index-nua_iK50.js
<rabdomant> hello after upgrading to bookworm I have problem with searxng for internal server error: something to advice?
<orhtej2> > <rabdomant> hello after upgrading to bookworm I have problem with searxng for internal server error: something to advice?
literally 2 messages above
sudo yunohost app upgrade searxng -F
<mrT> thanks a lot now searxNG is ok
<mrT> now I have problem with Vaultwarden: I'm not able to create a new user. An error has occurred.
Registration not allowed or user already exists