<denisapain> zir I fix ran this as root
chattr -i /etc/cron.hourly/0
rm -rf /etc/cron.hourly/0
<denisapain> zir I fix ran this as root (it was immutable for some reason)
chattr -i /etc/cron.hourly/0
rm -rf /etc/cron.hourly/0
<philientaylor> I've gotta add more software to the YunoHost plugin listing wishlist. Omw
<miro5001> > <@philientaylor:gitter.im> I've gotta add more software to the YunoHost plugin listing wishlist. Omw
Why not learn to package them?
<eric_G> I know Christmas is coming soon but users need to stop believing that little elves are packaging wishlist apps 🤶 🎄
<philientaylor> > <@miro5001:matrix.org> Why not learn to package them?
Because when I am forced to do it myself, that's the only point I'll need to learn. I am forecasting my need for the software in YunoHost, others might want it ahead of my own pace. =)
<philientaylor> > <@ericg:matrix.org> I know Christmas is coming soon but users need to stop believing that little elves are packaging wishlist apps 🤶 🎄
What's Christmas?
<Aleks (he/him/il/lui)> an occidental social convention designed to boost consumption at the end of the year
<philientaylor> Finally, I've oriented myself to the terminology. 🥹💖 Plus you've called out Yule and Saturnalia. Nice 😁
<philientaylor> So, since this message, I had a chance to work on a self-host of YunoHost. It was two virtual machines of YunoHost beside each other, one being a primary NS and the other being a secondary. I'm still working on it. As I worked on installing the plugins and reviewing the list, I think I had an idea for what commonly gets implemented in YunoHost and what is a bit more abstract. Here's an example with two different softwares I would have added to this above list. (I suppose there's plenty I'd remove)
<eric_G> > <@philientaylor:gitter.im> What's Christmas?
I didn't know YunoHost was in use outside Earth 😂
<philientaylor> Both are headless, afaik, like Ghost can be for YunoHost. You need external apps to interface with your service. This means the plugin for YunoHost is kinda in a tailscale/Headscale/headplane situation. Do these work better as microservice plugins, where EteSync Web deserves to be installed without a self-hosted Etebase? Or must they be bundled to be relevant?
I think I felt similarly about other apps on my list. They may not have web UIs built in that are ideal for SSO like YunoHost is designed to allow. So.. I'll plan on looking into the YunoHost plugins that don't have a web frontend for the feature they install. 🤔
<philientaylor> * Ouisync - Ouisync is an e2ee file sync program that will use your own self-hosted Ouisync server or as a last resort, eQualit.ie's public Ouisync server. There's no web Ouisync afaik, just compiled apps for Android, Windows, iOS, and Linux.
* EteSync - EteSync is similar to Ouisync in that it uses a central location (Etebase) as its e2ee server of last resort, if you don't have a self-hosted one. However, EteSync syncs contacts, calendars, notes, has a webdav plugin, and specifically, **has a web-app face** that would serve as a good UI in YunoHost to demo the service provided to end users of the app.
<philientaylor> > <@philientaylor:gitter.im> I've gotta add more software to the YunoHost plugin listing wishlist. Omw
So, I mentioned EteSync and Ouisync in the thread I started in August. (if some of you use Matrix clients beside Element, you probably saw me do so unthreaded.) here's a link: https://matrix.to/#/!gvRsI7cG1o9SVr56:pijean.ovh/$286zOXJO9ItYuhjVRmKwalgnLH0GdaXmTItXBZIYRjU?via=gitter.im&via=aria-net.org&via=matrix.org
<@cam:camomail.org> > <@mtita:matrix.org> is the docs server down?
I think so, I get a 500 error
<JeremyG> hi, i need the documentation i get too 500 error