<Solrac> > <PapaDragon> > How safe, easy, and secure is it to host my main email address on yunohost self-hosted? (and reliable, but that I guess really depends on how I manage things at home)
> We've been hosting our family emails on a VPS for a few years. It has a YunoHost install and we never faced any major issue. Or at least not any major issue that was due to a YunoHost bug or malfunction.
How did you even get it to work? @u@" I never got the local mail to work (maybe due to reverse proxy?)
<Solrac> Also I noticed that Mopidy and HomeAssitant faild to connect to their websockets... Both return a 400 bad request. Is this repairable via nginx?
<ic> > How safe, easy, and secure is it to host my main email address on yunohost self-hosted? (and reliable, but that I guess really depends on how I manage things at home)
Depends how important email is to you, there is too much that can go wrong.
<@err404:matrix.numericore.com> the main issue is not "yunohost", it is "self hosted" because many mail provider will refuse your emails from your ip address
<phlip> Hi, trying to update YunoHost. Got an error message.Erreur: "500"
Action: "PUT" /yunohost/api/update/all
<phlip> The rest of the message in pink is quite big. First sentence is : "Impossible de mettre à jour le cache APT (gestionnaire de paquets Debian)."
<phlip> While processing the update, server said : "W: GPG error: https://armbian.github.io/configng stable InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 93D6889F9F0E78D5
E: The repository 'https://armbian.github.io/configng stable InRelease' is not signed."
<phlip> I checked and I could not find any file 'armbian.gpg' in /usr/share/keyrings. If I can generate one will it solve the problem ? And how can I do that ?
<cat17katze> I migrated today and cant access the webadmin anymore. with ssh it says I am not an administrator. My client saves the password and user. I did not change anything.
<phlip> Finally I solved my problem by doing the following in ssh :
<phlip> 1. recover a key for armbian with : "sudo wget https://apt.armbian.com/armbian.key -O key"
<phlip> 2. convert it and transfer it in appropriate folder with : "sudo gpg --dearmor < key | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg > /dev/null"
<phlip> 3. repair the failed update by running : "sudo dpkg --configure -a"
<cat17katze> user is not in the sudoers file.
This incident has been reported to the administrator.
<cat17katze> I cant acces anything anymore
<phlip> Solution donnée par IGOR ici https://forum.armbian.com/topic/23465-apt-get-update-fails-with-public-key-errors/page/2/
<DrPi> Hi, I'm thinking about setting up a YUNOHOST home-server. Which minimum RAM quantity is recommended with a x86-64 CPU ?
<Salamandar> It depends what you want to host :) I'd say 2GB is the bare minimum, but 4GB is good
<Salamandar> (and more is great ! That'll improve performance for softwares that leverage free RAM to keep stuff in cache)
<DrPi> Thanks for your useful answer.
<Xan> > <@cat17katze:yatrix.org> I migrated today and cant access the webadmin anymore. with ssh it says I am not an administrator. My client saves the password and user. I did not change anything.
Hi, you have migrated from 11 to 12 ?
How did you connect on the version 11 of YunoHost ?
<Solrac> Hello I have a question. I'm noticing that my nextcloud install cannot see the files in /home/yunohost.multimedia/shared/eBooks directory, but can see the /shared/Music ones. I have Calibre-Web installed as well. I wanted to sync my Calibre library with the desktop application. -- It's my understanding that I'd simply direct the library to the (Nextcloud)/Shared Multimedia/eBooks directory but;
1. The Web Client reports no files.
2. The Desktop Client returned errors that it cannot sync the files, though it **did** list them.
This sounds like a permission problem. How can I give Nextcloud access to the eBooks folder?
<Solrac> can I just give it permission from the CalibreWeb shell? (`yunohost app shell calibreweb`)
<guillaume@maguicha.fr> Hi everyone !
I just updated to yunohost 12.0.6, and it seems like my Nextcloud external storages don't work anymore.
I'm a bit confused, as I use the login/password authentication method and the exception I get is `login failed` using my own…
Please can someone help me?
Thank you!