<Xan> Hello again, my Nextcloud seems to be broken (the systemd service file disappeared). I got the data folder and the database, but impossible to install the last version of Nextcloud...
<eric_G> Xan: `Login is invalid because files already exist for this user`
<Xan> > <@ericg:matrix.org> Xan: `Login is invalid because files already exist for this user`
eric_G: Merci, oui j'ai fini par voir ça peut de temps après. Du coup j'ai désinstallé/réinstallé NextCloud vers la dernière version (j'étais en v28) + réinjection des données et de la BDD SQL : NextCloud a fait les adaptations dans la base que je lui ai réinjectée et depuis, tout semble fonctionner ;)
<Xan> En définitive, pas de "gros" souci, juste certaines applications basées sur Python qui se sont retrouvées avec des dépendances pip non-satisfaites. Synapse était non-fonctionnel hier soir, mais par chance, il y avait une MàJ à faire : elle a réparé les dépendances et permis de relancer
<eric_G> you can also try the version waiting in line: Nextcloud 30.0.2: https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/nextcloud_ynh/tree/30.0.0
<Xan> I'll see, but my YH automatically installed the v29 from the app library 🤷🏻♂️
<Xan> Does someone have the command to install the Funkwhale's python dependancies ? Looks like it can repairs the app
<tituspijean> > <@am:am-networks.fr> Does someone have the command to install the Funkwhale's python dependancies ? Looks like it can repairs the app
Would a forced-upgrade help? `sudo yunohost app upgrade funkwhale --force`
<Xan> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> Would a forced-upgrade help? `sudo yunohost app upgrade funkwhale --force`
Thanks a lot, didn't that command 😊
<Xan> > <@titus:pijean.ovh> Would a forced-upgrade help? `sudo yunohost app upgrade funkwhale --force`
tituspijean: It helps ! Funkwhale works again, thanks a lot 😁
<Xan> Aleks (he/him/il/lui) Salamandar : It worked ! No loss, just some issues with Python apps (some Python modules disappeared), YunoHost is strongly reliable 😉
<Solrac> Hello. This is kind of app-specific but does anyone know how to disable Nextcloud's Maintenence mode? I've tried using occ with php8 but it reports no file is found, or when root in /var/www/nextcloud, I get `OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)` which makes me think it's not the correct way to do it
<Salamandar> you need to pass an argument to this command to enable apcu
<Salamandar> See https://help.nextcloud.com/t/oc-memcache-apcu-not-available-for-local-cache-issue-upon-initial-setup/140117/2
<Solrac> My apologies, I found the `yunohost app shell nextcloud` command 😅
If anyone asks about this consider the following
yunohost app shell nextcloud
php occ maintenance:mode --off
<Solrac> > <@Salamandar:matrix.org> See https://help.nextcloud.com/t/oc-memcache-apcu-not-available-for-local-cache-issue-upon-initial-setup/140117/2
Oh so this is also viable? 😲
<Solrac> I now have another wonerful issue. Not sure if this is hw, or config... My server is behind a ZeroTier+OCI Reverse Proxy. I noticed that be it via ssh or now, nextcloud, if I have too many requests (file transfers) the connection would break and return a 502.
<Louis> How safe, easy, and secure is it to host my main email address on yunohost self-hosted? (and reliable, but that I guess really depends on how I manage things at home)
<PapaDragon> > How safe, easy, and secure is it to host my main email address on yunohost self-hosted? (and reliable, but that I guess really depends on how I manage things at home)
We've been hosting our family emails on a VPS for a few years. It has a YunoHost install and we never faced any major issue. Or at least not any major issue that was due to a YunoHost bug or malfunction.
<Louis> Did you put in place a special backup strategy?
<PapaDragon> Nope. We use Thunderbird on several computers, so that's our backup. Probably not the most elegant backup solution but it saved our asses the day I accidentally wiped the VPS (because I mistook it for another one)
<PapaDragon> As I also have a server at home, with some spare space, I should probably consider a more professional backup system, but I didn't take the time to think about it for the moment.