<jcast> Hi! 👋
How do you tweak the number of backups kept when upgrading apps? I'm trying to use only CLI
<IoMe> Good morning (for me): my synapse server does not start after the new upgrade to new stable and in the process there was a warning to make it working again but I don't remember the command. Somebody could explain, please?
<yunohelper> Hi! To help us volunteers help you, read about <a href="https://yunohost.org/en/community/help#how-to-ask-for-help">how to ask for help</a>.<br />Notably, if you are getting an error, share its <em>full</em> log by pasting here the link to the page created by the YunoPaste buttons.<br />Thank you for you patience, and thank you for using YunoHost!
<Julien> > <mrT> now I have problem with Vaultwarden: I'm not able to create a new user. An error has occurred.
> Registration not allowed or user already exists
You have to enable new signups in admin panel. You can access it through https://install_url/admin ; the admin token is in /home/yunohost.app/vaultwarden/config.json
<@claush:matrix.org> After upgrading my server to Yunohost 12.0.6 Tandoor stopped working. Seems to be a problem wit "gunicorn". Does anybody have an idea what to do? You'll find the logs here: https://paste.yunohost.org/evibulajuh
<tituspijean> @claush:matrix.orgcan you try a forced upgrade of the app to regenerate its Python environment? `sudo yunohost app upgrade tandoor -F`
<@claush:matrix.org> Oh man, forgot this step - sorry, will try it immediately!
<@claush:matrix.org> Well, that did the trick - thanks & please excuse the unnecessary question.
<tituspijean> @claush:matrix.orgno worries, this step *should* have been handled with success during the migration, and it clearly did not. Enjoy!
<@claush:matrix.org> ntfy is marked as broken - is there something i can do manually to install it without breaking anything? didn't find any hints in the forum or docs.
<orhtej2> > <@claush:matrix.org> ntfy is marked as broken - is there something i can do manually to install it without breaking anything? didn't find any hints in the forum or docs.
you can install it by acknowledging the warning with a toggle button, 'breakage' means it didn't pass the CI and judging from the [results](https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/apps/ntfy/) it's CI's fault I think
<@claush:matrix.org> Thanks. I was impressed by the warning and was to anxious to install ntfy anyway - but i'll try.
<orhtej2> > you can install it by acknowledging the warning with a toggle button, 'breakage' means it didn't pass the CI and judging from the [results](https://ci-apps.yunohost.org/ci/apps/ntfy/) it's CI's fault I think
I retract my previous statement, the app won't break your system but does not seem to install properly either
<nicofrand> Hi there. I just upgraded to 12.0.6, mainly without issues (only had to refresh the webpage a few times), great work! I now have an issue with the upgrade page: clicking the button opens a modal but this modal still has an opacity of 0 (due to `.fade:not(.show)`). Is it a known bug? I emptied my browser cache etc.
<orhtej2> > I retract my previous statement, the app won't break your system but does not seem to install properly either
I retract my retraction, the thing seems to work just fine when installed locally 🤷
<@claush:matrix.org> > I retract my retraction, the thing seems to work just fine when installed locally 🤷
It installed fine but I'm not able to log in using the credendtials given during install or using my regular login
<orhtej2> > <@claush:matrix.org> It installed fine but I'm not able to log in using the credendtials given during install or using my regular login
can you share installation logs?
<@claush:matrix.org> > can you share installation logs?
Sure - and thanks! https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/fefomepaba
<orhtej2> > <@claush:matrix.org> Sure - and thanks! https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/fefomepaba
can you try logging in with SSH, entering `ntfy` shell (`sudo yunohost app shell ntfy`) and issuing:
./ntfy.sh user change-pass <your-user-name>
<orhtej2> (to change the password for admin user, no clue if pwd was set correctly)
<@claush:matrix.org> Still not working. The problem occured after updating yunohost to 12.0.6. Couldn't log in anymore.
<@claush:matrix.org> btw, it somehow became impossible to enter a blank into the password field
<@claush:matrix.org> > can you try logging in with SSH, entering `ntfy` shell (`sudo yunohost app shell ntfy`) and issuing:
> ```
> ./ntfy.sh user change-pass <your-user-name>
> ```
> ?
Still not working. The problem occured after updating yunohost to 12.0.6. Couldn't log in anymore.
btw, it somehow became impossible to enter a blank into the password field
<tituspijean> @claush:matrix.orgwhat's "not working"?
here's what I get:
ntfy@pijean:~$ ./ntfy.sh user change-pass titus
changed password for user titus
<thatoo> There is a website hosted thanks to my_webapp and a mailchimp subscription module is recquired.
When clicking on subscribe, I get the following error in console :
`` <script> source URI is not allowed in this document: “https://domain.us13.list-manage.com/subscribe/post-jsonxxxxxxx.... ``
<thatoo> How can I allow the specific url?
I guess I have to add an nginx file in `` /etc/nginx/conf.d/domain.tld.d/my_webapp.d `` but what in this file?
<thatoo> How can I allow to POST to this specific url?
I guess I have to add an nginx file in `` /etc/nginx/conf.d/domain.tld.d/my_webapp.d `` but what in this file?
<thatoo> How can I allow to POST to this specific url which is out of domain.tld?
I guess I have to add an nginx file in `` /etc/nginx/conf.d/domain.tld.d/my_webapp.d `` but what in this file?
<@claush:matrix.org> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> @claush:matrix.orgwhat's "not working"?
> here's what I get:
> ```
> ntfy@pijean:~$ ./ntfy.sh user change-pass titus
> password:
> confirm:
> changed password for user titus
> ```
It seems as if i can change the password via command line but the newly set password doesn't work when trying to log in: i still can't login.
<tituspijean> Is it a CORS error?
<@claush:matrix.org> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> Is it a CORS error?
unfortunately I'm not savvy enough to figure it out. i run yunohost on a vps using a "real" domain name that I also use to access ntfy.
<orhtej2> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> Is it a CORS error?
I'm just getting `401` from server, no idea why
<Ilario> Bonjour, je veut installer YH12 sur mon raspberry, j'ai un souci niveau domaine. Je veut récuperer un domaine en ynh.fr que je ne emploie plus depuis quelques temp, mais je n'arrive pas a inserer le tel domaine pendant la premiére conf après installation. Si je choisi que je veut employer le domaine en ynh.fr, il me remballe ò la case départ. MErci
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> t'es pas censé mettre le recovery password pour le récupérer ?
<Ilario> > t'es pas censé mettre le recovery password pour le récupérer ?
uhmmm je trompe surement de procédure... je repart à zero, a quel moment il me demande ce mdp?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> pendant la posinstall quand tu choisis le domaine principal normalement ?
<Ilario> > pendant la posinstall quand tu choisis le domaine principal normalement ?
Bon merci je vais formater la carte sd et reprendre.
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> attends
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> en vrai il est censé te le demander aussi lors de l'ajout "classique" d'un domaine
<Ilario> alors je essaye de ajouter le domaine
<Ilario> > en vrai il est censé te le demander aussi lors de l'ajout "classique" d'un domaine
je me trompe, mais je ne comprend pas ou
<Ilario> https://linuxtrent.it:5443/upload/0179bf71e1172931f335bce2a0db2bcd94cda68e/WJYIcRyxOYsEzl0uFJ4LhMxt3V4P3IDdJIYhYe9p/domain.jpg
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> Tu dois prendre la troisieme option..
<Ilario> Merci!
<Ilario> > Tu dois prendre la troisieme option..
Je me souviens pas le mdp, maintenant je suis bloqué pour une heure, au pire je vais demander de effacer le domaine et je vais en créer un nouveau. Merci pour les infos.
<pti-jean> Par défaut, on n'avait pas de mot de passe sur le domaine...
<pti-jean> Comment éventuellement on fait pour initialiser ce mot de passe ?
<Ilario> > Comment éventuellement on fait pour initialiser ce mot de passe ?
En effet je me souviens pas de mdp, mais bon je suis assez nul alors... 😂️
<pti-jean> Aussi bien, tu ne l'as pas initialisé, comme moi!
<pti-jean> Dans ce cas, il faut désactiver le domaine... Y a un fil pour cela dans le forum!
<Ilario> > Dans ce cas, il faut désactiver le domaine... Y a un fil pour cela dans le forum!
j'ai completement raté l'histoire du mdp du domaine, bon c'est pas grave, je vais demander la désactivation du domani dans le forum
<jcast> Hi! 👋
How do you tweak the number of backups kept when upgrading apps? I'm trying to use only CLI
<jcast> I'm asking because someone told me the default is 2, but only 1 is kept in my installation.
<orhtej2> > <@jcast:matrix.org> I'm asking because someone told me the default is 2, but only 1 is kept in my installation.
it keeps the last one, keeping the existing one during the backup process (so there are 2 at one point in time)
if you need more I recommend setting up separate backup cron job or whatever, these pre-upgrade backups are lacking some data and are there mainly to roll back failed upgrades